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Suicide of an Eminent Clergyman.

--On Sunday last the Rev. Robert C. Rice, of Eminence, Kentucky, one of the most distinguished clergymen of the Christian or Reformed Baptist Church, committed suicide at the Spencer House, Cincinnati, whither he had arrived from Philadelphia the previous evening, en route for home. The Commercial gives the following particulars of the occurrence:

‘ During the forenoon of Sunday the chambermaid desired to arrange his apartment, but he declined to have her do so, alleging that he was unwell. A similar application, in the afternoon, met with the same excuse. About midnight the clerk's attention was called to the matter by the statement of the boot-black, that the boots had remained outside of the door all day. Upon entering the room (the door was unlocked,) Mr. Rice was found upon the bed, dead. He had shot himself in the head with a small pistol, which was still grasped in his hand.

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