Latest from Europe.
The steamship
City of Baltimore, with rates from
Liverpool to the 12th, has arrived.
Lord Palmerston, in a speech at the
Lord Mayor's banquet, deplored the
American war. He said
England would have interfered, but for the belief that it would have been in vain.
She, therefore, would yield neither to blandishments nor menaces; but would remain strictly neutral.
Poland, he said
England had done her duty by remonstrating.
But although these remonstrances failed, he hoped
Russia would cease to pursue an offensive course.
Lord Palmerston's reception was significantly enthusiastic.
Mr. Villers, a prominent supporter of the
Government, had been speaking in defence of the
It was reported that the
British Admiral had ordered the
Kearsage from
It was believed she was shipping men, ostensibly as stokers, but it was supposed for more active service.
She sailed on the 5th, and during such had weather that it was inferred her departure was insisted upon.
The American ships
John Watt and
Bold Hunter had been captured by the rebel privateer
A dispatch from
Falmouth, England, of the 7th inst., says: The
John Watt, was probably bonded by the
The Georgia had boarded over ninety vessels before she arrived at
Cherbourg so it was expected that some heavy losses to American shipowner would be reported.
United States steamer
Vanderbilt was at the Mauritius when last heard from, probably in search of the privateer
Two very large and powerful steamers, destined to run the
American blockade, put into Cork harbor during the recent gale.
Laird's rebel rams had been valued by order of the
English Government.
El Toussoun is said to be worth £106,000, and El Monassir £80,000.
It was thought that the
Government would purchase both vessels.
A dispatch from
Paris, posted at
Liverpool, warns English traders to cease shipping goods — contraband, it is to be supposed — to
Mexico, as the "blockade is effective."
The Emperor elect of
Mexico will set out for
Mexico city about February, 1864. Two
Austrian war vessels were ordered to make ready for a long voyage, and it was supposed they were to convey
Maximilian, the Archduchess, and their respective suites across the
Archduke is to review his former command of the Austrian navy by way of a farewell.
The Emperor Napoleon had delivered his annual address to the French Legislature.
In relation to his war in
Mexico, he says it is one which "
France may look on without fear, and support without discouragement." Of the war between the
United States and the
Confederate States he says nothing.
With reference to
Poland, he says that an European Congress must meet and decide her destiny.--He contends that the treaties of 1815 are broken up, and that, though
Russia is his friend,
Poland must be free.
A Paris letter says:
As you will see, he touches
Mexico very lightly, and develops no particular policy there, because, as in the affairs of the
United States, he has no fixed policy to develop.
Upon the Polish question his speech is, on the whole, in
Paris considered warlike.
A Congress of
European sovereigns, to tear up the treaties of 1815 and make a new map of
Europe; and, failing this, war "sooner or later."The Bourse took the alarm at this programme, and although in anticipation of a peaceful speech, it had gone up early in the day; and, upon the publication of the speech, the rentes went down twenty centimes.
The journals of this morning publish the speech without any "appreciations." It takes a Parisian editor at least twenty-four hours to get his ideas in shape in so important a matter.
It is said that the applause was very faint upon
Mexico, but overwhelming when the
Emperor spoke of the annihilation of the treaties of 1815.
In regard to the divorce case in which Lord Palmerston's name figures so conspicuously, it is stated that his honor is perfectly safe and that the whole charge is solemnly denied.
Meantime Lord Palmerston is on a visit to the
Queen, at
Windsor Castle, and will be a guest at the
Lord Mayor's banquet on the 9th of November.
Eco delle Altra.
Cozie announces that
Garibaldi's son had passed through Canco on his way to
Nice, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary papers for his approaching marriage with a Genoese lady, daughter of one of the officers of the
corps d'armee of Marsala.
Mr. Beach, M. P. for
Alton, in an address to his constituents, said:
"He regretted that we should be obliged to allow so many men to emigrate to
America to supply the blanks which slaughter had made in the
Northern armies.
There was much danger of a European war in the present relations of
Germany and Genmark, and he feared that
England, if it broke out, could scarcely avoid taking part in it. He hoped, however, that we should use every effort to escape that necessity."
London Westminster Review contains an article on
Mexico which caused it to be seized by the Ministry of the Interior in
On the bookseller endeavoring to reclaim the numbers ordered by his subscribers, they were delivered to him minus the
Mexican article.
Stanley had declined the Archbishopric of
Dublin, and it had been tendered to
Dean French, of
Spence &Co.
announce their intention of running a line of first-class screw steamers between
Liverpool and
Philadelphia shortly, to supply the place of the sailing ships that have been withdrawn.
The crew of the American ship
Webster broke into mutiny in the
Mersey, and were all conveyed to prison before doing much damage.
The rebel loan was at 63a65 in
London on November 7th.
Napoleon had issued letters inviting the sovereigns to a European Congress.
Heenan and
King were in active training for the great £2,000 match mill.
A colt by the
American horse
Lexington won the great steeple chase stakes at
Worcestershire, England.
United States corvette
St. Lewis had gone froth
Lisbon to
Niagara was expected at Lison.