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Latest from the North.

The latest Northern papers received are of the 4th inst. Nearly all of them devote a short space in eulogy of Gen. Phil. Kearney, who was killed at Manassas. It will be seen from our extracts that the lying reports have become a little less flagrant, and indicate that the Yankees will in a few days acknowledge the terrible, defeat they have sustained.

From Washington.

[Dispatches to the Philadelphia Enquirer]
Washington, Sept. 4.
--General Stone is to be seen daily now promenading Pennsylvania avenue, in a now suit, in full uniform. He is always alone, and no one seems to know him; or, at least, no one notices him. We cannot learn that any trial has been ordered for him, or that he has been unconditionally released.

Our loss in artillery, it is estimated, will be more than thirty pieces. No batteries were taken from the rebels.

The losses in McDowell's corps are very heavy. That of Richett's division is the heaviest. Out of his Generals there remains but one--Carroll, wounded some time ago; Duryea and Tower, both wounded last Friday; Hartshuff being the only one left in command. A few days will suffice to reorganize the remains of the corps who are now here. The 110th Pennsylvania, Col. Lewis, from your city, have but about one hundred men left.

[dispatches to the Philadelphia Ledger.]

The exact movements of Jackson are not known, but the report of his meditating a march into Maryland is universally credited. The Government is understood to be fully prepared for this, Gen. Wool having been dispatched to--, where he will have at his command a force of 70,000 men to meet the expected invaders.

In connection with this I will state that the private accounts from Maryland are not such as the loyal men of the nation would desire, for it is boldly stated that should Jackson succeed in getting his army into the State he will be joined at once by not less than 60,000 of its inhabitants.

The aim is said to be to make Baltimore the head quarters of the Confederate army, cut off the Northern communication with Washington, and maintain a threatening attitude towards that city — to result, finally, in its capture and destruction. This is the talk of the sympathizers here; but they seem to forget that once the rebels took possession of Baltimore they would be shelled out entirely, and the city destroyed by the guns from Fort McHenry.

Very latest from Washington.

[Special correspondence of the Philadelphia Inquirer.]
Washington, Sept. 3.
There seems to exist an idea that at the War Department there has been, for a few days, a hurrying to and mounting of steeds in hot haste; but there is nothing of it. All is as tranquil to the outward world as though there was nothing transpiring out of the usual course of events. A dozen contrabands, well dressed, fill the aisles to guard the different rooms from improper calls. A few officers and a few civilians move quietly from door to door.

As we entered, a tall, gaunt looking man, with a care worn look, brushed by us, noticing no one, all seemed to fall back; his presence seemed to be an open sess e; he soon disappeared into the Secretary's room. Soon the old weather-beaten hero (Heintzelman) followed. The sharp features of Sigel and the gray-haired ‘"chief"’ passed from one room to another soon after — nothing was said.

What all thought, we would have given a good bit to know, what one of them said, not long before, we do know--‘ "that our retreat, which commenced on Saturday noon, was caused by our not receiving our reinforcements twenty-four hours earlier, and that it might have been saved subsequently had they been managed differently when we were attacked!"’ But ‘"are we safe?" ’ we asked an official. ‘"Safe, yes, but Baltimore and Harrisburg are not yet."’

How about the Valley of Virginia? Well, our forces have fallen back to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and Leesburg! The body of the rebel army lies near Drainesville. They must cross into Maryland for supplies, starve, or fall back to the Rappahannock. They will, no doubt, risk a crossing. Can we prevent it? A few days will determine it.

I hope we can, and have no fears for the capital. But beware what you publish; you must not alarm the people and get up a panic! We do not wish to get up a panic, but think the people have a right to know what the rebels are doing!

Eleven hundred paroled prisoners some of whom were taken by the enemy as far back as Thursday, at Manassas, arrived here late this evening, at Aqueduct bridge, Georgetown.

They report that General Lee has established his headquarters three miles beyond Bull Run, on the Warrenton turnpike.

The only force at Fairfax Court House was Stuart's cavalry, General Stuart being there in person.

The rebels assisted these men in the burial of our dead, most of whom had been stripped of their clothing, with the exception of their shirts.

Our men say that the enemy at the time were so hungry that they rushed for the haversacks of our killed and wounded. Our men saw columns of the enemy marching to the rear on the Warrenton turnpike, towards Thoroughfare Gap:

The whole number of killed and wounded in all the battles up to the present time does not exceed 11,000. In the first battle on Friday, at Bull Run, the loss on the Union side did not exceed, 4,000, although Gen. Pope announced it at 8,000. What the loss of the enemy has been, or whether any of their prominent officers have suffered, is not known. It is, however, believed to be equal if not greater than our own.

Up to five o'clock, when your correspondent left the front, there had been no fighting; but in the distance towards Leesburg, about two o'clock, several discharges of cannon were distinctly heard.

There is no doubt but that the rebels are massing their troops near Vienna, and will attempt a crossing at or near Edwards's Ferry.

A farmer, who came into Washington to-day from Poolesville, Md, says that rebel scouts were there yesterday.

Gen. Mitchell left to day for Hilton Head. Is it not remarkable that the first intelligence we had of Hunter's removal came from Jeff. Davis, showing that Jeff. has his men, who inform him promptly of every order issued. Would it not pay to ferret out these traitors.

A party with a flag of truce went from Centreville, on Monday morning, for the battle-ground, but found no rebels and the field deserted by our enemies, who had left our dead and wounded untouched. The wounded were placed in ambulances and taken off the field and the dead were buried.

Maj. Gen. McClellan, we hear, has to-day re-established his headquarters in the building on Pennsylvania Avenue, opposite the State Department, occupied by him for the same purpose before the departure of his Army of the Potomac from this vicinity.

Among the gunboats on the river are the following, in addition to the flag ship Wachusett; Jacob Bell, Yankee, Port Royal, Sonoma, Aroostook, Tioga, and Teazer. The Dispatch, Satellite, and others, are in the river, and may shortly be expected up.

Another account of the Centreville engagement.

Washington, Sept. 2.
--On Monday afternoon, about four o'clock, Gen. Pope received information that the rebels were concentrating a large force at a point on the Fairfax Court-House road, about two miles from Centreville, their principal object evidently being to cut off one of our was on trains. --Gen. Reno had previously been sent down the road. Gen. Pope ordered Gen. Heintzelman's command to proceed at once to the locality designated, with the object, if practicable, of dislodging them. This force reached the point soon after six o'clock, and found Reno's command engaged, and the rebels in the woods in large numbers. Scarcely had they arrived before the rebel cavalry made the attack.

The dash was a splendid one, but our men were prepared and met them with bayonets at the charge, and such was their impetuosity, that when the cavalry, unable to withstand the shock, in an instant halted, the bayonets of our heroes had penetrated horse and rider, killing some thirty animals and about the same number of riders. Dismayed at our gallantry, they fell back, but only to allow their artillery scope to play upon our men to good advantage.

Their pieces greatly outnumbered our own but every one of the few we had with us nobly replied, but naturally with comparatively light effect. The fire from the artillery, at last, as if by mutual consent, partially ceased, and from the muzzles of the bright muskets of the contestants were discharged again and again the fatal missiles, thinning the ranks of the rebels to an astonishing extent, while our own loss was slight.

About dark, Gen. Kearney finding that, notwithstanding their loss, the rebels were determined to stand their ground, ordered another bayonet charge, and so effective was the order, that they retreated over a quarter of a mile. At this juncture, when our arms seemed crowned with success, reinforcements which were evidently in reserve came up, while our own men were joined by a portion of Gen Burnside's command and General Robinson's brigade. The engagement became general, and at last a portion of General Birney's brigade, that officer being with his command, and led by the gallant Kearney, made another of their brilliant charges, and with the same result as the others.--The keen eye of Kearney at this time discovered an important point which was not properly covered, and while riding towards the spot, at his own request, and, as was always his custom when upon dangerous missions, unattended by any member of his staff, he received a Minnie ball in his back, the fatal messenger passing upward through his body, and lodging in the upper part of his chest, just below the throat, and immediately under the surface.

Thus fell a brave and gallant officer. As a commander, noted for his valor, and beloved by every man in his command, his decease was received with lamentations by all; but every officer and private, in shedding the tear, pledged himself to avenge the slaughter of the beloved General. His body was subsequently placed in an ambulance, under the supervision of his Brigade Surgeon, and taken to Alexandria, from whence to-night it was removed to the embalming establishment of Doctors Brown and Alexander, to be preserved, and to-morrow evening will be sent to his former home.

Notwithstanding the sad loss, the charge was con

tonued, resulting in the rebels being driven back and retiring to some parts unknown.

Our loss during the spirited engagement will not exceed one hundred and fifty in all, while that of the rebels was much greater.

The Yankees army falling back.

We copy the following from the Philadelphia Inquirer, of the 4th:

Washington, Sept. 2.--At 4 o'clock this morning a train of 100 wagons, with commissary stores was intercepted by the enemy between Fairfax and Centreville, and driven off towards Manassas before the party could be overtaken. They secured the entire train.

So soon as this raid in the rear of our army at Centreville was known, the necessity of guarding that direction became apparent, and at noon the whole army of Virginia had abandoned Centreville, and was massed this side of Fairfax Court-House. This evening they again took up the line of march, and the advance is in sight of Manson's Hill. The enemy's cavalry followed them in the distance, but made no attack, and the entire movement was being accomplished in excellent order.

At noon to-day, Gen. McClellan rode out to meet the returning column, and was received with demonstrations of gratification and pleasure.

The works for the defence of Washington, are all in excellent condition, and are strongly manned by experienced artillerists.

The gunboats now lining the Potomac are doubtless designed to prevent any attempt to interrupt the navigation of the river.

From Harrisburg.

Harrisburg, Sept. 3.
--A rumor, to the effect that Gov. Curtin had telegraphed the Secretary of War that he insisted upon the Pennsylvania troops being placed under the command of Gen. McClellan only, has gained considerable circulation both in Washington and this city. There is the best reason for asserting that there is no truth in the statement. The intelligence from Washington that our army has fallen back upon the fortifications and entrenchments of that city has given rise to the expression of many opinions with regard to the propriety of sending away from Pennsylvania her thousands of soldiers, as it is thought they may all be required at home. Over 30,000 have already gone, and many others are preparing.

The surgeons and nurses sent by Pennsylvania to Washington have nearly all returned owing to the fact that they could not be assigned to duty, as our wounded were not within our lines. Many of these gentlemen left their homes at a sacrifice, and are entitled to great credit for the prompt manner in which they responded to the call of the Governor.

From Fortress Monroe.--the family of Ex-President join Tyler Coming North.

Fortress Monroe, Sept. 2.
--The steamship Vanderbilt left here for New York at 2 o'clock this afternoon. She has on board the 8th New York regiment. They would have left this morning, but were detained in loading their horses, consequently they will arrive in New York on Thursday morning.

The flag of truce has just arrived from Alken's landing, (steamboat Mary Benton.) She took up Capt. McCorrick, the noted privateer, who captured the propellor Fanny, at Hatteras Inlet, nearly a year ago. He has been privateering most of the time during the war, and I am informed he has been twice captured and paroled. He was last captured at Newbern, N. C.

The Mary Benton brought down the family of Ex-President John Tyler, consisting of Mrs. Tyler and six small children. They are on their way North from City Point.

A lady from Richmond, yesterday, also came down, and says that there is much sickness at Richmond, that the city is quite deserted, and she heard nothing said of the late battles, and the rebels are very confident of doing great execution with their iron-clad gunboats, when completed. There were no papers brought down.

Gen. McLellan's command.

The following is the correct form in which the order with reference to Gen. McClellan has been issued.

War Department Adj't Gen's Office,
Washington, Sept. 2. 1862.

General Orders, No. 122.

Major-General McClellan will have command of the fortifications of Washington and of all the troops for the defence of the Capital.

By command of Maj. Gen. Halleck. E. D. Townsend, A. A. G.

The latest from Kentucky--Lexington occupied by the Confederates.

Cincinnati, Sept. 3.
--Regiments from camps and companies from the interior towns have been arriving all this afternoon.

The military authorities are very active. At six o'clock on Tuesday evening the Confederates occupied Lexington, Ky. They numbered 6,000 men.

Railroad and telegraphic communication has been re-established with Parts.

At 5 o'clock this afternoon a reconnoitering party proceeded with an engine within ten miles of Lexington, where they found the bridge burned.--It is not known whether the Confederates still occupy Lexington or not.

A train of twelve wagons was captured within twelve miles of Cincinnati this morning.

Large numbers of negroes are being sent across the river to work on the fortifications.

Louisville, Sept. 3.--In view of the preparations that have been made and are in progress to resist the threatened attack of the Confederates, the excitement here has considerably abated.

The cotton that has been stored in the warehouses here is being rapidly transported across the Ohio river.

Purchase a refuse to pay for the cotton in store here, but offer 45 cents per pound for it when landed on the Indiana shore. This is an advance of five cents on the price of yesterday.

Authenticated rumors say that the Confederates are burning all the cotton they come across on their march through Tennessee and Kentucky.

Col. Shackleford, of the 8th Kentucky cavalry, overtook A. R. Johnson at Morganfield, Union co., yesterday, killing and capturing a number of Johnson's band. He is still in pursuit of the remainder.

The enemy within twelve miles of Cincinnati — they number Fifteen thousand.

Cincinnati, Sept. 3.
--2 P. M.--News has just been received here that the advancing Confederates have seized a railroad train at Independence, Ky., 12 miles from this city. They are said to be 15,000 strong. The excitement with us is increasing — New regiments have crossed over into Kentucky.

Cincinnati, Sept. 3.--10 o'clock P. M.--The excitement has been high all the afternoon. The citizens are enrolling themselves rapidly in the different wards, and a large number are working on the fortifications on the Kentucky hills.

Governor Todd arrived this afternoon, and is in communication with the military authorities, and the utmost exertions are being made to defend the city.

The enemy is reported to be from 20,000 to 30,000 strong, and is reported at Boyle's Station, thirty-nine miles from the city. They are expected to arrive opposite the fortifications on Thursday.

The Forty-fifth and Ninety-ninth Ohio are falling back to Covington. Our pickets are ten miles out.

All the steamboats are ordered to remain on the Ohio side of the river.

General Gilbert's command, which fell back from Lexington, reached Frankfort to-night, relieving the anxiety for their safety. No telegraphic communication south of Falmouth.

The following private dispatch was received yesterday by a gentleman of Washington city:

Indianapolis, Sept. 3.--Nothing is known of the losses in the 69th Indiana. Our forces have fallen back to Covington, Kentucky. The most terrible anxiety is felt for the safety of Kentucky. Nothing but the most vigorous efforts will save her. Illinois has sent only one regiment to the field, and Ohio only eight, to twenty sent by Indiana.

The Northern papers on the movements at the West.

The Federal victories in the West, and consequent panic among the Federals, is the subject of a long editorial in the New York Herald, of the 3d It says:

‘ The object of the rebels may possibly be to create a diversion in the West, in order to detain as many Union troops as possible there, and prevent their reinforcement of our army in Virginia. But no doubt if they can they intend to capture Cincinnati, or Louisville, or both, though it would not be possible for them to retain possession of those cities while there is a Union gunboat in the Ohio. In the absence of our gunboats they might capture Louisville, as it is on the same side of the river with themselves. How long they could hold it is another question. As to Cincinnati, they could not capture it without crossing the Ohio, and that we think, is more than they will venture to undertake. But by defeating our troops at Covington they might destroy Cincinnati. The land on the Covington side is higher than that on which Cincinnati is built, the site of the Queen city of the West being very low, and only slightly elevated above the level of the river. The possession of Covington by the rebels would therefore be tantamount to the destruction or capitulation of Cincinnati; for it consists largely of wooden buildings, and in a very short time could be destroyed by shells. This would be the first important step to wards invasions of the Northwest. In confirmation of the idea of an invasion of the free States of the West, it will be seen, by reference to the Grenada Appeal of eleven days ago, that the rebel armies were then on the march to the Ohio river. In this connection it may be observed that the telegraph announces that Paris has been evacuated by our troops, who had fallen back on Cynthiana, and that they were, by last accounts, preparing to evacuate, Cynthiana also. Morgan's raids, perhaps, have been all directed towards the ultimate capture of Louisville and Cincinnati; but there must be a large force of Union troops concentrated at these cities by this time, and we have great confidence in the abilities of Generals Wright and Wallace.

The advance against Fort Donelson, and the movements to clear Tennessee of Union troops, appear to be part of the same plan, and that plan

is to make a tremendous effort to drive the Union armies out of every slave State which they now occupy, and to call upon foreign Governments immediately after for the recognition of their independence.

This is the secret of the simultaneous operations in Tennessee and Kentucky, and in Eastern and even in Western Virginia; for by the telegraph today we learn that the rebels, after capturing Buchanan, in Western Virginia, are menacing Clarksburg, which is in close proximity to Wheeling and Parkersburg, on the Ohio river, and on one of the branches of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which, in the event of the success of the rebels, could be seized, and an important channel of communication cut between the loyal States of the East and the West. It thus appears that the design of the rebels is to recover the whole of their defensive line, the loss of which in the beginning of the year, by the evacuation of Bowling Green and the capture of Forts Henry and Donelson, and other operations on the Cumberland and Tennessee, baffled all their hopes of recognition by the European Powers.

It is remarkable that before the attack on McClellan's army on the Chickahominy Jeff. Davis sent a message to Slidell and Mason as to what his army was about to do, and directed them to demand the recognition of the independence of the South. But the plan and its execution differed in some slight degree. The plan was to capture the army of McClellan. That failed, and great was the disappointment of the rebels at Richmond, London, and Paris. They now make a bolder stroke. They attempt the capture of Washington, while at the same time they are making the most strenuous efforts to regain possession of the whole of Virginia and Tennessee. and Louisiana, and to extend their over Kentucky, Missouri, and . Upon the ground of these successes they will again demand recognition, and they have already sent over to Europe dispatches by the hands of George Sanders and another emissary, to claim it in advance, by way of showing England and France that the anticipated victories were not the results of chance, but of design, and that whenever they chose to put forth their strength the game was sure, and the maintenance of Southern independence no longer a question admitting of a doubt. It is true that they failed in their calculations on the peninsula; and they will fail now in their calculations to take or burn Washington, to capture Baltimore, and to occupy Maryland, and capture or destroy Cincinnati and Louisville. But the plans show the desperation of the rebels. They seem determined to stake all on a cast of the die. There is thus every necessity for exertion on the part of the loyal States to prevent the possibility of such a result, and to come to the rescue of the Union before it is too late. Only a determined effort is necessary to defeat the last convulsive effort of the rebels, who are now driven to the wall.

’ The Philadelphia Inquirer, on the same subject, says:

‘ The rebel movement towards the Ohio should not be regarded as a mere raid. The use of that word is a euphemism with which we have allowed ourselves of late to be too much self-deceived and self-beguiled. It is doubtless a deliberate massed movement; part of a plan comprehending the East as well as the West. It has not been unanticipated by the loyal people of Kentucky for the last sixty days. Nearly a fortnight ago a Mississippi paper said, ‘"our armies are now on the march to the Ohio river, and they should be cheered, aided, and strengthened as they go. "’ This step is intended to remove the line of warfare to the Ohio in the West, and the Potomac in the East, as preparatory to making those streams the respective bases of offensive operations northward. Let us comprehend the full magnitude of the danger so imminent for it is thus we may best prepare to meet it. Above all, let Philadelphia take heed. With the upper Potomac forded, with Maryland in arms, can we fancy ourselves secure? We are no alarmists, but it is better to be even alarmists than indifferentist.


We learn that U. S. Marshal Millward has asked Gov. Curtin for a regiment to aid him in making the enrollment for the draft in North and South Cap townships, Schuylkill country. In this region the Deputy Marshal making the enrollment has been driven away by violence, and Marshal Millward is determined to enforce the law at all hazards. The region where this resistance to the law has occurred is where the miners recently had a difficulty with the coal operators. The rioters will find that if they encounter Marshal Millward there will be no child's play in the matter.--Philadelphia Bulletin.

Schuyler Colfax has just finished stamping the St. Joseph district, Indiana, for volunteers, and has procured thirty five hundred for the war.

Hugh J, Hastings, of the Albany Knickerbocker, has been appointed conant to Ravenna, in Italy.

Four hundred and sixty three bales of cotton arrived at Cincinnati one day last week by the river.

Governor Kirkwood has issued a proclamation for an extra session of the lows Legislature, at Des Moines, on the 3d of September.

The Louisville Journal learns that the draft in that State has been postponed to the 21st of September.

One of the Pittsburg companies at Camp Curtin contains no less than thirty butchers.

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Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Indiana (Indiana, United States) (2)
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (2)
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Cynthiana, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Wheeling, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
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George H. Stuart (2)
Reno (2)
Paris (2)
A. R. Johnson (2)
Joseph Jackson (2)
Heintzelman (2)
Jefferson Davis (2)
Curtin (2)
Wright (1)
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Washington (1)
Wallace (1)
E. D. Townsend (1)
Tower (1)
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Stone (1)
Slidell (1)
Sigel (1)
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George Sanders (1)
Robinson (1)
Richett (1)
Morgan (1)
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