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Mutual Press Association.

James W. Lewellen, (of the Dispatch,) President;

A. M. Bailey, (of the Sentinel,) Vice-President;

Nathaniel Tyler, (of the Enquirer,) Recording Secretary;

P. H. Gibson, General Agent and Corresponding Secretary;

R. F. Walker, (of the Examiner,) Treasurer;

R. M. Smith, of the Sentinel; John M. Daniel, of the Examiner; W. B. Allegre, of the Enquirer, and James A. Cowardin, of the Dispatch, Directors; who, with the above officers, shall have charge of the affairs of the Association.

The proprietor of any newspaper in the Confederacy may be a member of this Association by contributing five dollars per month in advance to the Treasury and forwarding to the General Agent all important news from his locality.

Any member may withdraw from the Association by giving one month's notice to the President and paying up all his dues.

The General Agent, at the Seat of Government, will forward to all members of the Association, accessible by telegraph, all important news from this place, together with synopsis of interesting Congressional proceedings.

The press of each city or town will arrange for its own agency and pay all charges for transmitting messages to themselves.

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Walker (1)
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