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pulation of 1,231,066, engaged in farming, manufacturing, fishing, and mercantile pursuits. Less than one-half the land is improved. It is about 1/380 part of the whole Union, ranking the thirty-sixth in size among the forty States and Territories. It is divided into fourteen counties, and three hundred and thirty-five cities and towns. Its governor, lieutenant-governor, eight councillors, forty senators, and two hundred and forty representatives, are elected every year, in the month of November, by the free suffrage of the qualified voters. The executive department of the Government is vested in the governor and Executive Council,—the governor, however, being the supreme executive magistrate, whose title is, His Excellency; the legislative, in a Senate and House of Representatives, each having a negative upon the other, and known and designated as the General Court. The judicial department is composed of different courts, the judges of which are appointed by the governor, and
of the regiments were composed of all parties. In the selection of men to be commissioned, politics were never regarded. It was the desire of a large portion of the Republican party, that, in the nomination of a State ticket in the election in November, representative men of both the Republican and Democratic parties should be placed upon it. The Republican Convention met at Worcester, on the first day of October, of which Hon. Henry L. Dawes was chosen President. On taking the chair, he madthe end of the war, the War Department, under the Secretaryship of Mr. Stanton, did its business with the States through the Governors of States. Before closing this subject, it is proper to state, that Governor Andrew, about the beginning of November, authorized the Adjutant-General to confer with General Butler in regard to organizing and equipping the Twenty-eighth (Irish) Regiment, which had been set apart as one of the two regiments which the Governor had offered him. At that time, parts
er: First, That Massachusetts would support the Government in the prosecution of the war. Second, That, as slavery was a principal support of the rebellion, slavery should be exterminated. Third was complimentary to the valor of our soldiers, and expressed sympathy for those who had fallen. The fourth was the same which had been introduced by Mr. Griffin, complimentary to our Senators in Congress, and favoring the re-election of Mr. Sumner to the Senate by the Legislature to be elected in November. The fifth indorsed in strong terms the State Administration. These resolutions were adopted, although considerable opposition was made to the one recommending Senator Sumner's re-election. The convention nominated Governor Andrew and the old State officers for re-election by acclamation, with the exception of the Lieutenant-Governor. Hon. John Nesmith had declined to be again a candidate; and Joel Hayden, of Williamsburg, was nominated Lieutenant-Governor in his stead, on the first
by the convention. The speeches and resolutions breathed but one sentiment, and expressed but one purpose, which was to sustain the national and State Governments, and to carry on the war with undiminished vigor until peace was conquered, and human slavery for ever rooted out of the land. Both conventions passed resolutions complimenting the bravery, and expressing sympathy for the sacrifices, of our war-worn heroes at the seat of war. The election took place on the second Tuesday in November, and resulted as follows: for John A. Andrew, 70,483 votes; for Henry W. Paine, 29,207; all others, 77,—majority for Governor Andrew, 41,199, the largest he had received in any election. On the 17th of October, the President called for three hundred thousand volunteers, of which number Massachusetts was to furnish, as her contingent, 15,126 men. At this time, the bounty paid by the State, to each three years volunteer, was $50, and the bounty paid by the United States $100. Business, in
ary affairs of the Commonwealth. The receipts into the State treasury, during the year 1863, from all sources, were $7,229,823.18, and the expenditures during the same period were $6,728,597.70; leaving a surplus of receipts over expenditures of $501,225.48. Of the payments made, $5,116,032.19 were for State aid to the families of soldiers, and reimbursement of bounties paid by cities and towns, and bounties paid to soldiers under the act increasing bounties, passed at the extra session in November. In regard to this act, the Governor recommended that it be extended so as to include all men who in future enlist into the regular army under the late call of the President for troops, who might be credited to the quota of the district from which they enlisted. He also advised that the State aid be paid to families irrespective of their residence, and to authorize relief to be given retro-actively when the situation of a family may require it. He also informed the Legislature that there
oston. They strongly indorsed the nominations of General McClellan and Mr. Pendleton, for President and Vice-President of the United States, and in equally strong terms opposed the Rebellion. They expressed sympathy with the sufferings and trials of our soldiers and sailors, congratulated the country upon the victories achieved by our armies, and recommended that our soldiers in rebel prisons be liberated by a proper system of exchanges. The election took place on the second Tuesday in November, and resulted as follows: for the Lincoln electoral ticket, 126,742; for the McClellan electoral ticket, 48,745,—Lincoln's majority, 77,997. For Governor Andrew, 125,281; for Henry W. Paine, 49,190,—Governor Andrew's majority, 76,091. A great many men who had enlisted during the year, elected to take the State bounty of fifty dollars in advance, and twenty dollars a month. The monthly bounty was to be paid by the State Treasurer every two months; and the pay-rolls were to be made out b
e to their country. His zeal, fidelity, courage, constancy, and ability command my gratitude and respect. The Governor then proceeds to give a correct outline of Colonel Lincoln's military record, and concludes with this paragraph— Allow me to add, that the gratification such a recognition of his son would impart to the venerable ex-Governor, Levi Lincoln, would lend to it a peculiar value merely as a matter of sentiment. More than threescore years of age, Governor Lincoln, last November, helped to cast the electoral vote of Massachusetts, serving as an elector for the third time in his life, and probably closing with that act a long and distinguished public career. Colonel Lincoln received the brevet rank which he so well merited; and Governor Andrew, through his private secretary, Major Henry Ware, had the pleasure of communicating to him, on the 12th of July, the information that he had been appointed. The approaching Commencement at Harvard College, in July, was