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Jan. 2: Occ. of Santa Catalina Island

CALIFORNIA--4th Infantry (Co. "C").

Feb. 29: Skirmish, Redwood Creek

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "A").

March 1: Skirmish, Redwood Mts

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment).

March 17: Skirmish on Red Mountain near Blue Rock Station

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Co. "D").

March 19: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "D").

March 22: Skirmish, Bald Spring Canon, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Co. "D").

March 27: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Co. "D").

April 28: Skirmish, Big Bend, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "D").

April 28: Skirmish, Eel River

CALIFORNIA--2d Infantry (Detachment Co. "D").

May 1: Affair, Booth's Ranch

CALIFORNIA--6th Infantry (Detachment Co. "E").

May 2: Skirmish, Kneeland's Prairie

CALIFORNIA--6th Infantry (Detachment Co. "E").

May 6: Skirmish, Boynton's Prairie

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "B").

May 26: Skirmish, Grouse Creek

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment Co. "E").

May 27: Skirmish, Thomas' House, on Trinity River

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Detachment).

May 27: Skirmish, San Carlos River

CALIFORNIA--5th Infantry (Co. "K"). Union loss, 1 killed.

May 28: Skirmish, Big Flat

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "E").

Aug. 8-12: Scout from Camp Anderson to Bald Mountain

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "B").

Sept. 1-29: Scout from Camp Grant to N. Fork Eel River

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "E").

Sept. 1-Dec. 3: Operations in Trinity River Valley

CALIFORNIA--1st Battalion Mountaineers (Co. "C").

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