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aken by Massachusetts troops in these proceedings was fortunately not large, and fell chiefly on the 2d Mass. Infantry, which formed the rear guard during a large part of Banks's retreat, marched fifty-six miles in thirty-three hours, lost many killed and nearly a hundred prisoners, including its major, surgeon and assistant surgeon. Col. Geo. H. Gordon, its commander, won his promotion to a brigadier-generalship by his distinguished services on this retreat. At Front Royal and Winchester (May 23-25) the regiment lost some 16 killed and mortally wounded. In the overwhelming defeat of General Sigel at Newmarket, Va., May 15, 1864, the 34th Infantry was the only Massachusetts regiment involved, and it did its best to sustain the artillery by which it was posted, one company being deployed as skirmishers on the river bank. Pond, p. 19. It made one remarkable charge with such energy that, on the order to retreat being given, Col. G. D. Wells, then in command, was compelled to take