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The wealthiest inhabitants were selected to provide the
choruses, and were informed what they were expected to furnish. Noticing their
disinclination, Philoxenus sent to them privately and asked what they would give
to be relieved of the duty. They told him they were prepared to pay a much
larger sum than they expected to spend <on the choruses> in order
to avoid the trouble and the interruption of their business. Philoxenus accepted
their offers, and proceeded to enrol a second levy. These also paid; and at last
he received what he desired from each company. Euaises the Syrian, when
governor of Egypt, received information
that the local governors were meditating rebellion. He therefore summoned them
to the palace and proceeded to hang them all, sending word to their relations
that they were in prison. These accordingly made offers, each on behalf of his
own kinsman, seeking by payment to secure their release. Euaises agreed to
accept a certain sum for each, and when it had been paid returned to the
relations the dead body. While Cleomenes of Alexandria was governor of Egypt,1 at a time
when there was some scarcity in the land, but elsewhere a grievous famine, he
forbade the export of grain. On the local governors representing
that if there were no export of grain they
would be unable to pay in their taxes, he allowed the export, but laid a heavy
duty on the corn. By this means he obtained a large amount of duty from a small
amount of export, and at the same time deprived the officials of their
excuse.When Cleomenes was making a progress
by water through the province where the crocodile is worshipped, one of his
servants was carried off. Accordingly, summoning the priests, he told them that
he intended to retaliate on the crocodiles for this unprovoked aggression; and
gave orders for a battue. The priests, to save the credit of their god,
collected all the gold they could, and succeeded in putting an end to the
pursuit.King Alexander had given Cleomenes
command to establish a town near the island of Pharus, and to transfer thither the market hitherto held at
Canopus. Sailing therefore to
Canopus he informed the priests and
the men of property there that he was come to remove them. The priests and
residents thereupon contributed money to induce him to leave their market where
it was. He took what they offered, and departed; but afterwards returned, when
all was ready to build the town,
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