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The Hunting season.

--The public mind is so much occupied with the war that it has no thought for the partridges. The huntsmen, too, have all gone off to fire at the enemy, who seem to be as hard to bring down on the wing as the birds, if we may judge from the Bull Run races. If there should be another fight in that direction shortly, by-the-by, we hope General Johnston will have a pack of greyhounds ready. It is the only way to catch a Yankee.

But, as we were saying, huntsmen are scarce, and shot sells very high; so the birds are likely to be little disturbed this season. So it is a very ill wind that blows nobody any good. We hear, however, of a few, above the age for military service, who are getting ready to take the field, not of Mars, but of Diana. The birds, we learn, are very small, and we hope they will not be disturbed until they get older and the weather gets colder. A partridge ought not to be shot before the first day of November.

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