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"The Bulls and Bears."

--It has already been stated that a combination exists in Wall street to bully the Border States into the support of Lincoln's policy. This is more fully exposed in the financial article of the New York Day Book, April 17:

The boys of Wall street believe all the silly stories about the poverty of the South, told by the abolition papers. Virginia State 6's tumbled down to 50, a fall of 12 to 13 per cent, against yesterday, and yet it is easy to foresee that if the Union is divided, as Lincoln evidently wants if to be, Virginia will be what New York State now is, While New York city will become like Portland and Boston, a mere provincial town. The brokers of Wall street know no more of the laws of commerce than they do of belles letters. All the other Border State stocks have tumbled.--Perhaps it will scare the people of those States to submit to Lincoln's subjugatory army — and then perhaps it won't.

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