Later from the North.
Northern papers of the 6th have been received. A new calculation puts the Federal loss in the late battles at 1,000 killed, 6,000 wounded, and 2,000 prisoners. McClellan, Pope, and Sumner were all in Washington on the 5th. Three hundred ‘"contrabands"’ from Fredericksburg, Va., arrived there on the same day. James F. Simmons, U. S. Senator from Rhode Island, had resigned his seat. A detachment of Dodge's New York Mounted Rifles left Suffolk last week and captured 112 men in North Carolina going to join the Confederate army. The Indian troubles in Minnesota still continue, with fatal effect to the whites. Two new regiments left the interior of New York, for Washington, on the 5th. The Herald states that the Confederate war steamer Florida, Lieut. Murray, had succeeded in destroying several U. S. vessels near Nassau. Lieut. Hiram B. Banks, a brother of Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks, and Capt. Fessenden, a son of Senator Fessenden, were killed in the recent battles. The N. Y. Times says the conduct of the British Government towards the Tuscarora creates ‘"mingled indignation and surprise,"’ and calls for ‘"a sharp remonstrance from Secretary Seward."’ Gold, in New York, was quoted Friday evening at 118¾, on the assurance, says the Times, that there was ‘"no danger to be apprehended from the Confederate raid into Maryland." ’ The remains of Gen. Kearney dd in state at Newark, N. J., on the 5th, and were to be interred at New York with great ceremony. The N. Y. Times has the following on the ‘"reverses in Virginia:"’ ‘ It is pretty evident to everybody by this time that our armies have been out- generated by the rebels. The fact is humiliating, and one which we should rejoice to see refuted. But the logic of results proves it. In almost every instance where the two armies have met, the rebel Generals have out-manœuvred or out-managed ours. They have known precisely where our weak points were, while we have not known theirs. They have got upon our flanks or in our rear, in spite of all our efforts to prevent it. They have turned our positions — misted us as to their own movements — anticipated and thwarted ours — outnumbered us at specific points, whatever the comparative aggregates might be — deceived us by pretended retreats, and managed, by some device or other, to get the better of us in nearly every engagement. ’ The New York Herald, in summing up the position of affairs, says: ‘ What, therefore, looks now like a desperate crisis on our part, may, in reality, be the opening of the final triumph of the Union arms. There is the most cordial feeling existing between Generals Halleck and McClellan. The former has on numerous occasions declared that he considered McClellan one of the greatest living soldiers of the world. The hearty co-operation between them secures, beyond a doubt, unity of action and operation equal to the exigencies of the moment. Should the rebel leaders, therefore, decide to divide their army by transferring a portion of it to Maryland, it will prove their ruin, by furnishing our Generals an opportunity of routing any portion that they may desire, and easily following the remnant to the gates of Richmond. The critical position of the rebels, their necessity of immediately making another desperate effort, the skilful and rapid preparations at Washington, clearly point to the fact that the two armies are on the eve of another important contest, and that the great battle of the war will, within the next ten days, be fought somewhere on the upper Potomac. ’Interesting statement of Affairs in Washington.
The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore writing on the 2d inst., says: ‘ The mystification of the public mind in regard to Gen. McClellan is relieved by the announcement that he is now in command of all the forces for the defence of Washington, and thus by the proximity of large numbers to the city, under present circumstances, his command is, as it were, general. Not only the fortifications on the south side of the city, but the range erected last year on the north side, have been kept in a due state of preparedness for all emergencies. While the wounded and sick have been coming in from the army of Virginia, there have also been arrivals of sick and wounded from Gen. Burnside's forces. Considerable numbers arrived by steamers yesterday — a number coming up from Aquia creek. They were borns to the hospitals in ambulances, and along the route to the Island ward they were inanely served with nourishment and refreshments by the citizens. Though the Senate and House halls and the corridors of the Capitol have been hastily con- verted into a hospital — cots and beds being placed in every available place — no patients have as yet been admitted, but, as the bills are now ready, they will be taken in at any moment that may be necessary. There cannot possibly be any lack of accommodations here for all the disabled soldiers as they reach this side of the river. The attention, too, will be ample. To day about 175 convalescent soldiers in the different hospitals are being detailed to the several hospitals for duty at nurses. In pursuance of the orders of the Commander in-Chief to form military organizations of the clerks in the civil departments of the Government, the clerks in the several Bureaus have appointed a committee of three from each Bureau on organization. These committees assembled at Gen. Wadsworth's headquarters this evening at 8 o'clock. In this connection, it should be mentioned that, the employees of the Government printing office and bindery, to the number of one hundred and seventy, this morning tendered their services to Gen. Wadsworth for the defence of the capital, in response to the call of the Government. The National Rifles, of this city--eighty rifles strong — have also tendered their services in the field for the defence of Washington. A Government transport arrived this morning from Fort Columbus, New York, bringing 170 deserters, in charge of Lieutenant Carpenter, of the 17th infantry. They are from nearly every division of the army. They were all sent under guard to the Old Capitol. I hear, also, that Colonel Williams, of the organization of soldiers of the war of 1812, has suggested at the War Department that if their services are needed they will be forthcoming, and the proffer was graciously received. Gens. Halleck and McClellan were closeted yesterday, and the latter at once proceeded to join the army of Gen. Pope, where he was received with great acclamations. It is said that from the capitol dome long trains of Government wagons may be seen across the river, and immense masses of troops. The Confederates have followed up closely, having come down the river yesterday near the Cham Bridge, and having attacked the rear even to-day. ’ The Washington Star, of Wednesday evening, in its first edition, has the following interesting news: ‘ By 9 o'clock last evening the whole of the army of Gen. Pope had reached the position it had been determined it should assume for the present, before the staunch fortification on the South side of the Potomac, in our front. In their march of the day from the immediate vicinity of Fairfax Court-House the enemy of course did their best to harass our rear with an occasional round of shell, which, however, did no damage. Everything was brought hither in good order and condition, the army being in a far better condition to renew the contest of last week, at a moment's warning, than we anticipated. Ere they reached this immediate vicinity, we hear, Major-General McClellan had, in accordance with the general order of yesterday, issued an order resuming the chief command of the aggregated army (Pope's and Burnside's) thus assembled for the defence of the capital. This morning it seems to be certain that the mass of the enemy that followed our army from the Rappahannock to this vicinity are directing their, march some what up the river, being already in some force about Leesburg, and in larger force between there and the Chain Bridge, as though about to make a demonstration at the ferry opposite Poolesville, Md. That and all other fords that might possibly be threatened, are, of course, being duly guarded by forces which Generals Halleck and McClellan doubtless regard as sufficient for the exigencies of the occasion, various bodies of troops having in the last few days passed up the river on this side, evidently to that end. Winchester was yesterday evacuated by our troops, it being understood that the rebels have also appeared in force in the Valley. We may add that there already is a strong fleet of United States gun and mortar boats in the river ready for instant action if necessary. Our belief is that the rebel Generals will essay to cross the river in the hope of getting supplies and other assistance through a secession rising in Maryland, and thus be enabled to move on Baltimore rather than the Federal metropolis, which they probably think too well fortified to be attacked.--This is, however, but a surmise, though the contingency has doubtless been abundantly guarded against by the authorities. If it had been designed to make an attack upon the other side of the river, we believe it would have been made this morning, as every passing hour until it might be made, serves materially to lessen the chance of the success of any such movement when essayed. Order, by the by, is rapidly being brought out of the comparative chase that invariably follows a week of such action and marching as our troops were lately engaged in. In that week, we learn from an officer who is best situated to know the facts, our total loss of killed, wounded and missing, did not exceed fifteen thousand, the stragglers, who will very soon be in their proper places again, making a large proportion of the missing at present. ’Reported fighting on the upper Potomac.
The following dispatches give the news as received by the enemy and their impressions relative to our army: ‘ Washington, Sept. 4.--The morbid excitement existing here for news of a great battle has been somewhat gratified to night by the intelligence that a skirmish occurred last night in the vicinity of Poolesville, between about 140 Union cavalry, under Capts. Means and Cole, of Eastern Virginia, and a superior force of rebel cavalry; also, by the rumors, which are pretty well authenticated, that a battle has been going on to day upon the Virginia side, opposite Poolesville, and about 28 miles above this city. It is understood that Gen. Sumner's corps was thrown forward with the expectation of intercepting the rebel troops, who were said to be concentrating in that vicinity for the purpose of crossing into Maryland. The most reliable among the conflicting rumors is that the rebel forces, comprising, at a guess, a hundred thousand men, were still moving yesterday through Thoroughfare Gap, branching off into the valley, and stretching upwards towards Harper's Ferry. Paroled prisoners say that the rebel soldiers expressed their confidence of crossing over into Maryland in heavy force in the course of four days.--They doubtless will make the attempt. Large numbers of veteran troops from the peninsula continue to land among us, and are hourly passing our streets and those of Alexandria, to the various positions assigned to them by order of Gen. McClellan. In the meanwhile the infantry of the enemy seem entirely to have disappeared from our immediate front. A band of eleven hundred paroled Union prisoners arrived here last night from Fairfax Court- House, whither they were brought by a detachment of Stuart's cavalry, and turned loose to find their way into our lines as best they could. Quite as many Union stragglers passed the bridge intermixed with them, it being impossible to sort out the separate lots in the dark at the bridge.--That, however, is being done to day under orders of the Military Governor, who will have doubtless returned the stragglers to their several regiments by night. From intelligent and cool headed men among the returned prisoners in question, we learn that the main force of the enemy has certainly been drawn back to the north, northwest, and northeast of Fairfax Court-House, as though in a position to march back through Thoroughfare Gap, or forward to the Potomac at Leesburg, with equal facility. The impression continues to prevail in military circles here that Lee is surely preparing to cross the Potomac above. It is not believed that he will gain anything by such an attempt, or that it is one to be dreaded. There has been no fighting whatever on the front in the last twenty-four hours. Last night Major Kemper, of the Tenth New York cavalry, made a reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity of Centreville, capturing four rebel soldiers. One of them stated that there are now only about twenty thousand rebel troops in our front, under Gen. Longstreet, the balance having gone off with Jackson is some direction unknown to him. ’Rebel Demonstrations on the upper Potomac — Jackson and Longstreet moving on Harper's Ferry.
Washington, Sept. 5.
--It is believed that the rebels have crossed in some force this side of Point of Rocks, and subsequently for the most part recrossed into Virginia, as though hesitating to make the experiment of getting a lodgment in Maryland.
The rebels have thrown shells across the river at canal boats, &c., which, however, did no damage.
A man, professing to have made his escape from the neighborhood of Leesburg on Wednesday, by swimming the river, arrived within our lines to-day.
He stated that Jackson had entered Leesburg with his troops, and was pushing towards Harper's Ferry, and Longstreet, with a considerable force, was marching in the same direction.
The rebels are well supplied with artillery.
Most of the Union people about Winchester and Leesburg had made their escape into Maryland.
Others were captured by their secession neighbors while making the attempt and thrown into prison.
Upon receipt of the intelligence that Jackson was marching toward Leesburg, rebel flags were displayed by many of the inhabitants in token of their joy at his coming.
On Tuesday last Leesburg was occupied by rebel forces, and the Union people were for a second time obliged to seek refuge on this side of the Potomac.
Night before last a party of rebel artillerists came to the river at Edwards's Ferry with one cannon and fired upon some of our people on the Maryland side.
The rebels announce their purpose to cross the upper Potomac at three points and to march into Pennsylvania.
Washington, Sept. 5.--Midnight. --A report prevailed this morning of a battle yesterday near Poolesville.
Nothing is ascertained to confirm it. The rebels fired twenty shots from Ball's Bluff at the steamer Flying Cloud, plying on the canal between Georgetown and Harper's Ferry. ‘"Nobody hurt. "’ The steamer has returned to Georgetown.
At this moment, when the passage of the upper Potomac is threatened by the rebels, all minds subscribe to the necessity of a railroad hence to the Point of Rocks, whereby troops could be suddenly thrown to every exposed point.
Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 1862. --The Washington Star, of this evening, says: ‘
Last night telegrams and other information reached Washington, saying that the rebels had crossed the Potomac in the course of the afternoon at two points, one above and the other below the Point of Rocks.
Up to noon to-day we have been unable to learn that these accounts have been confirmed by the dispatches from military officers detailed to the duty of closely observing the movements of the enemy on and about the river.
Large masses of our troops continue to be marched night and day to positions within striking distance of the river fords.
The delay of the rebels in making their expected effort has given us plenty of time to make due preparation for their reception whenever they may appear in threatening numbers.
It is not improper for us to mention that if a battle occurs in this region shortly, the rebels must meet more than twice as many disciplined troops as was massed against them under Generals Pope and Burnside, besides a very large force of new levies that have been arriving here for three weeks past by thousands daily.
In the course of last night a small body of rebel cavalry is said to have made a raid on the front opposite Ball's Cross Roads, capturing twenty five of the New York cavalry and a small train of wagons, the latter being retaken from them by a Union scouting cavalry force before they could run them off.
The Baltimore American of this evening gives a number of rumors of the rebels crossing the Potomac at Noland's Ferry, the number ranging from thirty thousand down to four hundred cavalry and a few pieces of artillery.
The object, it is supposed, is to destroy the Catoctin bridge, cutting off communication between the Union troops at Harper's Ferry and Point of Rocks.
A dispatch this evening discredits the whole statement.
It is generally believed to be false.
Some one probably mistook friends for enemies. ’
The rebels on the upper Potomac.
Washington, Friday, Sept. 5.
--Accounts from the upper Potomac confirm the news of yesterday in regard to the presence of armed rebels in that region.
A small propeller was fired upon from Ball's Bluff while coming down to-day.
Great consternation was created amongst the passengers.
The cannonading heard above here is said to have been at Edwards's Ferry, where the rebels were endeavoring to drive our troops from the Maryland shore.
Last evening the rebels appeared in force at Falls Church, and drove in our pickets, using artillery.
A wagon train fell into their hands, but they did not succeed in getting it away, as our troops rallied and rescued the train.
This morning the rebels fell back to Falls Church, and then shortly afterwards evacuated it going toward Leesburg on the Leesburg pike.
We had none killed of wounded.
Order of Major Gen. M'Clellan.
Washington, Sept. 4, 1862.
General Orders, No. 1.
- First--Pursuant to General Orders No. 122, from the War Department, Adjutant General's office, of the 2d instant, the undersigned hereby assumes command of the of Washington, and of all the troops for the defence of the capital.
- Second--The Heads of the Staff Departments of the Army of the Potomac will be in charge of their respective departments at these headquarters.
- Third--In addition in the consolidated morning reports required by the circular of this date from these headquarters reports will be made by corps commanders as their compliance with the assignment to positions heretofore given them, stating definitely the ground occupied and covered by their command, and as to what progress has been made, in obedience to the orders already issued to place their commands in condition for immediate service.
Pennsylvania --Military preparations at Harrisburg and .
Harrisburg, Friday, Sept. 5.
--All places of business were closed at 3 o'clock this afternoon the citizens forming into companies and drilling.
At a meeting in Capitol Grounds, this afternoon, Parson Brown stated that in believed it was the intention of the rebels to cross the Potomac in strong force, and strike for Harrisburg, and ultimately for Philadelphia.
Twenty-two thousand stand of arms are ready for distribution.
Over 100 recruits for the old regiments are sent every day.
Philadelphia, Friday, Sept. 5. --Mayor Henry recommends the citizens to meet at the various Precinct houses on Monday afternoon to form military organizations to repel invasion.
The rebels in Western Virginia.
Philadelphia, Sept. 5.
--The Wheeling of yesterday, learns that Col. Rathbone, of the 11th Virginia infantry, has surrendered Spencer to the rebels.
No particulars.
Col. Mulligan has been unable to find the rebels on the line of Northwestern Virginia.
The war in Kentucky.
Louisville, Ky. Sept. 4.
--The city was thrown into considerable excitement this afternoon by rumors that the Union forces under Gen. Gilbert were attacked at noon to-day by the rebels near Shelbyville, about thirty miles east of Louisville.
The result was unknown.
Large national reinforcements are rapidly approaching Gen. Gilbert.
Several arrests of prominent Secessionists were made here to-day.
They, together with all the political prisoners hitherto confined here, were sent north of the Ohio river to-day.
Preparations in Cincinnati — troops Pouring into the city.
Cincinnati, Friday, Sept. 5.
--Business is still suspended.
Volunteers and armed bodies of men continue to pour into the city by thousands.
The city is quiet, and there is no excitement beyond the enthusiasm manifested over these arrivals.
Regiments and companies, as they arrive, are bountifully supplied with provisions in 5th street Market space.
A bridge of boats is being built across the river at the foot of Walnut street. It will be completed to-night.
The order suppressing the Evening Times was revoked this morning.
The paper appears this afternoon.
Gunboats are constantly patrolling the river for miles above and below.
Reports from Kentucky are conflicting.
Nothing is known of the whereabouts of the rebels since their arrival at Paris.
An order was issued this morning, compelling the citizens to be in their houses by 9 P. M.
The Cincinnati papers of the 2d give full particulars of Kirby Smith's victory at Richmond, Ky. --It appears that Gen. Nelson, with ten regiments of Ohio, Indiana and Michigan troops, advanced six miles from Richmond to attack the Confederates.--A slight skirmish occurred on Friday, in which the Federals had the best of it. On Saturday they pushed forward again, and the following is the Federal Account of the fight at Richmond.
The line had scarcely been formed, when the pickets on the left reported the enemy advancing in force.
Sharp firing was heard in that direction, and the skirmishers on the left were soon warmly engaged.
Not long afterwards the enemy were driven back, the fighting being in our favor, but rebel reinforcements coming up, the Colonel in command of skirmishers reported that he was hard pressed, and asked for reinforcements.
By this time the fight had become hot, the enemy pressing forward with infantry.
The 69th Indiana--a perfectly new regiment, just marched from the harvest fields of Indiana--under command of Col. Korf, (formerly Lieut. Col. of the 10th Ohio,) was ordered in as support.
The regiment on the extreme left was then staggering under a terrific fire from superior numbers, and the 69th was obliged to move across an open field which was raked by the rebel artillery.
But Col. Korf brought his gallant Hoosiers to a charge bayonets, and dashed across the field unfalteringly, men falling at every step, but the noble fellows closed up with the steadiness and fidelity of veterans.