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2. Son of Hanno, and probably the father of Hamilcar, the adversary of Agathocles. He is mentioned by Diodorus (16.81) as being in exile at the time of the great defeat sustained by the Carthaginians at the river Crimissus (B. C. 339). According to Polyaenus he had been banished, as implicated in the designs of his brother Hamilcar to possess himself of the sovereign power (Polyaen. 5.11, see also Just. 22.7); but it appears that he had previously distinguished himself, both by his courage and skill as a general, and after the disaster just alluded to the Carthaginians thought fit to recal him from exile, and send him, at the head of a fresh army of mercenaries, to restore their affairs in Sicily. But though he succeeded in cutting off two bodies of mercenary troops, in the service of Syracuse, he was unable to prevent the destruction of Mamercus of Catana, and Hicetas of Leontini, the two chief allies of the Carthaginians; and shortly afterwards the ambassadors who had been sent from Carthage succeeded in concluding a treaty with Timoleon, by which the river Halycus was fixed as the boundary of the contending powers (B. C. 338). After this victory we hear no more of Gisco. (Plut. Tim. 30-34; Diod. 16.81, 82; Just. 22.3, 7.)

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339 BC (1)
338 BC (1)
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  • Cross-references from this page (4):
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 16.81
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 16.82
    • Plutarch, Timoleon, 30
    • Plutarch, Timoleon, 34
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