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Chapter 11

  • Skirmishing at Resaca along our whole lines.
  • -- the enemy cross the Oostenaula. -- our army put in position to meet this movement. -- causes of leaving Dalton. -- the dispositions there of the Confederate army. -- the army at Cassville. -- the position a strong one. -- in line of battle. -- Generals Hood and Polk urge abandonment of positions, stating their inability to hold their ground. -- General Hardee remonstrates. -- position abandoned, and army crosses the Etowah. -- losses up to date. -- affairs near New Hope Church. -- manoeuvring of Federal troops. -- Kenesaw. -- General assault. -- battle of Kenesaw. -- army crosses the Chattahoochee. -- visit of General Brown. -- relieved from command of the army of Tennessee. -- explain my plans to General Hood. -- review of the campaign. -- grounds of my removal. -- discussion of them. -- General Cobb's defense of Macon.

On the 5th, the Confederate troops were formed to receive the enemy: Stewart's and Bate's divisions, in Mill-Creek Gap, in which they had constructed some slight defensive works — the former on the right of the stream, Cheatham's on Stewart's right, occupying about a mile of the crest of the mountain; Walker's in reserve; Stevenson's across Crow Valley, its left joining Cheatham's right, on the crest of the mountain; Hindman's, on the right of Stevenson's; and Cleburne's immediately in front of Dalton, and behind Mill Creek, facing toward Cleveland.

On the same day the Federal army was formed in order of battle, three miles in front of Tunnel Hill, and in that position skirmished with our advanced guard until dark. It was employed all of the next in selecting and occupying a position just beyond the [305] range of the field-pieces of the Confederate advanced-guard, on which it halted for the night.

In the evening, a telegram from Lieutenant-General Polk informed me that he had been ordered to join the Army of Tennessee with all his infantry.

At daybreak on the 7th, the Federal army moved forward, annoyed and delayed in its advance by dismounted Confederate cavalry, firing upon it from the cover of successive lines of very slight intrenchments, prepared the day before. Its progress was so slow, that the Confederates were not driven from Tunnel Hill until eleven o'clock A. Mr., nor to Mill-Creek Gap until three P. m. In the afternoon the Federal army placed itself in front of the Confederate line, its right a little south of Mill-Creek Gap, and its left near the Cleveland road.

In the evening, intelligence was received of the arrival of Canty's brigade at Resaca. It was ordered to halt there, to defend that important position.

On the 8th, the cavalry, which had been driven through Mill-Creek Gap the day before, was divided; Grigsby's (Kentucky) brigade going to the foot of the mountain, near Dug Gap, and the remainder to the ground then occupied by Kelly's troops, in front of our right.

About four o'clock P. M., a division of Hooker's corps, said to be Geary's, assailed our outpost in Dug Gap-two very small regiments of Reynolds's Arkansas brigade, commanded then by Colonel Williamson. They held their ground bravely, and were soon joined by Grigsby's Kentuckians, who, leaving their horses, hastened up the mountain-side, on foot, to their aid. As soon as the musketry was so increased [306] by this accession to our force as to give evidence of a serious attack, Lieutenant-General Hardee was requested to hurry Granberry's (Texan) brigade, which was the nearest, to the assistance of the troops engaged; and, on account of the importance of the position, his own offer to direct its defense was eagerly accepted. The encouragement given to the defenders by that distinguished soldier's arrival among them, made the position secure until the leading Texans came up, at full gallop, on the Kentucky horses they had found a mile from the place of combat, when the contest was terminated and the assailants repulsed.

A sharp attack was also made upon the angle where the Confederate right and centre joined on the crest of the mountain. This point was held by Pettus's brigade, by which the assailants, Newton's division of the Fourth Corps, were quickly and handsomely repulsed. Brown's brigade was then moved from Stevenson's right to the crest of the mountain, joining Pettus's left.

On the 9th another assault was made upon the troops at the angle, including Brown's brigade as well as Pettus's, and much more vigorous than that of the day before, by a larger force advancing in column and exhibiting great determination. It was met, however, with the firmness always displayed where Pettus or Brown commanded, and their troops fought; and the enemy was driven back with a loss proportionate to the determination of their attack. Similar assaults upon Stewart and Bate in the gap, made with the same resolution, were in like manner defeated. The actions of the day, in General [307] Sherman's language, “attained the dimensions of a battle.”

The Confederate troops suffered little in these engagements, for they fought under the protection of intrenchments. But we had reason to believe that the enemy, who were completely exposed, often at short range and in close order, sustained heavy losses. This belief was strengthened in my mind by the opinion, long entertained, that the soldiers of the United States never give way without good reason.

On the same day Major-General Wheeler, with Dibrell's and Allen's brigades, encountered a large body of Federal cavalry near Varnell's Station. Dismounting all of his troops but two regiments, he made a combined attack of infantry and cavalry, by which the enemy was put to flight. A standard, many small-arms, and a hundred prisoners, were captured. Among the prisoners were Colonel La Grange, commanding a brigade, three captains, and five lieutenants. From information given him by the colonel, General Wheeler estimated the force he had just encountered at about five thousand men.

At night Brigadier-General Canty reported that he had been engaged at Resaca until dark with troops of the Army of the Tennessee, which was commanded by Major-General McPherson, and had held his ground. As intelligence of the arrival of that army in Snake-Creek Gap had been received, Lieutenant-General Hood was ordered to move to Resaca immediately with three divisions-those of Hindman, Cleburne, and Walker.

On the 10th that officer reported that the enemy [308] was retiring; and was recalled, but directed to leave Cleburne's and Walker's divisions near Tilton --one on each road.

Skirmishing, renewed in the morning near Dalton, continued all day, to our advantage — both at the gap and on Stevenson's front. Near night an attack, especially spirited, was made upon Bate's position, on the hill-side facing the gap on the south. It was firmly met, however, and repulsed.

At night reports were received from the scouts in observation near the south end of Rocky Face, to the effect that General McPherson's troops were intrenching their position in Snake-Creek Gap. And on the 11th various reports were received indicating a general movement to their right by the

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Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (37)
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (21)
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (21)
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (15)
Cassville (Georgia, United States) (12)
Adairsville (Georgia, United States) (11)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (10)
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (9)
Stevenson (Alabama, United States) (8)
Tunnel Hill (Georgia, United States) (6)
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (6)
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (6)
Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (6)
Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (6)
Peach Tree Creek (Mississippi, United States) (5)
Missionary Ridge, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (5)
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (5)
Kenesaw (Nebraska, United States) (5)
Dallas, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (5)
Noonday Creek (Georgia, United States) (3)
Macon (Georgia, United States) (3)
Lost Mountain (Georgia, United States) (3)
Ackworth, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (3)
Tullahoma (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Powder Spring (Missouri, United States) (2)
Noses Creek (Georgia, United States) (2)
France (France) (2)
Cleveland (Ohio, United States) (2)
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (2)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (1)
United States (United States) (1)
Tupelo (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Tilton (Georgia, United States) (1)
Tennessee River (United States) (1)
Shiloh, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Roswell, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Rocky Face Ridge (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Rocky Face (Georgia, United States) (1)
Ponders Corner (Washington, United States) (1)
Newnan (Georgia, United States) (1)
Napoleon (Ohio, United States) (1)
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (1)
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (1)
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Kenesaw Mountain (Georgia, United States) (1)
Jonesboro (Illinois, United States) (1)
England (United Kingdom) (1)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Crow Valley (Georgia, United States) (1)
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (1)
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (1)
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (1)
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