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More about the treatment of our prisoners in the North.

We yesterday conversed with a Confederate officer who for the past two months has been a prisoner in the hands of the enemy, most of which time was spent at Fort Delaware. He says that he was treated for the most pots of it's captured life in a kindly manner and says that the treatment generally received by our prisoners at Fort Delaware is much better than formerly.

A few days before this officer was returned from Fort Delaware some half dozen or more citizens of Jefferson and Loudoun counties arrested under orders from Brigadier-General Heber commanding at Harper's Ferry, were brought to that point as prisoners. Among them were Rouses an old gentleman, Dre Stocker and Robert Lucas Capt. Glenn, and Robert Lucas Jr. formerly sheriff of the county. They had been arrested on various charges, tramped up for the co There is a marked difference in the treatment of military and what they term politics prisoners. We latter receive very little consideration, and have all manner of epithets applied to them-- in as horse thieves, both whackers, &c. On the evening of the arrival at the fort of the parties above mentioned old Mr. Rouses, who did not step up as briskly as was desired by the tyrant who had charge of him, was rudely seized by the back of the neck and violently thrust into his cell and cursed as a horse thief.

Our friend says that the Commandant of the Fort, during his stay there, (Col. Perkins,) was a gentlemanly man, and seemed disposed to treat kindly those intrusted to his care. He left on the 3d by the percent month for some other service, and another had been assigned to his post. A few days before he left he stated to our informant that it was the intention of the Lincoln Government to retain one thousand of our officers, who were to be confined at Fort Delaware. He did not understand this to all to officers now in their hands but to those who might hereafter be captured.

A day or two before this officer's release two Jew smugglers were brought to the Fort, who had been arrested with contraband goods. One of them remarked to the Lieutenant in charge, "I think I have met you before." For this remark a volley of oaths was helped upon him, and he was kicked from one end of the room to the other.

Capt. Robt. W. Saylor, who was captured near Charlestown, in December last, is still retained as a prisoner on charges of having violated a flag of truce, though these charges have never been formally filed. His applications for an investigation have been refused.

Gen. Kelley, who, on account of some disagreement with Gen. Milroy, had been temporarily suspended from command at Harper's Ferry, had been reinstated by Gen. Hallens.

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