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List of wounded.

Dr. Covert, who had charge of the wounded of Jackson's division in the battle of Antietam, in the hospital near Sharpsburg, Md. has furnished us a list of those left at that point. Among those who have died of their wounds since the battle we notice the following 5th Va, reg't, Private M. Organback, 42d Va. reg't. M. [W.]Puckett, D. Usee, H. Dalton; 21st Va. reg't, Serg't Moore, Privates Wm. Coleman, Berry Rutledge, Wm. Loving.--Hawkins, W. S. Coxe; 37th Va. reg't, Privates P. H. Green and G. Williams; 47th Ala. reg't, G. W. C. Jarvis; 48th Ala. reg't, W. W. Hardwick and C. Harris, 23d Va. reg't, J B. Black and B. A. Carter; 47th Va. reg't, Lieut, Chandler; 5th N. C. battalion, S. T. Gee; 11th Va. reg't, James R. Rice; Danville artillery, G. W. Keesee; 1st La. reg't. A. Thurnway and — Crangle; 2d La. reg't, J. A. Prim, E. Well Ashley Covington, Wm. Smith, privates, and Lieuts. McBride; and Swann; 9th La. reg't, Capt. G. W. Chadbourne, privates J. A. Hesser, J, Pervis, D. C. Cobb; 15th La. reg't, Serg't Clack and Private Jack Haley, 10th La, reg't F. Price.

Among the wounded still at the hospital at Sharpsburg we find the names of the following officers Col. R. Penn, 42d Virginia regiment, thigh amputated, 48th Alabama regiment, Lieut. W. M. Hard-wicks, wounded in foot; 1st Louisiana regiment, Lieut. Lawrence, leg amputated; Lieut. Mallory, wounded in both legs; 2d Louisiana regiment, Col. J. M. Williams, wounded in chest Lieut. Hobart leg amputated; 10th Louisiana regiment, Captain Warmillion, in thigh, Lieut, Charles Knowlton, in chest, Lieut. Harraro, arm amputated and wounded in leg.

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