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Revelation of a Mammoth scheme of operations.

--A Yankee Major, of seeming respectability and considerable intelligence, has revealed to a Confederate officer a most extended programme which had been chalked out by Grant, but which, through the energy and vigilance of our troops, was happily frustrated. It is thus summed up by the Petersburg Express:

‘ This officer states that Wilson and Kantz were to effect a most thorough destruction of the Southside and Danville railroads, but were to part company this side of Danville. Wilson was to come down through the rich counties of Charlotte, Lunenburg, Brunswick, Mecklenburg, Greensville, and Sussex, stealing all the horses and negroes which could be found in his way, and again enter Grant's lines by way of Stony creek; and if this point proved impracticable, to come out where he entered, at Reams's Station.--Kantz was to proceed to Danville, from thence to Greensboro', then on to Raleigh, and thence along the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad to Weldon. At the latter place, the bridge was to be burned, and Kantz was then to make for the Black water, and come around through Southampton, Surry, Sussex, and Prince George to Grant's headquarters. This officer states that the combined forces numbered all of eight thousand; that they were splendidly armed and equipped; well mounted; had picked men, and that, in all respects, it was intended to have been the grandest raid of the war, far eclipsing all similar expeditions, either East or West not excepting Grierson's great tramp through Mississippi, and Sheridan's contemplated march to Gordonsville, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, etc.--Our readers can now form some idea of what has been accomplished by the defeat of this multitude of land pirates, and Central North Carolina has especial cause to be thankful that she has escaped an irruption of vandals which would have proved more destructive than the locusts of Egypt did to that much afflicted country.

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