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Civilian prisoners at the Rip-Raps.

The following is a list of Southerners confined at the Rip Raps, handed us by a returned prisoner. Nearly all are farmers, and our informant says they have been shamefully treated; those from Gates county, N. C., were put in irons, and other instances of barbarity are mentioned. They earnestly beg that our Government will at once take steps to have them released from captivity:

Adolphus Goddin, A. H. Hankins, Henley L. Taylor, and John W. Jones, of James City county, Va.; Hugh Williams, of New Kent county, Va.; James M. McIntire, of York county, Va.; Thomas J. Blake, of Henrico county, Va.; David P. Wright, Charles R. Gumner, and William R. Lawrence, of Nansemond county, Va.; Charles Holland, of Franklin Depot, Va.; Capt. Duck, of Isle of Wight county, Va.; Rev. R. J. Graves, of Orange county, N. C.; James A. Sparkman, Thomas J. Sparkman, Richard H. Manning, James Wiggins, and James H. Freeman, of Gates county, N. C.

Two recent deaths are reported: Lieut. Council, of Nansemond county, Va., and Thos. A. Jordan, of Gates county, N. C.

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