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The slave Hegira from Chicago

--Flight of Over One Hundred Fugitives.--It has already been stated that the recent arrests of a family of fugitive slaves, at Chicago, had caused large numbers to leave that city in haste, for Canada. The Chicago Journal, of the 8th inst., says:

The utmost consternation prevails among all classes of the colored residents of the city, and the exodus from a state of uncertainty to one of absolute freedom still continues. All day Sunday the vicinity of the Michigan Southern depot was a scene of excitement and confusion. After the religious services at the Zoar Baptist Church, in the morning, which was densely attended, the leave-taking commenced. Edina Place, Buffalo, Clark and Harrison streets, which are largely inhabited by the colored population, were crowded all the afternoon by the fugitives and their friends, going from door to door, bidding each other good-bye. The colored clergymen of the city were also among the number, and labored ardently in extending encouragement and consolation to those about to depart.

Four freight cars had been chartered of the Michigan Southern Railroad Company, at a tariff of $200, and all the afternoon, drays, express wagons, and other vehicles were busy transporting trunks, bandboxes, valises, and various articles of household furniture to the depot. The wants of the inner man had been attended to also, and a goodly store of provisions, such as crackers, bread, beans, dried beef, and apples, were packed in, and a barrel of water in each car; for the fugitives were to be stowed away in the same cars with the freight, with plenty of fresh air, but no light, and in a crowded, unwholesome state. An immense throng of persons assembled at the depot to witness their departure. The train started amid lusty cheers, many-voiced good-byes, and the waving of hats and handkerchiefs, as far as the eye could see. The fugitives heartily responded, and the train vanished in the distance.

About one thousand fugitives have arrived in this city since last fall, a large number of whom have left within the past few days.

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