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General Horace Porter, Campaigning with Grant, Chapter 32 (search)
bent upon continuing the denunciation of Sherman before the public, I started for North Carolina to meet General Grant and inform him of the situation in Washington. I passed him, however, on the way, and at once returned and rejoined him at Washington. Hostilities were now brought rapidly to a close throughout the entire theater of war. April 11, Canby compelled the evacuation of Mobile. By the 21st our troops had taken Selma, Tuscaloosa, Montgomery, West Point, Columbus, and Macon. May 4, Richard Taylor surrendered the Confederate forces east of the Mississippi. May 10, Jefferson Davis was captured; and on the 26th Kirby Smith surrendered his command west of the Mississippi. Since April 8, 1680 cannon had been captured, and 174,223 Confederate soldiers had been paroled. There was no longer a rebel in arms, the Union cause had triumphed, slavery was abolished, and the National Government was again supreme. The Army of the Potomac, Sheridan's cavalry, and Sherman's army
een us later during the battles of the Wilderness, which lack of concord ended in some concessions on his part after the movement toward Spottsylvania Court House began, and although I doubt that his convictions were ever wholly changed, yet from that date on, in the organization of the Army of the Potomac, the cavalry corps became more of a compact body, with the same privileges and responsibilities that attached to the other corps-conditions that never actually existed before. On the 4th of May the Army of the Potomac moved against Lee, who was occupying a defensive position on the south bank of the Rapidan. After detailing the various detachments which I was obliged to supply for escorts and other mounted duty, I crossed the river with an effective force of about 10,000 troopers. In the interval succeeding my assignment to the command of the cavalry, I had taken the pains to study carefully the topography of the country in eastern Virginia, and felt convinced that, under the p
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 7: the Peninsula Campaign. (search)
d at any time turn either of our flanks or land a heavy force between us and Richmond, and that therefore our present line could not be a permanent one. We were not surprised, then, at receiving orders, about the 2d of May, to withdraw and march toward Richmond, which we did. The enemy followed, but not vigorously. My recollection is that our company was the rear battery during the next day and that we several times unlimbered our pieces, but never fired a shot; so the evening of the 4th of May found us on the Richmond side of Williamsburg, hitched up and ready to fall in behind our brigade. We heard firing in the rear, but thought little of it until a mounted officer rode up with orders from competent authority to bring up as rapidly as possible the first battery he could find ready hitched up, and so we passed rapidly back through Williamsburg, and became at once hotly engaged, doing good service, as we also did the next day. Indeed our action the first evening might, without
Robert Stiles, Four years under Marse Robert, Chapter 18: Campaign of 1864-the Wilderness (search)
personal narrative of this campaign, which ought to be in print, is emphatic in stating that the same old familiar spirit of lighthearted jollity and fun characterized the men of the battery, and of the commands they encountered and passed on the 4th and 5th of May, as we all poured from our winter quarters down into the Wilderness fight. Billy, on the contrary,--my Billy, who has already appeared frequently in these reminiscences,--is of very different mind and memory touching this point.rder of things did not affect the resolution of the men, but that it did affect their spirits. I can only say I believe he is exactly correct. Willy Dame, in his reminiscences above mentioned, gives a graphic account of the break up on the 4th of May of the winter camp of the Howitzers at Morton's Ford, in the course of which he presents this excellent picture of the full dress of a Confederate artilleryman in campaign fighting trim: In less than two hours after the order was given,
than a good brigade. His artillery was not as heavy, nor was his ammunition as good in quality, as that of the enemy. Lee's entire effective strength did not exceed 64,000 men of all arms, at the opening of the spring campaign of 1864. On May 4th General Grant began his march. It was doubtless expected that Lee would retreat before this vast army, but he, on the contrary, gave Grant such a blow in the Wilderness that he was compelled to halt and deliver battle. For two days the cderal loss in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, North Anna, and Cold Harbor is put at above 60,000 men by Mr. Swinton, in his History of the army of the Potomac. Taylor's Four Years with Lee. The campaign of one month, from May 4th to June 4th, had cost the Federal commander 60,000 men and 3,000 officers, while the loss of Lee did not exceed 18,000 men (of whom few were officers). The result would seem an unfavorable comment upon the choice of route made by General Grant.
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 64: capture of President Davis, as written by himself. (search)
of Charlotte, attended by all but two members of my cabinet, my personal staff, and the cavalry that had been concentrated from different fields of detached service. The number was about two thousand. They represented five brigade organizations. Though so much reduced in number, they were in a good state of efficiency, and among their officers were some of the best in our service. After two halts of half a day each, we reached the Savannah River. I crossed early in the morning of May 4th, with a company which had been detailed as my escort, and rode some miles to a farmhouse, where I halted to get breakfast and have our horses fed. Here I learned that a regiment of the enemy was moving upon Washington, Ga., which was one of our depots of supplies, and I sent back a courier with a pencil-note addressed to General Vaughan, or the officer commanding the advance, requesting him to come on and join me immediately. After waiting a considerable time I determined to move on with
Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis: Ex-President of the Confederate States of America, A Memoir by his Wife, Volume 2, Chapter 43: visit to New Orleans and admission to Fortress Monroe. (search)
resented he came back to the conclusion with which he started, that the third section was wise, just, and politic. He referred to the amnesty of Charles II., which was not an act of amnesty, but one of oblivion. After hearing the argument the Court stood: For quashing the indictment, Chief-Justice Chase; against it, John C. Underwood. The division was certified to the Supreme Court, that the question may be considered and decided by it. We left Fortress Monroe on Saturday morning, May 4th, and at half-past 5 o'clock in the afternoon the steamer reached the wharf at Richmond. Mr. Davis said to me on the way, I feel like an unhappy ghost visiting this much beloved city. A great concourse of people had assembled. From the wharf to the Spottswood Hotel there was a sea of heads-room had to be made by the mounted police for the carriages. The windows were crowded, and even on to the roofs people had climbed. Every head was bared. The ladies were shedding tears, many of the
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of Brigadier-General Perry of battle of Chancellorsville. (search)
d up by General Anderson, and moved by the right flank with them to the turnpike road, where the division halted. Soon after I was directed by order from General Anderson to occupy the works on the right of the pike road to prevent the enemy from throwing a force into them. I remained in those works until ordered to follow the division towards U. S. Ford. That night I halted with the division-being on its left-put out strong pickets, and rested until about two hours before daylight of May 4th, when I recieved orders to throw one regiment forward upon each of two roads running towards the ridge occupied by the enemy, in the rear of Chancellorsville. I sent forward the Fifth Florida on the road leading by Grady's house, and the Second Florida about half a mile further to the left, throwing forward a connected line of skirmishers in front of the two regiments. These skirmishers encountered the enemy's pickets in considerable force, but they offered feeble resistance, and were pr
The body was identified by a brother-in-law of Ladd. He was about eighteen years of age, a machinist, and was born at Alexandria, N. H. He was shot in the thigh, and probably bled to death at once. His face was somewhat swollen, and gave evidence of rough usage.--Boston Traveller, May 3. The mouth of James River, and Hampton roads are under strict blockade. The blockading vessels are the frigate Cumberland, steamships Monticello and Yankee, and three or four steam tugs.--The World, May 4. Ellsworth's Regiment of Fire Zouaves arrived at Washington. Their march through the city was a complete ovation. They were greeted with great cheering and other demonstrations of enthusiasm. The splendid appearance of the regiment, both as to numbers and equipments, caused great surprise, and elicited universal praise.--N. Y. Tribune, May 3. The adjourned meeting of merchants to take into consideration the action necessary in regard to the state license, was held at Wheeling, V
aker and Capt. Jones also made short addresses.--The World, May 4. Governor Letcher published a proclamation, saying tha Farmer, J. B. Molleson, Eureka, and Fanny Gardner.--World, May 4. Union Ward meetings were held to-night throughout Bal of the Executive power by the Legislature.--N. Y. Tribune, May 4. The following notice was issued at Pittsburg, Pa., toe Committee, E. D. Gazzani, Chairman. --N. Y. Tribune, May 4. A letter was received at New York giving information o encamp on the Ohio side of the river.--Boston Transcript, May 4. The Connecticut legislature unanimously passed a billtia, and to provide for the public defence.--N. Y. Tribune, May 4. Governor Jackson of Missouri, in a message to the legr families, our country, and our God. --Louisville Journal, May 4. President Lincoln issued a proclamation calling into e. About 150 members are already enrolled.--N. Y. Tribune, May 4. Two associations of ladies of New Orleans were formed
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