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General Assembly of Virginia.

[extra Session.]
Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1861.
Called to order at 12 o'clock.

Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bosserman, of the Universalist Church.

Bill Reported.--By leave, Mr. Newman reported a bill to incorporate the Jackson County Agricultural Society.

Petition.--Mr. Carraway presented the petition of citizens of Princess Anne county, praying a modification of the oyster laws.

Bank Bill.--On motion of Mr. Armstrong, the bill for the relief of the Banks of the Commonwealth was taken up.

On motion of Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, the bill was laid on the table and made the order of the day for to-morrow, at 11 o'clock.

Bills Passed.--The following bills were passed: Senate bill to incorporate the Baltimore and Fredericksburg Steamboat Company; Senate bill to authorize an issue of preferred stock by the Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Accotink Turnpike Company.

On motion of Mr. Lynch, the Senate adjourned.

House of Delegates.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1861.

The House was called to order at 11 o'clock, by Mr. Tomlin, of king William county.

Prayer by Rev. Geo. Jacobs, of the Jewish persuasion.

Bills Passed.--For the relief of the securities of James R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county; incorporating the St. Paul's Church Home; to prevent injurious competition between railroad companies in which the State is interested, and make investments of the State more productive.

Bills Reported.--The following bills were reported, viz: By Mr. Chapman, from the Committee on Roads and Internal Improvements, incorporating the Virginia Canal Company, and transferring the rights and franchises of the James River and Kanawha Company; by Mr. Haymond, from the Committee on Finance, releasing the securities of Winston Shelton, late Sheriff of Nicholas county, from the payment of damages; refunding to Isaac Shope a sum of money paid as an erroneous assessment of land; authorizing the Second Auditor to receive from the Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad Company State bonds at par, for payment of interest and dividends; refunding a sum of money, paid by the county of Middlesex for a set of weights and measures.

Petitions.--The following petition were presented: By Mr. Crane, the petition of Jacob W. Marshall and 4 others praying the passage of a bill transferring the Huttonsville and Huntersville Turnpike to the counties through which the road passes — referred to the Committee on Roads; by Mr. Bentley, the petition of certain officers and privates of the 57th Regiment of Virginia Militia, asking compensation for certain companies of said regiment for services rendered by them during the John Brown raid — referred to Committee on Military Affairs; by Mr. Morris, the remonstrance of James Garvin and others, against the repeal of the Road law in Marshall county--referred to Committee of Propositions and Grievances; by Mr. Robertson, the petition of the field and staff officers of the 4th Regiment of Cavalry, for the removal of the remains of General Henry Lee--referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Resolutions.--The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were presented and referred: By Mr. Harrison, of refunding to A. F. Lindsay a certain sum of money paid by him on account of an erroneous assessment of his property, in the county of Rockingham, and of correcting the assessment thereof; by Mr. Frost, of incorporating the Jackson County Agricultural Society; by Mr. Newlon, of refunding to Robt. W. Tomlin, of Hanover county, the sum of $37.39 improperly paid for taxes.

On motion, the House adjourned.

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Robert W. Tomlin (2)
Winston Shelton (1)
Robertson (1)
Newman (1)
Newlon (1)
Morris (1)
Jacob W. Marshall (1)
Lynch (1)
A. F. Lindsay (1)
Henry Lee (1)
George Jacobs (1)
Haymond (1)
Harrison (1)
James Garvin (1)
Frost (1)
Robert L. Dickinson (1)
Crane (1)
James R. Courtney (1)
Chapman (1)
Carraway (1)
Bosserman (1)
Bentley (1)
Armstrong (1)
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February 19th, 1861 AD (2)
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