War matters.
Northern accounts of war movements — Federal Telegrams, &c., &c.papers of Friday last, we following:
here this morning vicinity of Leesburg, and very large force is being just now — according to we doubt, all the army of of allegiance, and to support the and Government of the United States Monday last administered to the subordinates of the Coast by Justice Galian. week the available force from its month to doubled quite. We the nerves of the New that are having prospect that the enemy are a large army over the river of that department, has to be the Brigadier-General of Major Symington, of the one of its two Colonels, and to be its Lieutenant except Major John E. Lee, who in the discharge of the and Judge Advocate General. Alexandria coming to Washington require passes to that end; from all persons passing Washington down to Alexandria, by bridge or boat. Alexandrian, themselves much trouble return passes from the proper their own town are coming to (Md.) stage was stopped bridge this morning, on and brought back to this city.-- including letters to said to have been found. the occupants of the coach and the under arrest here, and the stage to go on about two o'clock P. M., the remaining passengers, accompany mounted guard service our lines. steamer Baltimore came up bringing up about two hundred down on a cruise of along the Eastern Shore.-- of any consequence, and returned to the garrison. came up on the steamer with Government stores for The Columbia also brought up of Alexandria, before last off Chickamuxen, she was bound for a took her to the where officer sent her up with the night. She had three persons Captain Laycock and two boys, and John Mitchell. are now about fifteen colored quartered is one of the rooms of the Navy-Yard, who are with provisions from the store house one of their number assisting in his duties. Six of the have gone on board the steam capacities, and are nowcolumn.
Aug. 18.--So quietly of Gen. that we in Harper's Ferry of it until Sunday, when we the appearance of about secession cavalry. were again obliged to leave I had to cross the Potomac above Harper's Ferry, side of the river only three Regiment, as far as when the which accounts for the on the other side. cavalry, however, knew the the case. chance to leave Harper's Ferry Sunday evening shot had been cavalry, the houses, and the Federal heights. One of off his horse in High brazen by a shot from the one of their horses' legs was of Winchester is issuing 25 which are in circulation county.Aug. 21.--Major General a grand review and inspection this belonging to the garrison. understanding as to the two years men, which has caused so is now passing away, and those in consequence of are now for the most to return to duty.
"contraband" goods in Maryland.
The first of the seizure of a lot of goods from with their , by the Federal, on the 15th inst., has been noticed.--The Lancaster (Pa.) Express, an aboltion . are Albert Brummel, of Baltimore and Chas. Brogden, colored, from The former was born in Carolina , where his persons still live, a traveling agent for the firm of house in New York, of Baltimore.-- the following statement; Mr. Thos. Jonas came $4,976, which he was and with the money to and have them sent to the Maryland , where the said Jones would have them across the river, into Virginia. The goods are marked "John Hardesty, ," also one trunk and are heavy quantities quinine, opium, and all drugs of war, which were & Co., of Baltimore, of Philadelphia, under the name of "D. " The trunk contained quantities of and blue silk, red, white and red, gold fringe, braid, a "all of which were purchased & Co., Philadelphia. The bill from this house was out were a number of copies of the battle of Bull Run, which amusing. His carpet beg clothing, New York and Baltimore and a number of letters to in Richmond, Fair He has nothing of a about him, and $136.68, found in his pocket book, were taken care of and sealed in his . They left Baltimore this morning by and crossed the Annapolis five miles from Baltimore, soon from this point to "Phelps" and very sandy. The pilot was a man by the name of Magee's stables in but, on seeing the pickets, he the woods, through biders and and though pursued for an hour was not caught. The difficult travel necessary for the city for extra means of where he picked up Brogden, and wagon. Of course, Mr. by the way, in a grocery Richmond, Va., will according to expectation.-- a man of intelligence, and freely all his connection with the . He resides at Baltimore, is a married man, and taken care of and provided for from our hands by Gen. . The appreciate the unfortunate which he has fallen, and is downing. His investment was rather insecure.-- is position will be made of the drugs, and wagons, and last though not prisoners, we cannot say; but there enough here to feed a detachment for time to come. The arrest was of Company G., Captain Chester county, command of a corporal of Company B, Infantry Capt. McPherson. The was sent to Fort McHenry on Saturday in care of Mr. Oleigh, of Companies.of Bilnots, has issued a announcing that he will accept which shall report within . In the course of this call he traitors are searching upon personal Capital to tear down the flag which Washington planted upon its dome, for eighty-five years, has waved to the cattle and the breeze — the emblem of our national sovereignty and the proud ensign of our national greatness and renown. meet them, never giving ground, never yielding an inch, till the jubilant shouts of triumph shall go up from all our charging and all our victorious legions. Let there be so compromise till the last traitor shall lay down his arms and sue for peace. , we are soon to make a record for our State. Each State will be justly emulous to inscribe her name higher on the scroll of fame which the historian of this war has already commenced to write. Shall not the star which answers to Illinois be brightest in the galaxy of the thirty-four? On many field of glory she has written an imperishable record of her prowess, and while the names of her Hardin, her Bissell, her Shields, and her Baker, and the gallant men around then remain, her fame is secure."
Movements of the Southern privateers.
A letter dated Ponce, Porto Rico, August 6th, gives the particulars of the arrival of the privateer Jeff. Davis in that port. She mounted five guns and had sixty men on board.--Ten men were sent ashore for provisions, but they not being allowed to land, the privateer was compelled to go in under the twenty-four hours neutrality rule of the Queen of Spain. The Captain General sent the war steamer Herman Cortez outside the harbor to see that she obeyed, as well as to watch her subsequent movements. The rebel captain boasted that he had taken six prizes, and was then about to look after a New York vassal with specie on board. He had boarded the Baltimore brig Frances Jane and given to her commander a formidable looking protection paper, having a Secession flag in one corner which will pass him free from all privateers Baltimore, he said, was a privileged port with them. An American war vessel, supposed to be the Keys one State, looked into Ponce harbor on the 4th inst., and immediately putting on full headway of steam, stood towards St. Thomas. The privater Sumter had also been off Ponce. We have also reports of the chasing of the schooner Joseph W. Webster and the bark Cordella by privateers. The two vessels have just arrived at Yew York. From the market report of G. A. Phillips, Niles & Co., St. Thomas, W. I., July 20th, we learn that they had received news of the arrival of the privateer Jeff. Davis at S. Juan, at Porto Rico, on July 26, the overhauling of American vessels by the privateer Echo, about two hundred miles to the northwest; a privateer schooner cruising in latitude 24 longitude 60.20, and the arrival of the privateer steams Sumter at Curacoa. At Mayagnes, Porto Rico, on the 1st inst., a report was in circulation that the privateer brig Echo had arrived at St. Johns about two weeks previous, and after procuring a supply of water and provisions, had sailed. One of her officers had stated that they had taken seven prizes, but the names of them had not been ascertained at Mayagnes. The Jeff. Davis was at St. Johns, Porto Rico, July 20th, took in wood and water, and proceeded to sea the next day, where she lays on and off the island, supposed to be waiting for a bark expected from the United States with a cargo of provisions. The authorities of the island sent to her and ordered her off--Capt. Day, of the British brig J. W. Johnson, arrived at New York on Wednesday from A. roye, Porto Rico, reported seeing a vessel Crooked Island passage which he is pretty certain was her. Captain Roberts, of the Cordella, at New York, also reports that while at St. Thomas intelligence was received there from Port Spain, Trinidad, to the effect that the privateer Sumter had put into that port to coal, and also to land the captain of the bark Joseph Maxwell, of Philadelphia, which vessel was taken as a prize by the Sumter off Porto Cabello. The U. S. steamer Hoystone State, Scott, commander, sailed from St. Thomas on the 8th instant in search of privateers. Mr. Henry Knowles, master of the schooner Transit, of New London, Connection, which was captured off Hatteras Inlet, on the of June, by the rebel steamer Winslow, arrived in New York on Wednesday from Liverpool, in the British steamship Edinburg. After their capture, Capt. K. and crew, (three in number, two having joined the privateer,) were taken to Newbern, N. C., where they were discharged on parole. Fortunately they were enabled to ship on a New Orleans vessel at Wilmington, N. C., bound to Liverpool, and from thence reached New York.An Irish view — the Black horse cavalry supposed to be negroes.
[From the Getaway Vindicator, Aug. 27.] The long-expected battle has at last been fought between the Northerns and Southern in the fratricidal contest being waged in America, and the result is astounding. No one who took a calm, considerate view of the position and resources of the Secessionists, that did not express his belief that sooner or later terms would have to be come — that if the Southern persisted in seceding from the Union, the Northerns, no matter how they might bluster and brag, would be unable to compel submission. Hence, the best friends of America wished for a peaceful solution or the question. But the Northern blood was up, the Yankee spirit was aroused, the "lick creation" style was adopted in the press and on the platform, and volunteers rushed with enthusiasm to the Union standard, and in such numbers that one would imagine the South would succumb without striking a blow. But nathless the great bluster, the contemptible swagger and ridiculous bombast, the Northern army, in its first encounter, has suffered one of the most humiliating defeats recorded in history. As an army, they were completely annihilated. It would appear they had neither discipline nor drill. They ran off in the most cowardly manner, throwing their arms and ammunition and accoutrements behind them. No doubt, when we hear full details, we shall find that in the hurry of that unfortunate rabble, (for it could not be called an army,) many were trampled to death. We give the most ample details of this great carnage yet received, and the accounts are furnished by the correspondents of the New York journals, who fully and fairly admit the terrible reverse sustained by Gen. Scott. The Sixty-ninth fought brilliantly and suffered most severely. If during and courage and the ready sacrifice of life, could have gained the victory, the Sixty-ninth would have accomplished it single-barded. But, arrange to say, it would appear a cavalry company of " niggers"--volunteers fighting for the perpetuation of their own slavery — occasioned the panic amongst the Northern army. The Northerns had no cavalry, were completely unprepared for a campaign, and, except the Sixty-ninth regiment, behaved like poltroops. The officers were incapable. The Generals appear to have been ignorant of the science of war. The soldiers had neither courage nor humanity; for in their tumultuous flight they left their wounded companions to die on the roadside, although the most piteous and hear rending appeals were made for succor by the poor sufferers. The South has always produced the best and ablest men. The Southern Generals seem to have had a plan of action. The Northerns were the invaders — the Southerns were prepared to meet them. Jefferson Davis is himself a soldier, and commanded in person.--General Beauregard is said to be one of the cleverest captains of the age, and Gen. Johnston, whose timely approach, like Brucher at Waterloo, decided the fortunes of the day, is one of the most popular commanders in America. At four o'clock several masked batteries, till then concealed, opened on the Northerns, who were shot down by unseen foes.--The centre of the Northern line gave way, a panic seized the entire army, they took flight, and became one complete disorganized rabble; fled, leaving wagons, rifle cannon commissariat, tents, and 26,000's and of arms on the field. In vain did their General endeavor to rally them. Such ignominious conduct, such cowardliness, such disregard of manly feeling, or such inhumanity, was never exhibited on any battle field. The poor wounded were galloped over by the retreating native Americans. Several were taken prisoners, and it is to be hoped many of the missing Sixty-ninth are amongst them. Soldiers like Beauregard will treat them as brave men ought to be treated. To the Northerns the battle at Bull Run has not only been a defeat, but a disaster and a disgrace.--To Irishmen the reflection that our exiled fellow-countrymen are on both sides, is melanancholy. The son of John Mitchell may have crossed words with Thomas Francis Meagher.Yankee accounts of Affairs in Missouri.
Ironton, Mo., Aug. 20.
--General Prentiss has been assigned to the command of the division embracing Cape Girardeau and Bird's Point. General Grant has been ordered to Jefferson City.
The Confederates on the St. Francis river are said to be 20,000 strong.
Glasgow, Mo., Aug. 21.--About fifteen hundred Secessionists have assembled in Salina county, and are organizing either to join General Price's army in the South or for local operations in the surrounding counties.
In view of the latter purpose, the Union citizens at that place have sent to General Fremont for protection.
Some thousand or more Secessionists of Chariton county crossed the Missouri river at Brunswick on Saturday, and marched Southward to join General Price's forces in the Southwest.
They took a great number of horses and wagons with them.
Jefferson City, Mo., August 21.--An extra train arrived here last night bringing the scouting party put off the train which was fired into yesterday.
They report having killed two and wounded several of the Secessionists, and bring in five prisoners.
Governor Gamble has appointed division inspectors in five of the seven military districts in the State, for the purpose of mustering men into service under the militia law of 1859, reserved by the State Convention.
The Governor calls upon the citizens to come forward promptly to sustain the peace, by the suppression and dispersion of the armed bands of men who are now committing violence in the different parts of the State.
As soon as troops are enrolled they will hold themselves in readiness to march at the call of the Executive to enforce order.
Any regular organization will be permitted to volunteer in the service of the United States if the members so desire.
The following is the form of oath to be administered to the militia:
"You, each and every one of you, do solemnly swear that you will honestly and faithfully serve the State of Missouri against all her enemies, and that you will do your utmost to sustain the Constitution and the law of the United States and of this State; and you do further swear that you will truly execute and obey the legal orders of all officers property placed over you while on duty, so help you God."
Another dispatch, dated Canton Copper Mines, Mo., Aug. 20th, speaks of the arrival there of a sergeant of U. S. Dragoons, who had escaped from the "rebels" and who reported that "Ben McCulloch was mortally wounded and died the morning after the battle; that his body was placed in a tin-lined coffin, which was filled with whiskey, and sent Southward!!" The sergeant also reported that Gen. Price was badly wounded.
It would be difficult to find a tissue of more palpable lies.
From Alexandria.
Alexandria, Aug. 22.
--Yesterday, through the exertions of Major Lemon, commanding the Guard here, Miss Windle, formerly of Delaware, but more recently of Philadelphia, and a correspondent of the Southern press was arrested in the act of leaving for Washington by the steamboat.
She is a highly educated lady, and the authoress of several works published while she resided in Philadelphia, among which was a legend of the Wildness, also "A Visit to Melrose," Miss Windle has resided here for the past month, where her movements have been closely watched.
She boldly avowed her secession proclivities, and made no secret of her correspondence with the leaders of the Confederate army.
After a hearing, she was sent to Washington.
Augustus Schaffer, of Gloucester, N. J., belonging to Capt. Towns' Philadelphia Company of Cavalry, was severely wounded in the head yesterday, by a pistol ball, while out with a scouting party towards Fairfax Court-House.
This has been an eventful day with the military men in the Department of Alexandria, caused by a review of the division by Gen. McClellan and his staff.
The customary salute was fired, and the new General expressed himself as highly pleased with the condition of the troops.
The new order in relation to passes between here and Washington is now rigidly enforced much so the inconvenience of those who are unable to prove their loyalty.
A large number of Alexandrian were unable to return some to-night, as Provost Marshal Porter, of Washington, requires all receiving passes to be personally vouched for as Union men.
The safety of the Capital.
Washington, August 22.
--A feeling of security pervades our entire community, both in the south and business relation.
The reports, therefore, that our citizens are panic-struck, and that men, women and children are fleeing from the city, are positively untrue.
[A Federal telegram; accuracy not vouched for.]
Some apprehensions existed several days ago, but this was soon quieted by the measures of the Administration to guard against all possible contingencies.
The feints of the Confederates on the line of the Potomac are now better understood; and military men whose opinions are entitled to great respect, say that, even with the ordinary dependence on raw troops, they would desire nothing better than for Johnston or Beauregard to attempt that part of the Confederate programme which contemplates an advance towards Washington.
Many absurd stories are, from time to time, prop gated by persons active in causing dissensions among our troops, and among the latest is, that General Johnston has crossed the Potomac.
Special inquiry at the proper source to-day warrants a positive contradiction.
It is certain no such information has reached the headquarters of the army.
Another dispatch from Washington, of the same date, says: ‘
The Navy Department has had the Maryland shore of the lower Potomac carefully examined.
The expedition was under the direction of Major Reynolds, of the Marine Corps.
They landed at three different points and occurred the surrounding country, but discovered no signs of hostility, nor anything to capture or destroy. ’
Arrest of Baltimorean in Harrisburg.
Harrisburg, Aug. 21.
--Thos. J. Carson, W. M. Pegram and W. J. Kelly, alleged Secessionists, were arrested by the police to-day, on the authority of a dispatch to Governor . They crossed into Maryland from Virginia, three miles above Williamsport, and came via Chambersburg to this place.
At the hearing before Mayor Kepner, Pegram exhibited a pass signed by Secretary Seward, Carson one signed by Jas. Cooper, both of which were dated nearly two months back.
Their persons and papers were closely examined, and the of Pegram's search was a number of tetters from Virginians to their friends in Maryland, also one to Judge Brewer, of Annapolis.
On Carson's person were found passes from Confederate officers.
He claims to own property in Virginia.
One of them had on a new style of shirt, with a pocket in its skirt, containing a number of letters and a large quantity of Confederate States money.
They were committed to jail, to await orders from Washington.