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Latest Northern News.
searching a Secession lady — a Romantic Affair.
Hon. Alfred Ely in New York.
&c., &c., &c.,

Our advices from the North are to the 4th inst., Several very interesting items from Northern papers of that date have already been telegraphed for the Dispatch from Norfolk, by our special correspondent at that place; but the following summary will be found quite interesting. We copy from the New York Herald:

‘ A Romantic Affair — attempt of A Secession lady to communicate with her lover — her Purpose Poiled — she is Searched and Dispossessed of various letters.

’ The following interesting particulars of the arrest and searching of a Secession lady who took passage from Old Point to Baltimore in order to communicate with her lover, a citizen of Baltimore, we copy from the Fortress Monroe correspondent of the New York Herald, under date of December 30:

‘ On the steamboat Georgiana, Capt. Peirson, plying between Old Point and Baltimore, an episode happended while making her usual trip on Saturday night from here, which nipped some of Jeff. Davis's operations in the bud. Among some ladies coming from Norfolk by flag of truce, was one masculine looking woman, registered as Mrs. Baxley, who said she was bound to Baltimore. Capt. Phineas A. Davis, our efficient Provost Marshal, eyed this woman with suspicion, and communicated his distrust to his assissant, Chas. W. Brigham, who runs regularly on the Georgiana.--When the flag of truce came up it was almost time for the departure of the Baltimore boat, and in consequence of that no strict examination of the passengers' effects could be had at that time.

The baggage, letters, &c., of the passengers were found correct, and the boat was allowed to proceed. Mrs. Baxley appeared gay on the passage, and at the breakfast table the next morning she made some remarks which attracted the attention of Mr. Brigham, who asked her jocosely whether she was a secessionist? To which she answered ‘"Yes."’ After the gang-plank was run out the boat having landed at Baltimore, Mrs. Baxley was heard to say that she thanked God that she had arrived home safe," and when about stepping ashore Mr. Brigham tapped her on the shoulder and requested her attendance in the ladies' cabin,

As soon as the room was reached she took off her bonnet, between the lining of which was found upwares of fifty letters sewed in, and she exclaimed that, having been found out, she thought it best to deliver over the ‘"contrabands"’ and be allowed to proceed on her way. But Mr. Brigham insisted upon it that she had others, when in her shoes and stockings numerous other letters were also found. The lady was hereupon closely guarded until the Provest Marshal of Baltimore was informed of the circumstance, when he at once sent a lady to examine Mrs. Baxley with more security.

Almost every possible place about her clothing was filled with leters from Secessia for rebel sympathizers in Baltimore; but in her corsets was found a document which, when taken by the lady examining the smuggler, Mrs. Baxley rushed at her, and getting hold of the paper, tore it in two. The lady examiner rushed at Mrs. B., at the same time calling assistance. Mr. Brigham, who stood outside while the operation was going on, rushed into the saloon and found Mrs. Baxley hors du combat,but vanquished, and the document, though torn, in the possession of the Provost Marshal's Aid.

The document proved to be a commission from Jeff. Davis to a Dr. Septimus Brown, of Baltimore, also passes and direction for him to run the Federal blockade, in order to gain the rebel domains. The other documents in the keeping of this female smuggler proved to be a treasonable correspondence, and by this time some of the iniplicated parties are closely watched, if not already immured in a dungeon, Dr. Seplimus Brown was immediately taken prisoner and turned over to the tender mercies of Colonel Morris, at Fort McHenry.

Mrs. Baxley was taken to a hotel and several police officers placed on guard over her. While locked in her room she dropped a note out of her window addressed to her lover, (the rebel doctor,) imploring him, for God's sake, to fly, as all was discovered. She was also quite disheartened, and said that she had braved all dangers for the sake of her lover, and, when on the point of having accomplished all her cherished desires, the cup of happiness was dashed from her lips as she was about drinking from it.

It seemed to be her only and darling desire to get her lover into the rebel army, and, having succeeded, she was only detected in her nefarious transactions when about completing her mission. She stated that when the flag of truce neared Old Point she was apprehensive that she might be detected here, but the Provost Marshal having passed her so lightly, she did not apprehend further annoyance.

In a memorandum book it was found that this fair specimen of a rebel was taken across the Potomac by a negro, in a skiff, where a rebel lieutenant awaited, and carried her to Richmond.

Congressman fly in New York — he Recommends a Vigorous Prosecution of the War.

In our edition of the 8th inst., we published a special telegram from Norfolk, in which reference was made to a speech from the Hon. Alfred Ely, recently delivered in the city of New York. Apprehending that our readers would like to hear further from this gentleman in connection with his captivity in Richmond, as well as his views of the war now going on, we transfer to our columns, from the Herald, the following report of a speech made by him to a delegation of citizens which waited on him immediately after his arrival in that city:

Mr. Ely responded in a conversational tone. He remarked that between himself and Col. Corcoran the strongest bonds of friendship existed. No one could doubt for a moment the Colonel's bravery or the selfsacrifice evinced by him in his present trying condition. He regretted to say that he (Mr. Ely) was the first man who drew for Colonel Corcoran as a hostage for Smith; and he ventured to say that if there was any hanging to be done the Colonel would be the first to suffer. He also said that the Colonel was in good health and spirits when he last saw him, and he hoped the day was not far distant when he would be restored to his family.

The delegation then withdrew with hearty expressions for the welfare of Mr. Ely, who shortly after appeared on the first landing of the hotel, and addressed those assembled below as follows:

Gentlemen — In my forced sojourn in a distant city I have endeavored, through a prolonged confinement, to so conduct myself that neither my patroitism nor my patience could be called in question, and I am rejoiced to believe that this cordial reception is in approval of my course. (Cheers) I hesitate not to say that, with slight exception, the treatment shown me by my captors has been all that I could look for under the circumstances, and my release was attended with courtesies which I can never forget.--Yet language cannot express with which, in common with my fellow-prisoners in the Richmond tobacco factory, I watched the ‘"door that looketh toward the North,"’ and gladly caught every sympathetic message from a free press and loyal people; nor can I describe the joy with which I turned my back upon the rebel capital and the flag which a misguided people would substitute for the glorious Stars and Stripes. (Cheers.) The grestings of friends are at all times grateful, but the circumstances under which we meet to-night add to the pleasure with which I receive your congratulations.

I am rejoiced to again stand in the chief city of the Empire State, which has done so much to help on the great contest for the Union and the Government. (Cheers.) Even in my imprisonment I have been constantly reminded of its noble contributions to the army, marshaled in defence of the old flag. (Loud applause.) My prison hours have been relieved of much of their redium by the society of brave soldiers from New York. (Applause) Corcoran, who led the intrepid 69th to noble deeds at Manassas, went with me to Richmond, and there remained, for two months or more, until placed in close confluement at Charleston. (Cheers) Wood, of your sister city of Brooklyn, was my companion, until dragged to a fellon's cell, to be held like Corcoran, subject to the treatment awarded the rebel pirates.

To the patient and herofo endurance of these distinguished officers, and that of all the captains from the Empire State, as well as those from other parts of the Union, I bear cheerful testimony. [Cheers.] We have a right to glory in the conduct of these gallantmen. On the field and in the dungeon they have never falled, to manifest a spirit of true and undanuted patriotism, worthy of the warmest admiration, [Cheers.] Let us remember them in their lonely cells, and hope that at the earliest moment consistent they may be restored to their homes and friends. [Loud applause.] Gentlemen, I am persuaded that the vast army committed to the trusty hands of Gen. McClellan has too much to do. If I have learned anything in the past, it is that we fight a people terribly in earnest. The cry of Palofaxat Saratoga.-- ‘"War even to the knife"’-- is still their cry.

Firm in the better that we seen their sub-

jugution, they have waxed desperate, and neither life nor treasure will be spared to prevent the advance of our arms. A rebatlion so extensive and sealous as that which now reigns throughout the South can only be overcome by the best and strongest offorts of a united North. We must, as one man, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart forgetful of party, of party prejudices, of as but country, join with the Government be its exertions for the preservation of the Republic. So only may we, by God's good help, restore the national banner when has been rudely torn; and, by conquest when during peace, and establish our power to cope with traitors at home as successfully as we have with foes abroad. [Losd cheers]

At the close of this brief address the speaker retired to his apartments amid appiause.

Condemnation of prize vessels in New York

Judge Betts has recently rendered decisions in the following prize cases, recently argued before him:

United States vs. the Brig Sarah Seers and be Cargo.--The Judge has condemned this vesset and cargo as being the property of persons domiciled in the rebel States. The cargo is valued in the neighborhood of $30,000; Messrs. E. D. Smith, District Attorasy and Stewart L. Woodford, assistant, for the United States; Mr. Charles Edwards for vessel; Mr. Charles O'Conor for cargo.

United States vs, the Prince Leepord and Cargo. This vesset was the first seized in this port by the Surveyor for running the blockade. The Judge condemned both vessels and cargo, on the same ground as in the case of the Sarah Starr. The cargo is estimated at about $15,000. Same counsel for Government; Mr. Edwards for claimant.

United States vs. the Schooner Aigburth and Cargo.--The same decision was rendered in this case, and upon the same ground.

United States vs. the Mary McRas.--This is the first decision on a seizure made under the act of July, 1861, on the ground that the vessal was owned in whole or in part by parties residing in the rebel States.

The judge condemned the three-fourths of the vessel owned in Wilmington, N. C., and released the one-fourth owned by a New York owner. The loyal owner made a claim against the Southern shares for a rateable proportion of the advances made by him on account of the vessel. The judge overruled this claim, deciding that the forteiture was superior to all liens and equities, and the remedy of the loyal part owner (if any) must be had upon application to the Secretary of the Treasury. By this decision it will be seen that when vessels are seized under this act, the portion belonging to loyal owners in the loyal States will be released.

United States vs., the D. F. Keeling.--This vessel was seized under the act of July 12, 1861, as being owned by Mrs. Hutchinge, an inhabitant of New Orleans it was proved that the owner was a Britian subject visiting at New Orleans, but having no fixed reddence there. The Court released the vessel.

England's Intention with reference to the Difficulties with the United States--interesting Programms.
[from the London News, December 21]

The Paris Patris, of the 10th instant, receives from London the following information, which it states to be ‘"news."’

If the answer to the English note should not be favorable, Lord Lyens will leave Washington in three days, and will transmit the orders of his Government to Admiral Milne, who will in that case immediately leave Jamaica (?) with his squadron to take up a position at Norfolk, a Virginia port on the confines of Carolina, which will be the basis of the English naval operations. France, we are assured, will maintain an attitude of armed neutrallty.

Admiral Milne will leave at Havana a division of frigates destined to take part in the operations against Mexico. Seven ships of war, recently armed, have already started one after the other for the Antilles, and it is thought that all the vessels ordered to reinfore Admiral Milne will be at Jamaica from the 25th to the 30th of December, In case the Washington Cabinet should surrender the prisoners taken from the Trent, that affair will, of course, be settled; but a new question will then be raised by Lord Lyons, viz: whether the blockade of the Southern ports is effective, and negotiations upon this point will be actively carried on. These negotiations will be of a very different character from the first, for they will bear upon a question affecting the commercial interests of all the powers.

The Capture of the Schooner Sherwood--Tantalizing the Yarkebs.

The following paragraph we take from the Herald's Fortress Monroe correspondence, of the 30th ult.:

‘ In my letter of yesterday, in giving the account of the capture of the water schooner Sherwood, from the Newport News boat Express, I was not aware that any one had remained on board, in as much as the report reached us that the crew had manned the lifeboat and put back to Newport News. Since then, however, I found out that John Kirwin, the master of the schooner, remained on his vessel, and subsequently taken prisoner. The rebels greatly bossted of their feat, and some of the boat's crew, coming to meet our flag of truce to-day, asked our men ‘"whether our men wanted any water?"’ The ferry-boat Morse, commander Hayes, from Brooklyn, having a nine-inch gun on board was about the first vessel that took position in bombarding the Sewell's Point battery, and among the last to leave the scene of action.

Escape of "Contrabands"--their Estimate of our Steength in the Penineula.

The Fortress Monroe correspondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of the 30th ult., says:

‘ The schooner Minerva L. Wetmore, Capt. Moseley, bound from New Haven to Montlcoke river, while coming down the bay this morning, picked up a canoe containing six negroes in a bad condition. One of these being a very intelligent darkey, reports that the six of them having been impressed to dig on entrenchments at Yorktown, planned their escape, which resulted as above stated by them, stealing a canoe and trusting to Previdence for safety. On conversing with them I find that the rebels have a force of 30,000 men at Yorktown, and ten heavy guns in position at Gloucester Point. All the negroes in Mathews county are drafted to build entrenchments.

The Yankers Desatisfied.

The Chicago Tribune, grumbling at the inactivity of the Federal army, says:

‘ If the people believed that the present torpid policy is to characterize the remainder of the war, they would fall into the jaws of despair, and ask the Government to disband the army and submit to the dismemberment of the Union.

Yanker soldiers poisoned.

Eight soldiers of the Wayne county (New York) regiment, stationed at Lyons, were poisoned last week by a Secession grocery man. He put strychnine into the liquor he furnished them. The soldiers recovered, and the grocery keeper was put in prison.

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