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Virginia Legislature.

Richmond, Jan. 22, 1862.
The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock, and the Rev. Henry A. Wise offered prayer.

Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, from the Joint Committee, charged with the duty of corresponding with the lessees of the Washington and Smyth county Salt Works, submitted a report, with the following resolutions:

1. Resolved by the General Assembly, That the provisional contract made by the joint Committee of the Senate and House of Delegates, for the purchase on behalf of the State, of four hundred thousand bushels of salt, to be furnished by Stuart, Buchanan & Co., be approved, and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed.

Resolved, That the Committee be instructed to report a bill to carry into effect the provisions of said contract, and a proper distribution of said salt.

On motion of Mr. Hall, these resolutions, with the report, were laid upon the table and ordered to be printed.

[The report in substance stated that an interview had taken place between the committee, and the owners of the salt works, in which an agreement was entered into on their part to furnish four hundred thousand bushels, the same to be delivered monthly from the first day of May, 1862, to the 1st day of May, 1863. The report also recommend the appointment of an agent, to be located at the salt works, whose duty it should be to inspect the salt upon its delivery.]

Mr. Dickinson, of Prince Edward, from the Committee on Roads and Navigation, also reported a (Senate) bill to authorize a connection between the Richmond and Danville Railroad and the Richmond and York River Railroad.

Also, a bill from the House, for an act to provide for the construction of a railroad connection between the Orange and Alexandria, Manassas Gap, and the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroads — which bills were laid on the table and ordered to be printed.

Mr. Logan, from the Committee on General Laws, reported a bill for an act appropriating ten thousand dollars to the use of the Military Institute, being the annual appropriation.

Mr. Alderson introduced a resolution directing the Committee of Courts of Justice to inquire into the expediency of passing an act authorizing the county court of Green brier county to admit a will to record, upon special proof of the handwriting of an attesting witness, which was adopted.

Mr. McKinney offered a resolution directing inquiry to be made into the expediency of extending the jurisdiction of Norfolk Adopted.

Mr. Bales asked and obtained leave to withdraw from the files of the Senate, the bill No. 260 of the last session, for the relief of Wm. S. Martin, late sheriff of Lee county.

Mr. Garnett, of Henrico, asked and obtained leave to introduce a bill for the prevention of shouting and hunting on the Sabbath, accompanied by the petition of Thomas L. Duke.

Mr. Quesenberrymoved that the chair be vacated, and that the Senate attend the funeral of ex-President Tyler in a body, which was carried, and thereupon the Senate left the Hall, at one o'clock P.M.

At two o'clock the President pro tem. resumed the chair of the Senate, when, upon motion, the Senate adjourned.

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