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From Portsmouth.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Portsmouth, Va., May 3, 1861.
Last evening the train of the Seaboard and R. R. R. Co. came in here, bringing the Glover Guards, from Jasper country, Georgia. They supped at the Macon House, and are for the present quartered in the Court-House.

The Deep Creek Rangers and Rifles marched in the city this morning, having been detailed to guard the line of the road between this point and Suffolk, some apprehensions having been entertained that the road was to be injured and the bridges at Smith's Creek and Shingle Creek were to be destroyed. Nothing of the kind, however, occurred. This morning the Brown Rifles, from Putnam county, Georgia, arrived. They went over to Suffolk, I believe, with all their baggage. Other companies, composing a Georgia regiment, are expected in to-day. A provision depot has been established in one of the stores under the Ocean House. A large crowd of women with baskets are assembled there, waiting for its opening. It reminds me forcibly of the daily scenes here during the prevalence of the yellow fever some years ago.

Old Dominion.

Portsmouth, Va., May 4, 1861.
And still they come ! The Baldwin Blues, Capt. Doles, from Milledgeville, Ga., said to be the best drilled company in that State, reached here last night with the Twiggs' Volunteers. In the former company is a Major General as a private, who, it is said, is likely to be elected Colonel of the regiment. Both these companies have been detailed to the Navy-Yard. The Sussex Cavalry, which I mentioned had arrived here some days ago, has been ordered with the National Grays, Capt. Denny, of this city, to Pig's Point, at the mouth of Nansemond river. Some of the Ape's men from the Cumberland, under her gallant Commander, the heavy and phlegmatic Pendergrast, who ingloriously fled from the commanding position he once occupied here, have been taking soundings up the river, and it has been deemed precautionary to station at the entrance of the Nansemond a force sufficient to repel any attempt to land by the aggressive force under the Illinois Campaign. The Old Dominion Guards, of Portsmouth, were detailed up the Seaboard and Roanoke Road, to protect it.

The weather is gloomy and lowering, with light rain, which is very desirable on account of the dust, which an irregular wind has been blowing into our eyes and faces for some days past.

Old Dominion.

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