Browsing named entities in William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington. You can also browse the collection for May 14th or search for May 14th in all documents.

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out of 19,238 present in the aggregate. Present and absent, it numbered 27,416 men. Of the series of battles in the rear of Vicksburg, the battle of Jackson, May 14, was the only one in which the Fifteenth Corps took part. In that action Tuttle's Division was slightly engaged, losing 6 killed, 22 wounded, and 4 missing. The e River, and many of the regiments had been engaged at Fort Donelson and Shiloh. Seventeenth Corps. Port Gibson Hankinson's Ferry Raymond Jackson (May 14th); Champion's Hill assault on Vicksburg, May 19th assault on Vicksburg, May 22d); Fort Hill Vicksburg Trenches Siege of Jackson Meridian Expedition Missionawounded, and 2 missing; also at Raymond, where it was the only division in action, losing there 66 killed, 339 wounded, and 37 missing. At the battle of Jackson, May 14th, the brunt of the fight fell on the Seventeenth Corps and on Quinby's Division, which lost 36 killed, 229 wounded, and 3 missing; total, 268. General Quinby bein
paign the divsion was commanded by General Wright: the casualties of the regiment at the Wilderness and Spotsylvania, May 5-14, were 20 killed, 156 wounded, and 48 missing. During all its active service it had been in the First Brigade, First Divisio May 11 2 Cold Harbor, Va., June 3 33 Proctor's Creek, Va., May 13 1 Cold Harbor Trenches, Va. 3 Fort Darling, Va., May 14 2 Petersburg, Va. (assault) 3 Fort Darling, Va., May 15 1 Petersburg Mine, Va. 2 Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 16 25 Pet Brigade, Quinby's Division, Seventeenth Corps. Its first encounter with the enemy occurred at the battle of Jackson, May 14th, in which it lost 1 killed and 6 wounded. Two days later it fought at Champion's Hill, a hard fought field, where its caved the usual veteran furlough of one month, and went home in April, 1864. Returning, they arrived at Decatur, Ala., on May 14th, after which the regiment was stationed at Huntsville, Ala., at Kingston, Ga., and at other places, until August, 1864,