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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2, I. List of officers from Massachusetts in United States Navy, 1861 to 1865. (search)
t. Boston.Mass.Mass.Mass.Dec. 16, 1862.Actg. Ensign.J. P.Jackson; Lillian.West Gulf; No. Atlantic.Nov. l, 1865.Hon. discharged.Actg. Master. Apr. 16, 1864.Actg. Master. Officers from Massachusett 1866.Passed Asst. Surgeon. Parker, William,Mass.Mass.Mass.Jan. 21, 1862.Gunner.Oneida.West Gulf.Nov.--, 1864.Deceased.Gunner. Parker, William C.,Sweden.Mass.Mass.June 2, 1864.Actg. Master's Mate.Gl1864.Mass.Mass.Mass.June 18, 1864.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr.Shokoken; Mahopac; Moccasin.South Atlantic.Nov. 28,65.Hon. discharged.Actg. 3d Asst. Engr. Officers from Massachusetts in United States Navytg. 3d Asst. Engr. Starr, John B.,Me.Mass.Mass.Aug. 17, 1864.Actg. Ensign.Lodona.South Atlantic.Nov. 27,65.Hon. discharged.Actg. Ensign. Stearns, David, Died from wounds received in action.Mass.ss.Mass.Mass.Sept. 26, 1862.Midshipman.----- Davis, Charles H., Jr., Graduated.Mass.Mass.Mass.Nov. 29,61.Midshipman.----- Davol, George S., Graduated.Mass.Mass.Mass.Feb. 26, 1863.Midshipman.--
0; at Malvern Hill; on furlough for a few weeks. Rejoined his regiment on the James River. In Pope's campaign; present at the battle of Chantilly. Started on the Maryland campaign; was taken ill at Frederick, Md. On sick leave until the last of Nov. Rejoined his regiment at Warrenton, Va.; engaged in the battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Major, 20th Mass. Infantry, May 1, 1863. In command of his regiment till May 6, 1864. Present at the battles of Bristoe Station, U. S. Infantry, July 1, 1841. First Lieutenant, Mar. 15, 1848. Captain, May 1, 1852. In operations in Missouri; engaged in the battle of Wilson's Creek, Aug. 10, 1861, where he was severely wounded; and retreat to Rolla, Aug., 1861. Colonel, 11th Mo. Infantry, Sept. 25, 1861. Engaged in the combat of Fredericktown (in command), Oct. 21, 1861. Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, Oct. 22, 1861. In command of Cape Girardeau, Nov., 1861, to Mar. 1, 1862; engaged in march from Commerce to New Madr
V. M., in service of the U. S., Apr. 23, 1861. Mustered out, July 22, 1861. Appointed Colonel, Union Coast Guard, or 99th N. Y. Infantry, Aug. 21, 1861; accepted, Aug. 21, 1861. See Regiments of Other States. Washburn, Andrew. First Lieutenant, Quartermaster, 1st Mass. Heavy Artillery, July 5, 1861. Major, Jan. 18, 1862. Dismissed the service, Sept. 15, 1862; disability resulting from dismissal removed by the President and permission given to reappoint. (See letter, Gov. Bullock, Nov.2, 1866. Also letters, A. G. O. Washington, Jan. 11, 1873, and Jan. 16, 1874; re-issued by order of Secretary of War, May 14, 1890.) Washburn, Francis. See General Officers. Wass, Ansel Dyer. See General Officers. Watson, Benjamin Franklin. Major, 6th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Apr. 22, 1861. Lieut. Colonel, May 18, 1861. Mustered out, Aug. 2, 1861. Major, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, Sept. 5, 1861. See United States Army. Webster, Fletcher
4, 1864; mustered, June 15. Resigned (disability), Aug. 16, 1865. Briens, Charles P. Sergeant, 28th Mass. Infantry, Dec. 13, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Nov. 1, 1862. Resigned, Feb. 12, 1863. Briggs, Charles H. Second Lieutenant, 40th Mass. Infantry, Aug. 26, 1863. First Lieutenant, June 4, 1864. Captain, Feb. 18, 1865. Mustered out, June 16, 1865. Briggs, Chester W. Second Lieutenant, 22d Unattached Company, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Aug. 18, 1864. Mustered out, Nov. 2.5, 1864. Briggs, Henry W. First Lieutenant, 3d Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 26, 1862. Mustered out, June 26, 1863. Briggs, James Winchell. Second Lieutenant, 44th Infantry, M. V. M., in service of the U. S., Sept. 12, 1862. Mustered out, June 18, 1863. Briggs, Joseph B. First Sergeant, 4th Battery Mass. Light Artillery, Sept. 5, 1861. Second Lieutenant, Aug. 17, 1862. First Lieutenant, July 19, 1863. Mustered out, Oct. 12, 1865. Briggs, Moses.
n, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 25, 1864. Brevet Major, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 19, 1866. Mustered out, Apr. 30, 1866. Ritchie, Montgomery. Born at Boston, Mass., Mar. 20, 1826. Captain and Volunteer Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Maj. General Blenker, June, 1861. Major and Volunteer Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Brig. General Miles, July, 1861. Captain, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, Feb. 3, 1862. Resigned, Sept. 2, 1862. Captain, 1st Mass. Cavalry, Nov. 2.5, 1862. See Massachusetts Field Officers. Robbins, Kenelm. Born in Massachusetts. Cadet, U. S. Military Academy, July 1, 1858, to June 11, 1863. Second Lieutenant, 5th U. S. Cavalry, June 11, 1863. Brevet First Lieutenant, Aug. 1, 1863. First Lieutenant, 5th U. S. Cavalry, June 12, 1864. Brevet Captain, U. S. Army, Sept. 19, 1864. Recorder of Board for examining non-commissioned officers for promotion in the army, Dec. 12, 1864, to Aug. 1, 1866. Regimental Adjutant, July 31 to Dec.
3, p. 2, col. 2 (supplement). — – In Texas. Nov. Boston Evening Journal, Nov. 17, 1863, p. 4, cols. 1, 2. — 1863. In Texas. Nov. Editorial article of personal praise. Boston Evening Journal,on., vol. 28, p. 125. Broad River, S. C., Nov., Dec., 1864. Ad. Dahlgren's reports on navy; coournal, Dec. 27, 1861, p. 4, col. 2. — 1862. Nov. News from the blockading bark Restless, chieflyl, Nov. 20, 1861, p. 2, col. 6. — 1863. Jan. Nov. Strikes of workmen. Boston Evening Journal, Ja. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 1, p. 829. — – Nov. Account of affairs. Army and Navy Journal, volng Journal, July 14, 1862, p. 4, col. 5. — – Nov. 43d Regt. M. V. M. at; letter describing city; , vol. 27, p. 110. Port Royal expedition, Nov.–Dec., 1861. Fleet heard from at Bull's Bay, S.ers, fire upon Fort McRae, Pensacola Bay, Fla., Nov. 22,23, 1861; rumors and telegraphic accounts. , vol. 2, p. 130. — Lack of news from, early Nov. Army and Navy Journal, vol. 2, p. 193. — Ope