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The London Index, a Confederate journal published in England, says that the war is reaching such a crisis that England and France must decide to become the friends of one of the belligerents, or to fight them both, and that events are occurring which may precipitate that decision, especially with France. In the meantime, the Indies bids the friends of the South to be of good cheer, and promises them shortly a series of agreeable surprises.

We trust the friends of the South in England need no such invocation. If men cannot be of "good cheer" who have such a bill of fare as Confederates abroad sit down to, their spirits must be very low indeed. What the "series of agreeable surprises" is, which the Index promises, we are unable to imagine. We are not so demented as to expect English or French intervention after so many disappointments. Perhaps the "series of agreeable surprises" may be the return to this bereaved country, one after another, of the Confederates abroad.

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