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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 5: Round about Richmond. (search)
lows into James River, and Queen's Creek on the left into the York, both giving some defensive strength, except at mill-dams, which were passable by vehicles. The redoubts on the left of Fort Magruder commanded the dam in Queen's Creek at Sanders's Pond, but the dam in College Creek was beyond protection from the redoubts. The four redoubts on the right of Fort Magruder had commanding positions of the fort. Finding the entire line of intrenchments at Yorktown empty on the morning of May 4, McClellan ordered pursuit by his cavalry under its chief, General Stoneman, with four batteries of horse artillery, supported by Hooker's division on the Yorktown road and W. F. Smith's on the Hampton road. They were followed on the Hampton road by General Heintzelman (Kearny's division), Third Corps, and Couch's and Casey's divisions of Keyes's (Fourth) Corps, Sumner's (Second) Corps on the Yorktown road. Nearing Williamsburg, the roads converge and come together in range of field bat
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 38: battle of the Wilderness. (search)
,998 But General Badeau objects, on authority of a letter from General Bragg to General Joseph E. Johnston, stating that I had fourteen thousand men in my command. If General Bragg's letter referred to my command in East Tennessee it was accurate enough. But Buckner's division of that command, the cavalry, and other detachments were left in East Tennessee. General Badeau claims, besides, six thousand furloughed men and conscripts as joining the army between the 20th of April and the 4th of May. Of this there is no official record, and it is more than probable that new cases of sick and furloughed men of that interval were as many at least as the fragmentary parties that joined us. General Humphreys reported me as having fifteen thousand men. If he intended those figures as the strength of the First Corps, he is accurate enough, but Pickett's division of that corps was not with it, nor did it return to the Army of Northern Virginia until late in the campaign. So I find no good
elay in which the evident and acknowledged chances of victory were gradually lost. The enemy found time to rally from his surprise and astonishment, to gather a strong line of defense, and finally, to organize a counter flank movement under Stonewall Jackson, which fell upon the rear of the Union right and created a panic in the Eleventh Corps. Sedgwick's force had crossed below and taken Fredericksburg; but the divided Union army could not effect a junction; and the fighting from May I to May 4 finally ended by the withdrawal of both sections of the Union army north of the Rappahannock. The losses suffered by the Union and the Confederate forces were about equal, but the prestige of another brilliant victory fell to General Lee, seriously balanced, however, by the death of Stonewall Jackson, who was accidentally killed by the fire of his own men. In addition to his evident very unusual diminution of vigor and will, Hooker had received a personal injury on the third, which for
of complicated strategy for the problem before him, but proposed to solve it by plain, hard, persistent fighting. He would endeavor to crush the army of Lee before it could reach Richmond or unite with the army of Johnston; or, failing in that, he would shut it up in that stronghold and reduce it by a siege. With this in view, he instructed Meade at the very outset: Lee's army will be your objective point. Where Lee goes, there you will go, also. Everything being ready, on the night of May 4, Meade threw five bridges across the Rapidan, and before the following night the whole Union army, with its trains, was across the stream moving southward by the left flank, past the right flank of the Confederates. Sudden as was the advance, it did not escape the vigilant observation of Lee, who instantly threw his force against the flanks of the Union columns, and for two days there raged in that difficult, broken, and tangled region known as the Wilderness, a furious battle of detachm
redisposed the great interior region to make an end of strife: a tendency which was greatly promoted by the masterly raid of General J. H. Wilson's cavalry through Alabama, and his defeat of Forrest at Selma. An officer of Taylor's staff came to Canby's headquarters on April 19 to make arrangements for the surrender of all the Confederate forces east of the Mississippi not already paroled by Sherman and Wilson, embracing some forty-two thousand men. The terms were agreed upon and signed on May 4, at the village of Citronelle in Alabama. At the same time and place the Confederate Commodore Farrand surrendered to Rear-Admiral Thatcher all the naval forces of the Confederacy in the neighborhood of Mobile-a dozen vessels and some hundreds of officers. The rebel navy had practically ceased to exist some months before. The splendid fight in Mobile Bay on August 5, 1864, between Farragut's fleet and the rebel ram Tennessee, with her three attendant gunboats, and Cushing's daring dest
had been done or thought of for two weeks in Springfield but the preparations for this day, and they had been made with a thoroughness which surprised the visitors from the East. The body lay in state in the Capitol, which was richly draped from roof to basement in black velvet and silver fringe. Within it was a bower of bloom and fragrance. For twenty-four hours an unbroken stream of people passed through, bidding their friend and neighbor welcome home and farewell; and at ten o'clock on May 4, the coffin lid was closed, and a vast procession moved out to Oak Ridge, where the town had set apart a lovely spot for his grave, and where the dead President was committed to the soil of the State which had so loved and honored him. The ceremonies at the grave were simple and touching. Bishop Simpson delivered a pathetic oration; prayers were offered and hymns were sung; but the weightiest aid most eloquent words uttered anywhere that day were those of the second inaugural, which the co
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Report of Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. Army, commanding armies of the United States, of operations march, 1864-May, 1865. (search)
ing in readiness and the roads favorable, orders were given for a general movement of all the armies not later than the 4th of May. My first object being to break the military power of the rebellion and capture the enemy's important strongholds, madich he would otherwise have received. The movement of the Army of the Potomac commeiced early on the morning of the 4th of May, under the immediate direction and orders of Major-General Meade, pursuant to instructions. Before night the whole army to guard our trains. General Butler moved his main force up the James River, in pursuance of instructions, on the 4th of May, General Gillmore having joined him with the Tenth Corps. At the same time he sent a force of 1,800 cavalry, by way of trying to make his escape, sent forces in pursuit, and succeeded in capturing him on the morning of May 11. On the 4th day of May General Dick Taylor surrendered to General Canby all the remaining rebel forces east of the Mississippi. Subordinate
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), Reports etc., of this campaign (search)
alion. No. 104Capt. William S. McManus, Fifteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Second Battalion. No. 105Capt. Robert P. Barry, Sixteenth U. S. Infantry. No. 106Capt. George W. Smith, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, of operations May 3-July 17. No. 107Capt. lyman M. Kellogg, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, of operations June 14-September 1. No. 108Capt. Robert B. Hull, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry. No. 109Capt. William J. Fetterman, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding Second Battalion, of operations May 4-July 5. No. 110Capt. James Mooney, Nineteenth U. S. Infantry, commanding First Battalion. No. 111Col. Benjamin F. Scribner, Thirty-eighth Indiana Infantry, commanding Third Brigade, of operations May 7-July 5. No. 112Col. Marshall F. Moore, Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry, commanding Third Brigade, of operations July 15-September 8. No. 113Lieut. Col. Willian D. Ward, Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry. No. 114Maj. Thomas V. Kimble, Thirty-seventh Indiana Infantry, of operations May 27-June 6.
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 9 (search)
nce and ordnance stores captured by and from the enemy, together with a list of ammunition expended in the campaign, from May 4 to September 8, 1864. The expenditures of ammunition were quite large, still at no time during the campaign, notwithstanMississippi. Inclosure. Report of artillery captured by and from the enemy during the campaign commencing May 4 and ending September 8, 1864. Zzz Report of artillery captured by and from the enemy, &c.-continued. Zzz Report of gun carriages, &c., captured by and from the enemy during the campaign commencing May 4 and ending September 8, 1864. Zzz The Army of the Cumberland captured a quantity of artillery implements, equipments, and spare parts of caissons. Ei commanding Army of the Cumberland. Report of ammunition captured by and from the enemy during the campaign commencing May 4 and ending September 8, 1864. Zzz T. G. Baylor, Capt. and Chief of Ordnance, Mil. Div. of the Mississippi. Hdqrs. M
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley), chapter 27 (search)
na, Colonel Suman; Thirty-sixth Indiana, Lieutenant-Colonel Carey; Thirtieth Indiana, Captain Dawson; Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania, Capt. J. J. Lawson, to which was attached Batltry B, Pennsylvania. Effective force, officers and men, about 2,900. By orders from Major-General Stanley, division commander, we marched with the balance of his command on the 3d day of May, 1864, from our camp at Blue Springs, near Cleveland, Tenn., to Red Clay, on the Georgia line, and camped for the night. May 4, marched with the division to Catoosa Springs, Ga. (with light skirmishing), for concentration with the army, where we rested until May 7, when we marched with the corps, drove the enemy from and took possession of Tunnel Hill, Ga. For several succeeding days we advanced upon and ineffectually endeavored to drive the enemy from Rocky Face Ridge in our front. My position was on the left of the rail and wagon roads leading through Buzzard Roost Gap, on the Dalton road. The enemy had strongly
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