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1861. Negro Hiring. 1861.

The subscriber again offers his services to his friends and public at large as an Agent in the city of Richmond, to Hire Out Negroes, Rent Out Houses, Sell Real and Personal Estate, and transact any other business embraced in a General Agency.

His long experience in Negro Hiring, added to an extensive acquaintance with the citizens of Richmond and its vicinity, he hopes will enable him as heretofore, to give entire satisfaction to all who may entrust their negroes to his care.

Every effort will be made to procure good homes and fair prices for all sent to him. Ample arrangements have been made to have them well cared for the hired out.

He has practiced medicine for more than twenty years, and will, to avoid medical bills as far as possible, prescribe in all simple cases without charge. Much has been saved the present year by that course.

Persons intending to patronize him will please notify him of such intention immediately.

Ro. B. Lyne,
Office in Basement Metropolitan Hall, de 18--d1m Franklin street, Richmond, Va. se 18--d1m

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1861 AD (2)
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