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From the North.
progress of the War.

We have received the New York Herald Philadelphia, Inquirer, and Baltimore American, of the 26th February, from which we extract a variety of Northern intelligence:

Suspension of the Press and telegraph.

The following order has just been promulgated by the Lincoln Government:

War Department.
Washington city, D. C., Feb. 25, 1862.


  • First--On and after the twenty-sixth day of February, instant, the President, by virtue of the act of Congress, takes military possession of all the telegraph lines in the United States.
  • Second--All telegraphic communications in regard to military operations not expressly authorized by the War Department, the General Commanding, or the Generals Commanding in the field, in the several Departments, are absolutely forbidden.
  • Third--All newspapers publishing the military news, however obtained, and by whatever medium received, not authorized by the official authority mentioned in the preceding paragraph, will be excluded thereafter from receiving information by telegraph, or from transmitting their papers by railroad.
  • Fourth--Edward S Sandford is made Military Supervisor of telegraphic messages throughout the United States. Anson Slager is made Military Superintendent of all telegraphic lines and offices in the United States.
  • Fifth--This possession and control of the telegraph lines is not intended to interfere in any respect with the ordinary affairs of the companies or with private business.
By order of the President.
Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.

A Provost Marshal General.

A recent order from Gen. McClellan appoints Gen. Andrew Porter Provost Marshal General of the Army of the Potomac. The following is an extract from the order:

‘ The duties of the Provost Marshals, general and local, relate to the general police of the army, and embrace the following subjects:

Suppression of marauding and depredations, and of all brawls and disturbances; preservation of good order and suppression of drunkenness; beyond the limits of the camps, prevention of straggling on the march; suppression of gambling-houses, drinking-houses or bar-rooms and brothels; regulation of hotels, taverns, markets, and places of public amusement; searches, seizures and arrests; execution of sentences of general courts martial involving imprisonment or capital punishment; enforcement of orders prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, whether by tradesmen or antlers, and of orders respecting passes; deserters from the enemy; prisoners of war taken from the enemy; countersigning safeguards, passes to citizens, within the lines and for purposes of trade; complaints of citizens as to the conduct of the soldiers.

The Treasury note Bill.

A Washington dispatch, of the 25th, says:

‘ The Treasury note bill, which passed both houses on the report of the Conference Committee, was reconsidered to-day, and referred to another committee, composed of Messrs. Stevens and Train of the House, and Mr. Fessenden of the Senate. It had been ascertained that in the amendment of the bill no provision had been made to apply the legal tender clause to the first fifty millions of demand notes. The error was promptly remedied, and reported to both houses. The report was immediately concurred in, and the bill finally sent to the President, by whom it has been already signed. It is now a law.

The only amendment made to the United States note bill by the Committee of Conference at their second meeting to-day was of an important character, namely: to receive the $50,000,000 of demand notes heretofore authorized in payment of duties on imported goods, while apart from these such duties are to be paid in coin.

Both houses yesterday agreed to report to the Committee on Conference on the Treasury note bill. It retains the provisions that the notes be redeemable in five years of payable in twenty years, at the pleasure of Government; it also makes duties on imports payable in coin, and pledges it to the payment of the interest on the notes and bonds. It strikes out the pledge of public lands.

From Fortress Monroe.

The Northern papers publish the following in regard to affairs in North Carolina and at Fortress Monroe:

‘ The 9th New York regiment had made an expedition up the Chowan river with three gunboats, but having found the enemy in full force, returned without making an attack.

Among the passengers by the Baltimore is Charles Henry Foster, who was reported killed at Winton by Southern papers.

The election ordered by the Provisional Governor of North Carolina, to take place on Saturday, resulted, as far as the returns have been received, in the re-election of Mr. Foster to Congress. The ordinances of the Convention were also ratified.

The object of the expedition of the 9th New York regiment was to destroy the railroad bridges on the Black Water and Chowan rivers. The enemy, however, were discovered in large force at Winton, and no landing was made.

The enemy fired at our gunboats, and in retaliation the town was shelled.

The greater part of the Burnside Expedition wat still at Roanoke Island, and Gen. Williams's brigade at Hatteras had received orders to proceed there.

Capt. Howard's Battery went to Newport News to-day.

A fire broke out here in the building occupied by the negroes, opposite the hotel, about 4 ½ o'clock this afternoon, which, with all the adjoining buildings, was entirely destroyed.

The buildings were of little value, and the loss is fully covered by insurance.

Federal accounts from Tennessee.

Louisville, Feb. 25
--A deserter from the rebel army has arrived at Munfordsville to-day, reports that the National flag is flying over Nashville, and that the rebels pretend to be concentrating 200,000 men at Murfreesboro', intending to give battle there.

St. Louis, Feb. 25.
--Two old citizens of St. Louis, who left Memphis on Tuesday last, arrived here to-day. They report that on the day they left Memphis, the Tennessee Legislature arrived there from Nashville, and were to meet on the following day to discuss the present state of affairs in that State.

The people were rapidly arriving at Memphis from Nashville, and congregating in large numbers. All the gold and silver that could be got hold of had been moved to Memphis. A panic of colossal dimensions had seized the rebels. State and Confederate scrip was of no value whatever.

There were only 3,000 rebel troops at New Madrid under Colonel Gunter.

Earthworks had been erected a short distance below New Madrid. Jeff. Thompson held no command there.

St. Louis, Feb. 24
--A special dispatch from Cairo to the Democrat says:

‘ "The latest intelligence from the Cumberland river is that General Buell's forces occupy Nashville, and that Governor Harris has called in all the Tennessee troops; and that a strong reaction has occurred among the people."

St. Louis, Feb. 24.
--Cairo dispatches say that the reports about the evacuation of Columbus are certainly false.

The rebels are still there in large force and none of the garrison has been withdrawn, and from present indications they evidently intend making a desperate stand there.

Cairo, Feb. 24.
--Everything is quiet here. The rebels before evacuating Clarksville fired the railroad bridge crossing the Cumberland river at that point.

Recent Nashville papers advise the undermining of some of the bluffs on the Cumberland, and blowing them into the river on the approach of our gunboats, either to destroy them or obstruct the channel!

An expedition returned.

A dispatch from Cairo, Feb. 24, says:

‘ An expedition, composed of four iron-clad gunboats, with the 27th Illinois, and a battalion of the 3 h Wisconsin regiments, made a reconnaissance down the river this morning, and discovered that the rebels had seized all the flat-boats and skiffs, as far up the river as they dared to come; also, that there had been a movement of the troops at Columbus, but whether reinforcements had arrived was not learned. The gunboats and mortar boats were getting into position on the Missouri side of the river, when a rebel steamer, with a white flag, made its appearance.--Some rebel officers came on board the Cincinnati, and a consultation took place, lasting over two hours, with what result has no, been made known, but the expedition returned to Cairo.

Gen. Halleck's Proclamation.

The Federal General Halleck, in Missouri, has issued ‘"a proclamation impressing on the officers and soldiers of his army the necessity of preserving good order as the army advances into Tennessee and other Southern States, to show to our fellow-citizens there that we come merely to crush out rebellion and restore to them peace, etc. The regulations against pillaging, marauding and stealing, concealing slaves, etc., must be strictly enforced. It does not belong to the military to decide the relations of master and slave. No fugitive slave, therefore, will be admitted within our lines or camps."’

Manufacturing Union Sentiments.

Washington, Feb. 25.
--The Navy Department received the following dispatch to-day:

Cairo, Feb, 24th, 1862.

To the Hon. Gidson Welles, Secretary of the

Navy: Lieutenant Commanding Gwinn, with the gunboat-Taylor, has just arrived from Tennessee, Mississippi, and Alabama, and reports that the Union sentiment in South Tennessee and North Alabama to be very strong. I shall send him back to-day, and will call at Fort Henry to accompany the gunboat, which will aid the loyal people of those States to raise Union forces within their borders. A. H. Foote,

Flag Officer, Commanding.

Proclamation of Com. Foote.

Cairo, Feb. 24.
--Every thing is quiet at Fort Donelson.

The rebels, before evacuating Clarksville, fired the railroad bridge crossing the Cumberland at that point.

Commodore Foote has issued the following proclamation to the inhabitants of Clarksville:

‘ At the suggestion of Hon. Cave Johnson, Judge Wisdom, and the Mayor of the city, who called upon me yesterday, after hoisting the Union flag on the forte to ascertain my views and intentions towards citizens and private property, I hereby announce to all peaceably disposed persons that neither in their persons nor property shall they suffer molestation by me or by the naval forces under my command, and they may safely resume their business avocations with assurances of my protection.

At the same time I require that all military stores and army equipments shall be surrendered, no part of them being withheld or destroyed; and, further, that no Secession flag or manifestation of Secession feeling shall be exhibited; and for the faithful observance of these conditions I shall hold the authorities of the city responsible.

Andrew H. Foote.

Gen. Buckner takes to Indianapolis.

Louisville, Feb. 24.
--The steamer Argonant, from Cairo, arrived at Jeffersonville this afternoon with 194 of the Fort Donelson prisoners, including Gen. Buckner and staff. They were in charge of a detachment of Federal soldiers, under command of Captain Walker, and were sent to Indianapolis by a special train this afternoon.

The Fort Donelson prisoners.

The St. Louis Republican of the 21st contains the following in regard to the transfer of prisoners, from which it will be seen that the number is below the mark heretofore claimed; and it is reasonable to believe that when the whole truth is known, the number here stated is considerably exaggerated:

‘ The prisoners taken at Fort Donelson are arriving rapidly. Ten boats, named below, brought up 10,685--in addition to which about 2,000 have been sent to Chicago by the Illinois Central road. As fast as they are landed they are forwarded by railroad to Springfield, Chicago, Indianapolis and Detroit, where efforts will be made to provide for their proper accommodation. The passengers were divided among the following boats:

C. A. January1,200
White Cloud1,000
Emma Duncan600
Stephen Decatur500
Alex. Scott1,800
Dr. Kane600

Prisoners at Indianapolis.

By telegraph from Indianapolis, Feb. 25, we have the following:

Gen. Buckner and Staff, including Majors Casby, Hays, and Cassady, Captains Thos. J. Clay, Chas. Johnson and E. H. McDonald, and J. M. Gallaher, Buckner's Private Secretary, reached here at 1 o'clock this morning, with three hundred other prisoners, among whom were Major Cranberry, of Gen. Tilghman's Staff, Majors Herbert, Dallam and Captain Moorman, of Gen. Bushrod Johnston's Staff, Capt. Frank Maney, (formerly of Garibaldi's Staff,) Capt. Raves, Ingram Stanwitze, Jool Chapley, of Tenn., and artillery and infantry Surgeons Charles Widney and W. G. Owen, of Washington city.

Among the prisoners that arrived on Sunday and yesterday are Lieut. Colonel Lyon, of the Eighth Kentucky, Col. John M. Rittars, Lieut. Col. Abercathy, of the Fifty-third Tennessee, and Lieut. Col. Overton.

General Buckner is confined alone, in a room in the United States Court House building. There are now in this city, and at Lafayette and Terra Haute, nearly 6,000 prisoners.

Washington Items.

The Washington correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, under date of Feb. 25, furnishes a variety of information; a portion of which we copy:

‘ The dispatches brought in flag of truce by General Howell Cobb were considered to-day in Cabinet session. They chiefly referred to the fact that our Government has refused, officially, to define its policy in regard to the privateers captured by the United States. It is looked on as only one of the many pretences to induce our Government to hold official intercourse with Jeff. Davis, and thus force implied recognition.

Twenty-five or thirty soldiers belonging to Gen. Banks division, and who have been in confinement at Frederick, Maryland, for various offences, but principally desertion, were brought to this city and confined in the Central Guard-House. They are members of New York regiments principally. Several refugees from upper Virginia arrived here also, and have been properly cared for. They represent that the feeblest demonstration by our forces on the upper Potomac, would result most beneficially.

The Military Governor of Alexandria has issued an order forbidding any person who has resigned, or otherwise left the service, from wearing the United States military uniform in Alexandria, and directing the Provost Marshal to arrest any who may be found disobeying the order. Some Pennsylvania ex colonels are particularly pointed at in this order.

The bill requiring masters of American vessels clearing for foreign or domestic ports to sake the oath of allegiance, and to support the Constitution was — according to a remark made by Mr. Elliot, who reported it, and which passed the House — in accordance with the suggestions of Secretaries Chase and Seward, who, from information in their possession, deemed such legislation necessary.

Reliable information has been received here that Gen. Jim Lane has abandoned his Southern crusade through Arkansas to Texas, and will return here immediately, and resume his place in the Senate.

The communication from the Russian Government, on the subject of the Trent affair, was communicated to the Senate to-day. It is characterized by the strongest feelings of friendship for the United States.

Texas Vs. New York.

The Northern papers, of the 26th, have the following brief announcement:

‘ Yesterday a slight skirmish took place at Mason's Neck, in the neighborhood of Occoquan, between a body of Texan rangers and some of our troops. The rangers fired from a house in which they took refuge. Two of our men, belonging to the New York 37th regiment, were killed, and another man was wounded. The loss of the rebels were not ascertained.

Political prisoners released.

The following political prisoners have been ordered, by the Government, to be released from the Old Capital Prison, Washington. They belong to various parts of the country.

James Conner, James A. Donnelly, E. B. B. Grayson; Ruth Adams, George W. Grinnell, A. B. Williams, Wethers Smith, Samuel F. Anderson, Isaac Ballonger, John McDaniel, Lewis M. Arthur, James B. Loker, Richard K. Lee, William L. Lee, D. C. Lee, Thomas B. Hewitt, Clarence Mills, J. Iguat. Ford, Richard Hurst, James W. Savage, John Regan, Thomas P. Fowler, John H. Rea, O. F. Potter, Jackson Beaman, J. Pierce (colored), El. C. Ostrander, Calvers Beach, V. L. Prumble, Abe Hornbeck, John Young L. Young, Dennis Farrell, M. J. Woodward, M. J. Farmington, William Ward, Forrest Olden, Wm. Joy, Sum. Ball, Jere. Moore, John Hanover, Henry Simpson, Richard H. Sayles, Thos. Braggs, Mat. Plaskett, John Haislip, James Hafalip, Wm. Hick, A. L. McKenzie, Thomas W. Baylis, B. W. Baylis, M. H. Janny, G. W. Hutchins, Henry C. Brown.

Yankee cotton bales.

A New York letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer says:

‘ The cotton that arrived here on Tuesday last from Port Royal (500 bales, per schooner Aid, consigned to Collector Barney, on account of the Government,) is in very small packages, it is in the seeded, state, moreover, and when it is cleaned, these will lose about three-fourths their weight.

Scott and Mexico.

It appears that Gen. Scott was nominated to the Federal Senate on the 22d February as a special envoy to Mexico, to aid Mr. Corwin in the present troubled aspect of affairs there. But a Washington correspondent writes:

‘ A majority of the Senate are opposed to any intervention in Mexican affairs, and of course, will refuse to confirm Gen. Scott's appointment, as it is only part of the scheme.

’ Another correspondent says:

‘ There will be no occasion for the mission of General Scott unless the Senate should determine to adopt the suggestions of the President, which render the appointment of a special Minister proper. The Government's mail by the last steamer has not yet been received, but only a continuation of friendly expressions are expected — at least, while the Federal force continue to gain victory after victory, not only weekly but almost daily.

Col. Corcoran in a Mist.

The New York correspondent of the Philadelphia inquirer is somewhat puzzled how to ‘"place"’ Colonel Corcoran, who, we believe, is at present in Richmond:

A mystery seems to hang about the whereabouts and condition of Colonel Corcoran, against whom the rebels appear to have a peculiar spite. Colonel Wood and Colonel Cogswell both are represented as saying that they had conversations with prisoners from Charleston, who said they had not seen him for several days previous to their quitting that place, and inferred therefrom that he had either been removed to another prison or been sent further South. Though it is well understood here that the President has made especial exertions to procure the exchange of Colonel Corcoran, yet it is equally well understood that the rebel authorities will consent to give him up only on condition that Smith, the condemned privateer or pirate, shall be surrendered to them. This, I am-assured, is the fact, other statements to the contrary notwithstanding.

Gunboats on the Mississippi.

A Northern newspaper has the following interesting intelligence:

‘ We have the most reliable information in this vicinity that the rebel gunboat fleet, of the construction of which the Southern papers frequently spoke previous to the establishment of the blockade, is now completely fitted out and equipped, and is ready for the upward march. A Federal officer spoke of this matter yesterday to one of the Captains of Colonel Hanson's Kentucky regiment.--The latter said that he was in the city of New Orleans a couple of weeks since, and that eight Confederate gunboats were then lying at the wharf awaiting orders to proceed up the Mississippi. The fleet, he said, is under the command of Commodore Hollins. The boats are all iron-clad; much more heavily plated than ours, and less vulnerable. Their machinery is all below the gun-decks. In this respect they are equal to the Benton, the best boat of the Federal fleet. The rebel officer further stated that it is the intention of Commodore Hollins to make an attack on Cairo, and that speedily. "Mark my prediction; you will find these boats below Fort Holt in less than ten days," was one of the remarks which I heard him make.

Movements about Manassas.

The Washington Star, of Tuesday evening last, says:

‘ Reliable information is in this city to the effect that no considerable force of the rebels have left their position at and in front of Manassas. Many of their re-enlisted men having been furloughed for sixty days, to enable them to visit their respective homes, have, however, departed. As they filled (in departing) a number of train for some days, the rumor that they were going away by regiments got out. Their departure does not amount to materially weakening the enemy in our front, though it is very questionable whether they will ever again join their respective regiments, owing to the successes of the arms of the United States, the destruction of their railroad connection, &c.

The Hanging of Gordon.

The less said by the newspapers about the execution of Gordon (says the New York Herald) the better. It is an affair which reflects no credit upon any one concerned in it, and the more it is discussed the more unsavory is its odor. If one of those Northern fellows who declaim against slavery, while their capital is invested in the slave trade, and who not only aid in bringing the negro to this country, but do all they can to make his condition here more miserable, had been in Gordon's place, there would have been less room for regret.

The upper Potomac.

Sandy Hook, Md., Feb. 28.
--While attempting to cross the ferry, during the gale yesterday, the boat swamped, and five soldiers and one citizen were drowned. The ferryman, who was with Rohr when shot by the rebels, was the only man who escaped.

All the rebel families are evacuating Charlestown, Va.

Three companies of rebel cavalry are the only enemy in night. They are about three mile from the city.

Spirit of the New York Press.

The following interesting paragraph appears in the editorial columns of the New York Herald:

‘ Poor Greeley's troubles are never ending. He has been misrepresenting and vilifying Gen. McClellan for several weeks back, with a view to having him replaced by some other General, whose conservative tendencies were not supposed to be as decided. One by one all those towards whom he has inclined have disappointed his expectations; and now (the bitterest blow of all) Gen. Halleck, on whom he relied as a sure card to supplant McClellan, has just issued a military order which places him in as strong antagonism to his emancipation theories as the latter. Gen. Halleck will neither admit fugitive slaves within his lines, nor will be countenance their concealment in any way by his troops. Poor Greeley! The further the war progresses the more remote becomes the realization of the fanatical hopes that led him and the faction with which he is connected to provoke it.

Correspondence Stopped.

Fortress Monroe, Feb. 23.
--A recent order from the War Department prohibits the transmittal of private letters through the lines of the United States troops to persons living in the enemy's country, and requires officers of the army to send such letters to the Dead Letter Office. Exception to this rule is made in favor of letters addressed to officers and men detained as prisoners by the insurgents.

It is therefore useless to send private letters to this post to be transmitted by ‘ "flags of truce"’ to Norfolk, as they must either be returned to the writers or sent to the Dead Letter Office. J. Roberts, Major, U. S. A.

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Alexander Scott (5)
Buckner (5)
Halleck (4)
Andrew H. Foote (4)
Corcoran (4)
McClellan (3)
Gordon (3)
A. B. Williams (2)
Wethers Smith (2)
Hollins (2)
Greeley (2)
Charles Henry Foster (2)
Young L. Young (1)
M. J. Woodward (1)
Wood (1)
Wisdom (1)
Charles Widney (1)
Gidson Welles (1)
William Ward (1)
R. L. Walker (1)
Train (1)
Tilghman (1)
Jefferson Thompson (1)
Tecumseh (1)
Stevens (1)
Ingram Stanwitze (1)
Edwin M. Stanton (1)
Anson Slager (1)
Henry Simpson (1)
Seward (1)
Richard H. Sayles (1)
James W. Savage (1)
Sandford (1)
Rohr (1)
Roberts (1)
John M. Rittars (1)
John Regan (1)
John H. Rea (1)
Raves (1)
V. L. Prumble (1)
O. F. Potter (1)
Andrew Porter (1)
J. Pierce (1)
W. G. Owen (1)
Overton (1)
C. Ostrander (1)
Moorman (1)
Moore (1)
A. L. McKenzie (1)
E. H. McDonald (1)
John McDaniel (1)
Mason (1)
Frank Maney (1)
Lyon (1)
James B. Loker (1)
William L. Lee (1)
Richard K. Lee (1)
D. C. Lee (1)
Jim Lane (1)
Kane (1)
William Joy (1)
Bushrod Johnston (1)
Charles Johnson (1)
Cave Johnson (1)
Jere (1)
M. H. Janny (1)
J. Iguat (1)
G. W. Hutchins (1)
Richard Hurst (1)
Howard (1)
Abe Hornbeck (1)
William Hick (1)
Thomas B. Hewitt (1)
Herbert (1)
Hays (1)
Harris (1)
Hanson (1)
John Hanover (1)
John Haislip (1)
James Hafalip (1)
Gwinn (1)
Gunter (1)
George W. Grinnell (1)
E. B. B. Grayson (1)
Garibaldi (1)
J. M. Gallaher (1)
Thomas P. Fowler (1)
Ford (1)
Fessenden (1)
Dennis Farrell (1)
M. J. Farmington (1)
Elliot (1)
Emma Duncan (1)
James A. Donnelly (1)
Stephen Decatur (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
Dallam (1)
Cranberry (1)
Corwin (1)
James Conner (1)
Cogswell (1)
Howell Cobb (1)
Thomas J. Clay (1)
Chase (1)
Cassady (1)
Casby (1)
Buell (1)
Henry C. Brown (1)
Thomas Braggs (1)
Jackson Beaman (1)
Thomas W. Baylis (1)
B. W. Baylis (1)
Barney (1)
Banks (1)
Isaac Ballonger (1)
Lewis M. Arthur (1)
Samuel F. Anderson (1)
Ruth Adams (1)
Abercathy (1)
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