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Capture of a gunboat — official Dispatch.

The following official dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday:

Brig. Gen. Wirt Adams, Commanding Cavalry on the Yazoo River, telegraphs me from Yazoo City, on the 22d inst., to this effect: I have the honor to report the capture of a gunboat to-day, near the city, while lying near the shore. She was attacked by a section of artillery and a detachment of sharpshooters under Col. Griffith, who drove the men from the guns and finally the crew from the boat. I removed her fine armament of eight twenty-four pounder guns and the most valuable stores, and had her burned to the water's edge. The captain and pilot are prisoners in my hands, and a number of the crew. My casualties are small.

L. Polk, Lieut. General.

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