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The repulse of the enemy at Charleston.

The intelligence of this repulse, coming on the back of so much bad news, is calculated to have an inspiriting effect upon our citizens. It reveals to the enemy the true nature of the heavy job he has undertaken, and will have no less effect in depressing his spirits than it has in elevating ours. The real value of the boasted iron clads has again been tested and they have again been found wanting. They killed but four of our men in a bombardment of seven hours, and did absolutely no damage to the works. If Fort Wagner alone was able to handle them so roughly, what are they to expect from all our batteries combined?

But a still more important secret has been revealed by this affair — the enemy cannot take Fort Wagner by assault, and he cannot approach it by parallels. The ground is a continuous swamp, and the water lies but a foot below the surface. After all, if the enemy take Charleston, they will have accomplished a work of unparalleled difficulty. We do not believe he will take it at all.

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