Browsing named entities in Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1: prelminary narrative. You can also browse the collection for May 22nd or search for May 22nd in all documents.

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husetts was assigned. Companies were meanwhile organized and drilled, and paraded the streets; the governor telegraphed again and again for orders to enlist them in regiments; for more than a fortnight no reply came from Washington. At last on May 22 a letter was received from Secretary S. Cameron (dated May 15), authorizing the State, almost as a favor, to furnish six regiments, and adding: It is important to reduce rather than enlarge this number, and in no event to exceed it. Let me earnesied hills in succession, but having 24 killed or mortally wounded, Adjutant General's Report, January, 1865, p 780. including Lieuts. H. J. Parker of Townsend and E. L. Bumpus of Braintree. At Cassville, Ga., both regiments were engaged (May 19-22), with small loss. At Kenesaw Mountain they had several engagements in June, the 33d making another fine charge, and losing 11 killed or mortally wounded, including the 2d lieutenant, C. H. Lord of Ipswich. By July 17 the 33d had been reduced to