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Latest Southern news.

the landing of the enemy on Tybee Island — the enemy upon the Louisiana Coast — the Blockaders off Texas, &c.

We continue from our first page extracts clipped from the latest Southern exchanges which have come to hand:

The landing of the enemy on Tybee Island.

We have already noticed, under our telegraphic head, the fact that the Yankees had effected a landing on Tybee Island. The Savannah Republican publishes a letter from Fort Pulaski, direct, dated November 25, from which we make the following extract:

‘ The enemy appeared around Tybee point about eleven o'clock, A. M., yesterday. The sentinel reported them and the assembly was beat; we were ordered to the guns; there we awaited them. The enemy, composed of a frigate and one gun-boat, rounded the point and commenced throwing shot and shell on Tybee. Not having received a reply, they dispatched the gun-boat for more vessels. About 4 o'clock, the gun-boat came back with two more very large vessels; soon after, a long train of small boats was seen to leave the vessels and head for the shore. About 6 o'clock, the Federal flag was seen flying on Tybee Island. About 7 o'clock at night, Captain Read, of the Irish Volunteers, took a squad of his men and went over to the island and got in sight of the Yankees; he could see them all around the-fire; but finding that he could not effect his object, which was to burn the large hospital, there being too many men around the house, he returned and burnt all the houses on his way, including Captain King's large house, also the platform where the boat lands. They also brought off an old negro, the property of Mr. King, whom the picket had left. He is now at the fort.

This morning the Federal flag could be seen flying on the light-house.

There are three large vessels off the point now, and another gun-boat has just arrived.

The island is naturally protected by large sand hills, which could have protected our men from the shells of the enemy.

I think a thousand men could whip them off the island in two hours. The enemy have a foothold on all the Southern States, bordering on the Atlantic, but I think they have gained very little by taking Tybee Island. I do not think they can get enough rice and cotton on Tybee to pay the cost of the expedition, as they say they did at Port Royal.

Captain S. has gone out to burn down some fisherman's huts on the island.

We have plenty of ammunition and men, and we defy them to come in range of our guns — we will show them the difference between taking Port Royal and Fort Pulaski.

Latest from Tybee.

From the Savannah News, of the 28th, we extract the following:

‘ The steamer Ida arrived from Fort Pulaski at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, having left at 2 o'clock. Capt. Circopely reports six Federal vessels still inside the bar. Five more vessels, supposed to be transports, arrived yesterday noon; and can be seen outside the bar, making eleven vessels in all now in sight of Fort Pulaski. From their movements it was thought the vessels outside would come in over the bar last evening.--The vessels inside lie at anchor about four miles from the fort, and out of the reach of our guns One, a large frigate, can be seen from the Exchange and the balconies of the stores on the bluff.

Between 10 and 11 o'clock yesterday morning, a party of Yankee troops, armed with muskets, were observed from the fort advancing along the beach towards King's landing. Two or three round shot and shell were fired at them from the fort. When the first shell was fired, the Yankees prostrated themselves on the ground; after the second shell burst over them they arose and fled to the cover of the woods. They afterwards appeared on the beach, out of the reach of the guns of the fort. It is not known whether any of them were hit by our shot and shell, but those who saw the bursting of the shells, which made the sand fly in their immediate vicinity, are under the impression that they were not entirely harmless. It is said the Yankees made Bull Run time to the woods.

The enemy upon the Louisiana Coast — attack upon an Unarmed party.

A correspondent of the Civic Guard, Honma, Terrabonne parish, La., gives an account of the treatment received by a party of gentlemen on Caillon Island, from a number of the enemy belonging to the blockading squadron. We make the following extract:

‘ A party of gentlemen, consisting of Dr. D., Mr. K., and Mr. G., of Issaquah county, Mississippi, and Dr. R., of Terrebonne, with a pilot and two negro servants, left for Caillon Island on the 13th inst., partly for pleasure, but principally in search of health.--After spending a few days at ‘"Campment Mulatre,"’ luxuriating on the choice fish abounding on the seacoast, and shooting duck, ship, plover, etc., we proceeded to the island on the 15th. Arriving there, we hastily unloaded our craft, and carried our baggage to the vacant houses, intending to select one for our use during our stay.

When within fifty yards of Mr. Henry Collins's house we discovered on the beach, some hundred yards distant, a party of armed men, twenty-five in number, approaching us, in much confusion, with a white flag fastened to a bayonet. Seeing there was no possibility of escape, we concluded it best to put on a bold face and meet them fearlessly. Our party advanced to the beach, and halting, the armed party came up and shook hands with much apparent cordiality. Being so cordial in their greeting, one of our party remarked that they could not be Lincolnites or they would not be so friendly. Taking them for a party of Capt. Dardan's Coast Guard, we asked if they were. They replied that they Belonged to an English vessel anchored outside. We soon found, however, that they were Lincoln men, and that we were, in all probability, in for one of Lincoln's boarding-houses.

They were very communicative — said they had loaded two of their boats with beef, slaughtered from Madame Claiborne Thibodaux's stock on the island; that when their present supply gave out they would get more of it. They said that Lincoln was played out; that they were all Bell men, and fighting for the Union; and that of the 300 men on the steam vessel and schooner outside, not one was an abolitionist.

After a hasty council of war we determined to reship our baggage and leave the island. We did not carry it into execution one moment too soon, as we had just got aboard of our boat when a body of men, who hastily advanced to the house, and not finding us, but saw our best pushing out from the shore, started for the landing at Bull Run speed with a white flag flying. Reaching the landing they sent a shot over our heads, but finding we heeded neither their shot nor flag, they sent a volley at us. The Lincolnites continued their fire by platoons with great rapidity, until they had sent 100 or more balls at us. One ball striking the stern, ricocheted in fearful proximity to the gentlemen in the stern, a sort of ‘"hark from the tomb a doleful sound"’ music, not particularly agreeable to them. Their last volley struck about 200 yards ahead, and we were about half a mile distant. Concluding, probably, we were out of range, they ceased firing.

The Blockaders off the Texas Coast — an exchange of shots.

We copy the following from the Galveston News:

Capt. A. A. Tomlinson, from Velasco, informs us that about 3 P. M., on Friday last, the schooner Sam Houston, cruising from the eastward, sailed up within a mile of the fort at Velasco and fired a 12 pounder, the ball passing over and but a few feet above the left corner of the fort, and striking a log in the river beyond. The shot was immediately returned from the fort by an 18 pounder, the ball passing a little to the left or stern of the schooner, when she immediately turned to get out or the way, raising the United States flag at the same time. Four other shots were fired at her from the fort, all of which were line shots, the first striking the water short of the schooner and ricocheting, and apparently hitting her; the third, fourth, and fifth shots fell short, and probably did no damage, as she was now too far off.

Things in Northern Kentucky--heavy reinforcements of the Yankees.

The Louisville Courier, of the 26th November, contains the following:

‘ Movements at Louisville and elsewhere unmistakably indicate a speedy advance move of the Yankees in overwhelming numbers.

For some ten days past two or three regiments have arrived at Louisville daily and been sent forward towards Bowling Green.

Gen. Bull Nelson's command has been withdrawn from Prestonsburg to the mouth of Sandy, whence it was taken to Louisville by steamboats. The Wildcat and Camp Dick Robinson troops seem to be concentrating about Danville and Crab Orchard.

Arrest of a Lincoln recruiting officer.

The Bowling Green, Kentucky, special correspondent of the Memphis Argus, writing under date of November 23, says:

‘ A man named Bartow made his appearance at the office of the Provost Marshal yesterday for the purpose of procuring a passport to Allen county and was arrested and placed in jail. Bartow has been a Lincoln recruiting officer, for which service he acknowledges to have received two dollars and fifty cents for each recruit secured. Upon making application for the passport, he stated that a party of one hundred were to have a ‘"squirrel stew and soup entertainment"’ in Allen county yesterday, and that he wanted to be on hand. A company of cavalry were

forthwith dispatched as invited guests to partake of the sumptuous repast to be prepared, and, should they arrive in time, their appearance will undoubtedly faciltate, if not mar, the promised pleasure of those who may be compelled to take a ‘"hasty plate of soup."’

Texas items.

From the compilation of Texas news in the Houston Telegraph, of the 20th ult., we take the following items:

‘ The Seguin Confederacy says that at the late term of the district court in that county, Jack, a slave of A. Ward, of Guadalupe county, who had been convicted of murder a year ago, was sentenced to be hung on Friday, the 13th of December.

’ The Confederacy has the following nut for Abolitionists:

‘ "The case of Charity, a free negro, and her five children, who had petitioned the court to enter voluntary slavery for life, was also disposed of, and our fellow-townsman, Geo. B. Hollamon, became the lucky recipient and owner of six as likely slaves as could be found in any country. Another strong and convincing proof of the folly of those negro freedom seekers of the North, that after forty odd years of freedom, as in the case of Charity, rather than go North and still be free, chose to remain in the South in voluntary slavery for life."

"Parson" Brownlow.

A notice having been copied in this paper, from the Memphis Avalanche, that ‘"Parson Brownlow had left Knoxville with thirteen guns, and was a sympathizer in the Union movement in that quarter,"’ as an act of justice we copy the following disclaimer, which he has lately had published:

‘ I have never, at any time, left Knoxville or elsewhere with any guns, nor have I had any guns to furnish to others. I left Knoxville about three weeks ago, on horseback, to try and collect some fees due me for advertising in the adjoining counties of Blount and Sevier, and stated to different persons where I was going and what my business was.

As it regards the bridge burning, I have no knowledge of the guilty parties, and I never had any intimation from any quarter of any such purpose until I heard the next day that the outrage had been perpetrated. I condemn the burning most unqualifiedly, as an unadvised measure, and I am not a sympathize in any such movement. And had a knowledge of any such purpose come to me, I would have felt bound in honor and all good conscience to have made the fact known to the chief officers of the railroads.

I voluntarily signed a communication to Gen. Zollicoffer, weeks ago, together with fifteen or twenty other gentlemen, pledging ourselves to promote peace, and to urge Union men not to rebel, to take up arms, or to commit any outrages whatever. That document was published in all the Tennessee papers. I signed it in good faith, and I have kept that faith. Wm. G. Brownlow

President Davis's Fast day in Louisville.

The Louisville (Bowling Green) Courier, on the 26th, learns from a gentleman just from Louisville, that the day set apart by President Davis for fasting and prayer was quit generally observed by the Southern-Right citizens of Louisville. Our informant saw procession of Sunday school children that day, and he was quite surprised that they were not arrested by the Yankee authorities there. Public service was held in one of the churches, at which the Louisville Democrat was exceedingly indignant, and gave vent to its rage in its usual supply of billingsgate.

A spy hung in Texas.

The Sherman (Texas) Journal says:

‘ An old gray-haired sinner, named Jas. Z. Bell, a member of one of the Red river companies, was recently hung as a spy. It was also proved on the trial that he was a bigamist, having a short time since married a young girl in Red River county, while he had a wife living. Another scoundrel, named Wm. Esry a member of Capt. Brinston's company, of Tarrant county, was hung at the camp for attempting to commit a rape. This is the same fellow who shot a young lady it Hopkins county, about a year ago, because she would not consent to maary him.

A skirmish at Buckingham, S. C.

The Charleston Courier, of the 28th ult., says:

‘ We learn that a slight skirmish took place at Buckingham last Saturday, between some of our troops and a party of the invaders who attempted to land at the above place.--The enemy were driven off, our men pouring on them a destructive volley of rifle shot.--The enemy threw one shell among our men, wounding one, but not seriously.

Strength of the Mississippi Federal Gun boats

The Memphis Appeal, of the 23d ult., says:

‘ We learn that a trial of one of the new Federal gun-boats was made at Cairo three or four days since by firing thirty-two pounders at it. It is alleged that those heavy missiles made no impression on its iron-clad sides whatever.

A good joke.

A Knoxville correspondent of the Nashville Garette gets off the following as having occurred in East Tennessee: A fellow named Kates, a Baptist preacher, living in Sevier county, mistaking our forces for Federals, cheered lustily for Lincoln. Invited the boys to meal with him. After partaking of his Lincolnite hospitality, he was requested to go to Knoxville; he declined; but they pressed their invite on him so urgently that he was constrained to go. The old devil is now it. jail. A good joke.

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