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o are afflicted. Among these letters is one dated April 19, from Mrs. Frances Wright, of Foxborough, and signthe bloodshed in Baltimore on the ever-memorable 19th of April would have been avoided. How the Secretary of Weft for Washington. Two days afterwards, on the 19th of April, during that gallant march through Baltimore whiegiment did not receive orders to report until Friday, April 19. It was in readiness to go forward the next dany D was raised in Boston on the morning of the 19th of April, by the gentlemen who were afterwards commission known the men they attacked and murdered on the 19th of April, they would have welcomed them with open hands, of thirty-six, of its members, on the memorable 19th of April,—sent a thrill through the heart of the nation, lphia, as we have before stated, on the evening of April 19. There they learned that the Sixth Regiment had bere shot down in the streets of Baltimore on the 19th of April, have rendered doubly sacred the day when the gr
Massachusetts through the streets of Baltimore, and carry Lexington and the 19th of April into the Southern States.—During long and weary years we have waited. Massadymade pants for soldiers. To Secretary Cameron, asking for more muskets. April 19.—Governor telegraphs to the Secretary of War, Would you like another regiment ison O. Whitney, and Sumner H. Needham, who were killed in Baltimore on the 19th of April, reached Boston. Even then the names of the dead were not positively knownhis, you will notice, was before the burning of the bridges or the fight of 19th of April in Baltimore; and it is due to Samuel M. Felton, that the historian should e occasion to refer again to this distinguished person in the next chapter. April 19.—General John S. Tyler, commanding the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Companys of Boston. After the attack upon the Sixth Regiment in Baltimore, on the 19th of April, inquiry was made by the Governor in regard to establishing hospital accomm<
, clinch by a blow the national resolve, and, by some gallant act or exhibition, revive the flagging pulsations of the public heart, by reason of her promptness of action; of the blood which, flowing from her veins, has once more rendered the 19th of April an historic day; by the good conduct of her Old Colony Regiment, in the affair of Norfolk Navy Yard; of Butler's whole command at Annapolis, in holding the post, saving Old Ironsides, cutting out a ship-of-war at Baltimore, rebuilding railroas of the day. In the House.A—petition was presented by B. C. Sargent, Mayor of Lowell, and a committee of the City Council of Lowell, for State aid in the erection of a monument to Luther C. Ladd and Addison O. Whitney, who fell at Baltimore, April 19. Referred. Mr. Jewell, of Boston, from the Special Committee, reported a bill to provide for a sinking fund. May 18. In the Senate.—The motion to reconsider the vote referring the petition of J. Sella Martin, Robert Morris, and others, t
an, to carry out an order passed by the House, a few days since, and referred to them,—to confer with you, and learn the condition of the widows and orphans, or any dependants on those patriots who were so brutally murdered in the riot of the 19th of April. In obedience to that order, it gives me great pleasure to state, that the loyal people of Maryland, and especially of the city of Baltimore, after long suffering, are at length able, through a Union Legislature, to put themselves in a proand nationality, the sister States of Maryland and Massachusetts. With sincere regard, I have the honor to be, faithfully and respectfully, yours, John A. Andrew. By direction of the Governor, a list of the killed and wounded on the 19th of April was prepared, and inquiries made in regard to the families and relatives of the men by the Adjutant-General, which information was subsequently transmitted to the Governor, and by him to Mr. Findley. The Legislature of Maryland made an app
Maryland, in appropriating money to relieve the suffering condition of the widows and orphans of the Massachusetts men killed by the mob in Baltimore on the 19th day of April, and calls it an oasis in all the resentment of the hour. The address concludes as follows: Inspired by trust in God, an immortal hate of wrong, let us consRobinson was appointed to take charge of the first named, and Robert C. Carson of the last. Mr. Robinson had been kind to our soldiers who were wounded on the 19th of April; and Mr. Carson had been distinguished for his attention to our men on their way to the front, and on their return, while in Philadelphia. Mr. Robinson died bthe State and United-States authorities worked in harmony together. The men asked for by General Foster were soon recruited, and forwarded to North Carolina. April 19.—The Governor writes to Mr. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, calling his attention to a communication of the Treasurer of Massachusetts, which he inclosed to hi
ed to was major of the Fourth Regiment, in the three months service, and was the first loyal officer to touch the soil of Virginia, after hostilities were commenced, having landed at Fortress Monroe on the morning of April 20, 1861. On the 19th of April, the Governor wrote by his military secretary, Colonel Browne, to William E. Parmenter, of West Cambridge,— I send you copies of correspondence concerning an application of Colonel Joselyn, of our Fifteenth Regiment, precisely similar enth Company of Light Artillery, under command of Captain Joseph W. B. Wright, left Readville Camp for Washington, April 4. The Sixteenth Company of Light Artillery, under command of Captain Henry D. Scott, left Readville Camp for Washington, April 19. These light batteries joined the Army of the Potomac. Four companies of heavy artillery were raised and forwarded to Fortress Monroe, March 7: one commanded by Captain John Pickering, one by Captain Lyman B. Whiton, and one by Captain Jos
On the 11th of April, Governor Andrew telegraphed to President Lincoln,— Will you proclaim a national thanksgiving April 19? The anniversary of the battle of Lexington, and of the attack on our troops in Baltimore, would be appropriate, if sufthe public voice spoke forth the public sorrow. Governor Andrew was engaged to deliver an address in Lowell on the 19th of April, on the occasion of the dedication of a monument, erected by the city and the State, at that place to the memory of tations only just so far as a somewhat severe self-control would permit. I thought, however, since the tragedy of the 19th of April was an apparent conflict between Maryland and Massachusetts, it was fitting that I should show how history at last hat serve as a volunteer officer on the staff of General Meade. We find on the Governor's files a copy of a letter dated April 19, Headquarters Army of the Potomac, addressed to Colonel Lyman by his commanding general:— In parting with you afte