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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for March 4th or search for March 4th in all documents.

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Feb. 27. The Peace Convention submitted to the United States Senate a plan of adjustment involved in seven amendments to the Constitution of the United States.--(Doc. 40.)--Herald, March 4.
sident of the United States, it is ordered that Brigadier-General David E. Twiggs be and is hereby dismissed from the army of the United States for his treachery to the flag of his country, in having surrendered on the 18th of February, 1861, on the demand of the authorities of Texas, the military posts and other property of the United States in his department and under his charge. J. Holt, Secretary of War. By order of the Secretary of War. S. Cooper, Adjutant-General. --Evening Post, March 4. The Secretary of War at Washington received a despatch from Major Anderson, in which he contradicts the statement that President Davis had been to Charleston. He says that the report that he had been sick is without a particle of foundation. He is in good health, as is also his little band of soldiers. Affairs in Charleston harbor are arriving at a point when further delay on their part will be impossible. Their extensive works of defence and attack are nearly if not quite complet
March 4. Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated at Washington, sixteenth President of the United States. He kissed the thirty-four States of the Union as represented by thirty-four young ladies. The inauguration procession proceeded to the east portico of the capitol, in front of which a platform had been erected. Every available space in the vicinity was packed with a curious crowd of spectators. Every thing being in readiness, Senator Baker, of Oregon, came forward and introduced Mr. Lincoln in these simple words: Fellow-citizens: I introduce to you Abraham Lincoln, the President-elect of the United States of America. Mr. Lincoln then advanced to a small table, which had been placed for his accommodation, and proceeded to deliver his inaugural address, every word of which was distinctly heard on the outskirts of the swaying crowd. The oath of office was then administered to Mr. Lincoln by Chief Justice Taney; the procession was again formed, Mr. Lincoln was escorted to the W
May 1. The story of an armistice having been requested by Secretary Cameron was denied as follows: Washington, Wednesday, May 1. Simeon Draper, Esq., Chairman Union Defence Committee: There is not a word of truth in any of the newspaper reports of the armistice made or proposed. That sort of business ended on the 4th of March. F. W. Seward. --N. Y. Times, May 2. A large and enthusiastic meeting of the citizens of Wiscasset, Maine, was held, Wilmot Wood, Esq., presiding. Some spirited resolutions were unanimously passed; and it was recommended to the town to raise $5,000 for the support of families of volunteers who, under the command of Edwin M. Smith, Esq., were enrolled in a company for the defence of the Union.--Boston Transcript, May 7. The Baptist State Convention of Georgia, submitted a communication to the Congress of the seceded States at Montgomery, endorsing, approving, and avowing support to, the Confederate Government, and requesting the sa
e troops were then transferred back to the Mississippi, and every man saved.--(Doc. 69.) Charlestown, Va., situated on the line of the Winchester and Potomac Railroad, eight miles southwest of Harper's Ferry, was this day occupied by the National troops. Capt. Nolen, of the Seventh Illinois cavalry, with sixty-four men, while making a reconnoissance of the country west of Charleston, Mo., came across ninety rebel cavalry, commanded by Jeff. Thompson, and after pursuing them a long distance, forced them to make a stand about five miles below Sikeston. Thompson's artillery was planted in the road in such a manner as to command all approaches, and the National forces were compelled to charge in the face of his battery. This they did with great gallantry, and succeeded in capturing four guns and putting the confederates to flight, with a loss of one man, who straggled from the command and was taken prisoner. The rebel loss was not ascertained.--Cincinnati Gazette, March 4.
ol. Parker's rebel force rode into the town and commenced firing upon the sentries and scouts of the Federals, but almost immediately retreated, followed by the Ohio boys, who kept up a sharp and spirited firing; but owing to the thick fog, it was comparatively ineffective, the rebels scattering to evade pursuit. One of the Federals was killed--private Hickins, of company L. Five rebel prisoners were taken, one of whom stated that Col. Parker was killed in the pursuit.--Louisville Journal, March 4. The Mobile Register says: Since the late reverses to our arms, we notice quite a deplorable disposition to growl and grumble against the government of the Confederacy; to charge upon it the responsibility of these disasters, and to complain generally of the administration of affairs. This seems to us all wrong — transparently and absurdly wrong. It evidences no judgment, and is far from speaking well for the possession of those stable qualities of fortitude and patient determination
March 4. An intelligent gentleman, arrived in Richmond, Va., from the South, states that the whole country is in a blaze of patriotic enthusiasm. The late reverses have awakened a military spirit which throws into the shade the glorious demonstrations at the beginning of the war. The whole population is offering itself en masse for the defence of the county. It is said that nothing like the universal and fervid awakening of the people to the exigencies of the times has occurred before from the beginning of the war. Men of all ages are eager to unite in the holy work of driving back the foul invader from our Southern homes, and even the women, if they could procure arms, would buckle them on and hasten to the field. As it is, the prayers of mothers, wives and daughters, were sent up unceasingly to Heaven in behalf of the case, the cause, the course, that is giving strength even to the arm of old age, converting boys into veterans, and even the weak and timid into heroes. L
ace at Old River, La., between a National force, under Captain T. Tucker of the First Kansas volunteers, and the First battalion of the Third regiment of Louisiana cavalry.--(Doc. 120.) A. D. Mahony, President of the Prisoners of State Association, published a notice calling upon all such persons as had been arrested without charge, imprisoned without trial, and discharged from confinement on the mere order of Abraham Lincoln, or of some one of his subordinates, to convene on the fourth day of March next, in the city of New York, for the purpose of devising, adopting, and putting into practical effect, such means as might be deemed best to obtain satisfaction for the outrages to which we, prisoners of state, have been subjected, and reparation done us in person and property, and for the further purpose of doing what becomes us as American patriots to preserve our Constitution and Government from total subversion, and the liberties of the people from subjection to arbitrary power.
March 4. The First East-Tennessee cavalry, Colonel Johnson, had a fight with a party of rebels led by Colonel Rogers, at a point on Harpeth River, near Chapel Hill, Tenn.; killed twelve, and captured seventy-two of the rebels, with all their horses and accoutrements. Majors Burkhart and Macy were in command of the National cavalry, all of whom passed through the engagement without injury.--The Thirty-seventh Congress of the United States terminated.--The sloop Ida was captured near Charlotte Harbor, Fla., by the blockading schooner James S. Chambers.--The Second New Hampshire regiment returned to Concord. A skirmish took place at Skeet, N. C., between a scouting detachment of National troops under the command of Captain Richardson, of the Third New York cavalry, and a party of rebel guerrillas, in which the latter were routed and dispersed. The Union party then advanced to Swan Quarter, where they encountered a superior body of rebels, but after a sharp fight of twenty m
March 4. The English steamer Don, while attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C., was captured by the National steamer Pequot.--Michael Hahn was installed as Governor of Louisiana, at New Orleans. An address was made by General Banks, and other interesting ceremonies performed.--orders requiring the draft to be made on the tenth instant were suspended.