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Bu'teo 8. (Q.) FABIUS BUTEO, son of the brother of P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus, the younger, must have been the son of Q. Fabius, who was adopted by Q. Fabius Maximus, the conqueror of Hannibal. Buteo was elected quaestor in B. C. 1 34, and was entrusted by his uncle, Scipio, with the command of the 4000 volunteers who enlisted at Rome to serve under Scipio in the war against Numantia. (V. Max. 8.15.4; Appian, App. Hisp. 84.)
onded by the entreaties of the people, and granted by Augustus, who, under the appearance of a refusal, was exceedingly anxious to grant them the honours they solicited. Thus they were declared consuls elect and principes juventutis before they had laid aside the dress of childhood. Caius was nominated to the consulship in B. C. 5, but was not to enter upon it till five years afterwards. He assumed the toga virilis in the same year, and his brothel in B. C. 2. Caius was sent into Asia in B. C. 1, where he passed his consulship in the following year, A. D. 1. About this time Phraates IV., king of Parthia, seized upon Armenia, and Caius accordingly prepared to make war against him, but the Parthian king gave up Armenia, and settled the terms of peace at an interview with Caius on an island in the Euphrates. (A. D. 2.) After this Caius went to take possession of Armenia, but was treacherously wounded before the town of Artagera in this country. Of this wound he never recovered, and di
Cleobu'lus (*Kleo/boulos), ephor with Xenares at Sparta B. C. 422-1, the second year of the peace of Nicias. To this peace they were hostile, and signalized their ephoralty by an intrigue with the Boeotians and Corinthians, with the purpose of forming anew the Lacedaemonian league so as to include the Argives, the fear of whose hostility was the main obstacle in the way of the war-party at Sparta. (Thuc. 5.36-38.) [A.H.
Damo'critus (*Damo/kritos). 1. Of Calydon in Aetolia, was strategus of the Aetolians in B. C. 200, and in the discussions as to whether an alliance should be formed with the Romans, Damocritus, who was believed to have been bribed by the Macedonian king, opposed the party inclined to negotiate with Rome. The year after this he was among the ambassadors of the various Greek states that went to Rome. In B. C. 1.93 he was sent by the Aetolians to Nabis, the tyrant of Sparta, whom he urged on to make war against the Romans. The year after, when T. Quinctius Flamininus went himself to Aetolia, to make a last attempt to win them over, Damocritus not only opposed him along with the majority of his countrymen, but insulted him by saying that he would soon settle all disputes on the banks of the Tiber. But things turned out differently from what he expected: in B. C. 191 the Aetolians were defeated at Heracleia, near mount Oeta, and Damocritus fell into the hands of the Romans. He and the
Eburnus an agnomen of Q. Fabius Maximus. who was consul in B. C. 1 116. [MAXIMUS.]
s chief authority for the geographical account of Africa contained in the fifth book of his Natural History. The third book of this work is quoted by Plutarch (Parallel. l.c.). 2. *Peri\ *)Assuri/wn In two books, in which he followed the authority of Berosus. (Tatian, Orat. adv. Graec. 58; Clem. Al. Strom. i. p. 329.) 3. history of Arabia A history of Arabia, which he addressed to C. Caesar (the grandson of Augustus) when that prince was about to proceed on his expedition to the East, B. C. 1. It appears to have contained a general description of the country, and all that was then known concerning its geography, natural productions, &c. It is cited by Pliny as the most trustworthy account of those regions which was known to him (H. N. 6.26, 28, 30, 12.31.). 4. *rwma+kh\ i(stori/a Cited repeatedly by Stephanus of Byzantium (s. vv. *)Aborigi=nes, *)Wsti/a, &c.). Numerous statements quoted by Plutarch, from Juba. without mentioning any particular work, but relating to the early
Laenas 3. M. Popillius Laenas, P. F. P. N., one of the tribunes for establishing a colony near Pisae (Liv. 40.43), was chosen praetor B. C. 1 76 (Liv. 41.18), but obtained leave to stop at Rome instead of going into his province, Sardinia, the command of which was continued to the pro-praetor, Aebutius. Popillius was chosen consul B. C. 172. and sent with an army against the Ligurian mountaineers. He conquered them in a pitched battle, after great slaughter. The remainder of the whole tribe who had escaped from the carnage determined on surrendering themselves to the mercy of the Roman general; but they were all sold as slaves, and their city plundered and destroyed. When this news reached Rome, the senate disapproved of Popillius's proceedings, and decreed, in spite of his haughty and angry remonstrances, that he should restore the Ligurians to liberty, to their country, and, as far as possible, to their property. Popillius, however, acted in direct opposition to this decree. On his
ntulus 39. COSSUS CORNELIUS CN. F. LENTULUS GAETULICUS, son probably of No. 37, is sometimes called Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Cossus. The former, however, is more usual; but as we find on coins both COSSVS CN. F. LENTVLVS, and CN. LENTVLVS COSSVS, it would seem that he might be called indifferently either Cneius or Cossus (Pighius, vol. iii. p. 531). Cossus was originally a family name in the Cornelia gens, and was first assumed as a praenomen by this Lentulus. [COSSUS.] Lentulus was consul B. C. 1, with L. Calpurnius Piso, and in A. D. 6 was sent into Africa, where he defeated the Gaetuli, who had invaded the kingdom of Juba. In consequence of this success he received the surname of Gaetulicus and the ornamenta triumphalia. (D. C. 55.28; Veil. Pat. 2.116; Flor. 4.12.40; Oros. 6.21; Tac. Ann. 4.44.) On the accession of Tiberius in A. D. 14, he accompanied Drusus, who was sent to quell the mutiny of the legions in Pannonia. The mutineers were especially incensed against Lentulus, becau
Li'via 3. LIVIA or LIVILLA, the daughter of Drusus senior and Antonia, and the sister of Germanicus and the emperor Claudius. [See the genealogical table, Vol. I. p. 1076.] In her eleventh year B. C. 1, she was betrothed to C. Caesar, the son of Agrippa and Julia, and the grandson of Augustus. She was subsequently married to her first cousin, Drusus junior, the son of the emperor Tiberius, but was seduced by Sejanus, who both feared and hated Drusus, and who persuaded her to poison her husband, which she accordingly did in A. D. 23. Her guilt was not discovered till the fall of Sejanus, eight years afterwards, A. D. 31, when it was revealed to Tiberius by Apicata, the wife of Sejanus. According to some statements Livia was put to death by Tiberius, but according to others she was spared by the emperor on account of her mother, Antonia, who, however, caused her to be starved to death. Such is the account of Dio Cassius (58.11); but from Tacitus saying (Ann. 6.2) that in A. D. 32 the s
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
should be exempt. (Dict. of Antiq. s. v. Ambitious) this, however, is Cicero's version of the principal clause of the Lex Aufidia, and, since it is part of his account of a wit-combat between himself and P. Clodius in the senate (ad Att. 1.16), B. C. 61, it is probably exaggerated. Three years afterwards, B. C. 59, Lurco was one of the witnesses for the defence at the impeachment of L. Valerius Flaccus [L. VALERIUS FLACCUS, No. 15], and then it suited Cicero's purpose to call him an honest man and his good friend (pro Flacc. 4.34). In B. C. 52-1, Lurco prosecuted and procured the conviction of Sextus Clodius, for bringing the corpse of P. Clodius into the Curia Hostilia, and for other acts of violence (Ascon. in Cic. Milon. p. 55, Orelli). Lurco was the maternal grandfather of the empress Livia, wife of Augustus. (Suet. Cal. 23.) He was the first person in Rome who fattened peacocks for sale, and he derived a large income from this source. (Varr. R. R. 3.6; Plin. Nat. 10.20.) [W.B.D]