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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 1 1 Browse Search
Oliver Otis Howard, Autobiography of Oliver Otis Howard, major general , United States army : volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 1 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 1 1 Browse Search
A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 1 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1 1 1 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative 1 1 Browse Search
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler 1 1 Browse Search
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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Coxey, Jacob J. 1854- (search)
Coxey, Jacob J. 1854- Political agitator; born in Snyder county, Pa., April 16, 1854. The spring of 1894 was marked by one of the most unique popular uprisings ever witnessed in any country. Coxey, then living in Massillon, O., organized what he called The army of the commonwealth, to be composed of men out of work, for a march to Washington in order to influence Congress to take some action for the benefit of trade in the country. Coxey appointed March 10 as the day the army would start from Massillon, and early in the year a great number of small companies started from the South and West to join him. For a time it seemed as if the movement would be an impressive one. Fully 1,500 men, composing the Western detachment, under Colonel Fry, reached the Mississippi. This detachment was constantly growing in numbers, and was well received by the people through the States as it progressed towards Massillon to join Coxey. But at this time three weeks of constant rain interfered,
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Johnston, Joseph Eccleston 1809- (search)
ntinual heavy skirmishing. In the centre of Rocky Face Valley, on a rocky eminence, the Confederates made a stand, but were soon driven from the crest by General Turchin, after a severe struggle. The Confederates rallied, and, returning with an overwhelming force, retook the hill. Palmer, finding his adversaries gathering in force larger than his own, and learning that the object of his expedition had been accomplished, in the calling back of Hardee by Johnston, fell back and took post (March 10) at Ringgold. In this short campaign the Nationals lost 350 killed and wounded; the Confederates about 200. With the surrender of Lee, the Civil War was virtually ended. Although he was general-in-chief, his capitulation included only the Army of Northern Virginia. That of Johnston, in North Carolina, and smaller bodies, were yet in the field. When Sherman, who confronted Johnston, heard of the victory at Five Forks and the evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond, he moved on Johnston
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
almost unanimously ratified at an election in November. Objectionable clauses, such as those disfranchising and disqualifying persons who had taken part against the government in the Civil War, being voted upon separately, were rejected. A Republican governor (James L. Alcorn) was elected. In January, 1870, the legislature ratified the Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments to the national Constitution. By act of Congress, Feb. 23, 1870, Mississippi was readmitted into the Union, and on March 10 Governor Alcorn was inaugurated, and the civil authority assumed rightful control. Population in 1890, 1,289,600; in 1900, 1,551,270. See United States, Mississippi, in vol. IX. Territorial governors. Winthrop Sargent appointed May 10, 1798 William C. C. Claiborne appointed July 10, 1801 Robert Williams appointed 1804 David Holmesappointed March, 1809 State governors. David Holmes term begins Nov. 1817 George Poindexter term begins Nov. 1819 Walter Leaketerm beginsNov. 1821
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Red River expedition. (search)
e a fleet of gunboats on the Red River to assist in the enterprise, and General Steele, at Little Rock, Ark., was ordered to co-operate with the expedition. Banks's column, led by General Franklin, moved from Brashear City, La. (March 13), by way of Opelousas, and reached Alexandria, on the Red River, on the 26th. Detachments from Sherman's army, under Gen. A. J. Smith, had already gone up the Red River on transports, captured Fort de Russy on the way, and taken possession of Alexandria (March 10). They were followed by Porter's fleet of gunboats. From that point Banks moved forward with his whole force, and on April 3 was at Natchitoches, near the river, 80 miles above Alexandria, by land. At that point Porter's vessels were embarrassed by low water, and his larger ones could proceed no farther than Grand Ecore. A depot of supplies was established at Alexandria, with a wagon-train to transport them around the rapids there, if necessary. The Confederates had continually retrea
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mississippi, (search)
he State, which include the Mississippi Territory, established by act of Congress......1798 Winthrop Sargent appointed first territorial governor of Mississippi, and arrives at Natchez......Aug. 6, 1798 General Wilkinson reaches Natchez and fixes headquarters at Loftus Heights, afterwards Fort Adams......Aug. 26, 1798 Act of Congress supplemental regarding the government of the Mississippi Territory, and providing that settlement shall be made with Georgia for claims on or before March 10, 1803......1800 Seat of government removed from Natchez to Washington, 6 miles east, by act of Assembly and council......Feb. 1, 1802 Articles of agreement and cession under the compromise act, secures to the United States all territory south of Tennessee, north of the Spanish line of demarkation, and eastward from the Mississippi to the Chattahoochee......April 24, 1802 Outrages and murders by the bandit Mason and his gang along the great Natchez trace; the governor offers a rewar
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Washington, George (search)
effected by their counsels. It may be the last peaceable mode of essaying the practicability of the present form, without a greater lapse of time, that the exigency of our affairs will allow. In strict propriety, a convention so holden may not be legal. Congress, however, may give it a coloring by recommendation, which would fit it more to the taste, without proceeding to a definition of the powers. This, however constitutionally it might be done, would not in my opinion be expedient. —March 10th. The system on which you seem disposed to build a national government is certainly more energetic, and I dare say in every point of view more desirable than the present, which from experience we find is not only slow, debilitated, and liable to be thwarted by every breath, but is defective in that secrecy which, for the accomplishment of many of the most important national objects, is indispensably necessary; and besides, having the legislative, executive, and judiciary departments conc
George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 3 (search)
cal Engineers. From the manuscripts and printed matter, comprising letters and reports of Lieutenant Meade and reports of the Light-House Board, is drawn what is necessary to give the following resume of his labors on light-house construction. On February 26, 1852, we find him writing from Carysfort Reef to Colonel Abert, reporting that the temporary illuminating apparatus of the catoptric kind, to be used while awaiting arrival of the dioptric one, would be ready for lighting on the 10th of March. An absurd contretemps had happened regarding the dioptric apparatus. there more than nine months, had been sold to the highest bidder. In this, Lieutenant Meade's first report regarding light-house matters, he discusses the various apprehended dangers from wind, wave, and atmosphere, to iron-pile structures—a discussion suggested by popular prejudice against such structures, originating in popular misapprehension of the differences between the construction and the sites, respectivel
t; and held the works under him until after the battle of Shiloh, several days longer than would have been done otherwise. It was too late, however, to accomplish the main object General Beauregard had had in view, in assigning him to that important position. On the 16th, the Federal fleet of gun and mortar boats, under Commodore Foote, appeared, and began the prolonged attack and bombardment which rendered the defence of Island No.10 memorable in the history of the war. Until the 10th of March, a large Federal army was intended to operate against Florence, about seventy miles farther south than Savannah, but on the 13th it landed at the latter place. Had that army been at once disembarked at Pittsburg Landing, twenty-two miles from Corinth, or, better still, at Hamburg, eight miles south of Pittsburg and two or three miles nearer to Corinth, it would have met with no serious opposition; for, at the time of the landing, General Beauregard had only one regiment of cavalry in o
had he adopted the course marked out for him. General Beauregard, in several despatches to General Johnston, frankly—and, we think, properly—censured General Hardee's failure to follow his instructions. He even sent him a direct order to march at once on Fayetteville, if possible; and if not, on Raleigh. See Appendix. Owing to unavoidable delays and high-water General Hampton and the cavalry with him could only form a junction with General Hardee, at or near Fayetteville, on the 10th of March, just before the enemy crossed the Cape Fear River, at Cedar Creek, Fayetteville, and Elliott's Ferry, seven miles above. On the 11th the troops under General Bragg were on their way to Goldsboroa from Kinston, where the Federals had been strongly reinforced from Wilmington. They had been beaten, on the 8th, by General Bragg, with Hill's and Hoke's forces, and suffered a loss of about fifteen hundred prisoners and three field-pieces, exclusive of a large number of killed and wounded.
ring short-cut straw for feed. See also following patents: — 37,138.Perrin, Dec. 9, ‘62. 37,409.Perrin, Jan. 13, ‘63. 45,115.Baker, Nov. 15, ‘64. 54,061.Anderson, May 15, ‘66. 56,493.Free, July 17, ‘66.69,309.Brown, Oct. 1, ‘67. 57,898.Hasecoster, Sep. 11, ‘66.70,072.Brown, Oct. 29, ‘67. 65,266.Perrin, May 28, ‘67.70,318.Brown, Oct. 29, ‘67. 68,695.Brown, Sep. 10, ‘67.70,945.Angell, Dec. 10, ‘67. 71,852.Chandler, Dec. 10, ‘67.127,318.Devol, May 28, ‘72. 75,500.Walkins, Mar. 10, ‘68.133,332.Murphy, Nov. 26, ‘72. 79,923.Smith, July 14, ‘68.135,427.Hastings, Feb. 4, ‘73. 100,477.Fitts, Aug. 16, ‘70.153,417.Baldwin, July 28, ‘74. 111,343.Hastings, June 31, ‘71. Straw-cutter. Cutting-machine for hay, straw, and vegetables. Straw-hat Mak′ing. Tuscan straw is prepared by pulling the wheat while the ear is in a milky state. The wheat is sown very close, so that the straw is thin and short. The straw is spread out upo
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