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Matters in Gloucester — Raid on the oyster craft.

A gentleman from Gloucester on Friday last, gives as some information of the state of affairs in that county. The Yankee commander at Gloucester Point--Col. Davidson--had moved Mr. Dobson and his family from their residence and taken the building for his own headquarters. On Friday, the gunboat Chicora ran up York river and captured five oyster craft, and on Tuesday the Seth Lew chased four boats into Caffey's Creek, and captured them. She then went up to West Point and broke up the oystering establishment of Mr. Blessingham, who, they alleged, had ‘ "taken the oath,"’ and violated it by trading with the rebels.

The Chicora, which is commanded by Captain Parker, a native of Westmoreland county, Va., went up North river, into Mathews county, and a dingbeing made at Mr. Warner Taliaferro's, that gentleman's carriage was stolen and carried aboard She then went up East river, where a negro with his wife, came on board and asked to be taken away. To the inquiries of Capt. P. whether he had a good master and mistress, affirmative replies were given, and the negro was then advised ‘"if he knew what was good for him,"’ to go back home. The servant replied that he had gone too far, and was afraid to return, and was carried off, Capt. Parker telling the slave that his orders were not to refuse the application of any negro to be carried into the Federal lines. The negro's wife, however, who probably wouldn't be so available as working ‘"contraband,"’ was left behind. While the Chicora was on this trip, two of her crew, an officer and a sailor, went ashore, and did a slashing business killing turkies and chickens; but our pickets pounced on them and took them prisoners before they could get back to their vessel.

Two Jews--one from Richmond and the other from North Carolina--were captured in Mathews county by our pickets last week. They had heard that salt was cheap down there, they said, and had gone down to buy a ‘"few bushels."’ In the lining of their vests was found a plentiful supply of U. S. green backs, and they were taken into custody.

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