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Resistance to the laws.

--The Sherman Booth case in Wisconsin is far from ended.--In the paragraph below the Bovay mentioned is a member of the Wisconsin Legislature, who was engaged in the rescue of Booth from Deputy United States Marshal Taylor, when the mob was headed by Mr. Daniels, the State geologist. A letter from Marshal Lewis says that even the women threatened him with shovels when he went to make the arrest.--The paragraph is from the Milwaukee Democrat of the 23d inst:

Marshal Lewis arrested one Bovay (who had previously submitted himself for arrest,) at Ripon yesterday morning, and was about taking the cars when a sleigh load of citizens came up and told Mr. B. he should not go.--Bovay replied he had promised to go and go he would. After a brief altercation in regard to the matter, the citizens forcibly took the prisoner and carried him home. The United States Marshal, disconsolate and discomfited, left Ripon in disgust — making no further effort to arrest. We understand Mr. B. was indicted in the United States District Court for aiding in defeating the arrest of S. M. Booth, last fall, when hunted by the Deputy U. S. Marshal."

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Ripon, Fond Du Lac County, Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (2)
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