
The President's Return.

President Davis returned to Richmond last evening. An immense concourse of people assembled in front of the Spotswood House, and vociferously called for his appearance. He finally presented himself, and addressed the multitude in glowing and eloquent allusions to the brilliant occurrences of Sunday.

He described the brilliant movement of Gen. Johnston from Winchester to Manassas, and with fervid feeling drew a graphic picture of the struggle of the wearied soldiers of that gallant command for seven hours with the heavy columns of the enemy. --After paying a most honorable tribute to Gen. Johnston, who seized the colors of a regiment and rallied them to the flag of the Confederacy, he alluded to the glorious manner in which Gen. Beauregard came to the support of his comrade in arms, and at a late hour relieved him of the odds against which he was contending. Each of these two able and consummate commanders, though not imprudently or idly exposing their persons where it was unnecessary, yet, when their presence was demanded, gallantly dashed before the lines, and by their personal courage and example reanimated the ranks whenever they were shaken.

The President, in a delicate manner, alluded to his own appearance upon the field, in order to pay a tribute to the devotion of the soldiers to the Confederacy. Men, he said, who lay upon their backs, wounded, bleeding and exhausted, when they saw him pass, though they could do nothing else, waved their hats as they lay, and cheered for Jeff. Davis and the South. Where the ranks had been broken and the men were somewhat scattered, when they saw the President of the South in their midst, shouted that they would follow him to the death, and rallied once more for the last and the successful onslaught.

The President alluded also to the immensity and extravagance of the outfit which the enemy had provided for their invasion. Provisions for many days; knapsacks provided with every comfort; arms the most perfect; trains of wagons in numbers which the mind could scarcely comprehend, and ambulances for the officers stored with luxuries that would astonish our frugal people whom these minions of the North had taxed for seventy years, attended their marching columns. But the columns themselves were scattered and chased, like hares, from the battle ground, throwing away and leaving behind everything they could get rid of, and leaving us all the equipments we have described as the trophies of victory.

The President concluded with a glowing tribute to the gallantry of the soldiers of our army, invoking the praise and blessing of the country upon them. He reminded the people, however, that the enemy was still in strong force, and that much hard fighting was yet before us, urging the country to unremitted diligence in pushing on the war.

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