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Our correspondent, "P. W. A.," in his communication published in Wednesday's issue, speaks plainly of the "deplorable state-of dissatisfaction, despondency and faction in which I have found the people all along my circuitous route from Richmond to Augusta." There is reason to hope that recent measures will change the state of discouragement and impart new confidence to the people. In the meantime, we must express our hope that the press will unite with the authorities in endeavoring to restore public spirit and harmony. It would be a sad fate to "perish on the banks of the Jordan, in sight of the promised land," and to perish by our own hands.

The people of the Confederacy have made prodigious efforts, endured terrible sufferings, and made the most heroic sacrifices. The unskillful and improvident management of their resources by some of the officials of the Government have been well calculated to dampen their ardor, and the harsh and factious criticisms of newspapers to sow the seeds of distrust and despondency. But a better era in the management of affairs has dawned; and if the press, people and Government will work in harmony, and the spirit of greed and extortion can, in any way, be banished, we shall see brighter days. We cannot afford to quarrel with each other. If we can make one more united effort, the day will be our own.--If we prefer subjugation to the Yankees to a longer continuance of resistance — to fly from our present evils to others that we know not of — it is easy to make the experiment. But Virginia, which was not the first to enter this struggle, will be the last to choose such an alternative.

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