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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official diary of First corps, A. N. V., while commanded by Lt.-General R. H. Anderson, from June 1st to October 18, 1864. (search)
Quiet. Troops occupied in strengthening their defences. October 13 Early in the morning Gary's pickets are driven in on the Charles City road. He has hastily to send for the mounted regiment he had on the Nine-Mile road. A force of the enemy presses Field's left and endeavors to turn it. The Texas and Law's brigade are thrown rapidly to the left of the Darbytown road and the others moved up to it, Hoke closing in on Field. The day passes in efforts of the enemy to feel our lines or break through them. The enemy's cavalry on the Charles City road disappears and by night everything is again quiet, the enemy having retired. Gary's two dismounted regiments were sent to him in the morning, two regiments of Bratton relieving them. At night Field has four brigades on left of Darbytown road and Bratton on the right of it, Hoke touching his right, and Colquitt's brigade of his division extending to New Market road. October 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Are all without change of note.