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From the White House.

[Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.]
White House, March 17th, 1863.
"All quiet on the Pamankey." But little of interest has occurred since I wrote of the raid that destroyed the little steamer that General Dix, in his official report, increased to the size of a small Great Eastern. She was thirty feet in length, and one horse power. We sometimes hear from the enemy. They have in the vicinity of Old Point twenty- seven thousand stolen slaves; at Yorktown about ten thousand, and at Gloucester Point three thousand, who are dying rapidly with the small pox and the black tongue.

Information of the attack said to have been in contemplation against Gloucester Point was conveyed to the enemy by a woman, who was brought to Richmond through this place a few days since. She had the look of a brazen, impudent traitor.

I saw to-day a pair of solid gold spurs, sent by the patriotic ladies of Prince George county, Maryland, to Gen. Robert E. Lee. The gentleman who brought them (I must not mention his name) says they cost four hundred dollars in gold. They were truly handsome, neat, plain, and seemed as though they were made for him who will wear them, and given by the generous hearts that sent them.

I will write again soon. Accomac,

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