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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 153 153 Browse Search
Waitt, Ernest Linden, History of the Nineteenth regiment, Massachusetts volunteer infantry , 1861-1865 105 105 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 24 24 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 1, Condensed history of regiments. 21 21 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1860., [Electronic resource] 16 16 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 14 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource] 12 12 Browse Search
Col. O. M. Roberts, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 12.1, Alabama (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 12 12 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 8 8 Browse Search
A. J. Bennett, private , First Massachusetts Light Battery, The story of the First Massachusetts Light Battery , attached to the Sixth Army Corps : glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, from the summer of 1861 to the autumn of 1864. 7 7 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December 13th or search for December 13th in all documents.

Your search returned 12 results in 12 document sections:

The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington. (search)
New York, December 13. --The steamship City of Boston, from Liverpool 26th ultimo, and Queenstown 30th, has arrived. Stevens, the Fenian Head-Centre, remains at large. It is believed he will get out of the country. One of the prison wardens is under arrest, and two others have been suspended. The military police are now stationed in the prison. Two war steamers left Queenstown on the 26th with a constabulary force on board. The object of this movement is unknown, but it is asserted that it is connected with the search for Stevens. The special commission for the trial of Fenians opened in Dublin on the 27th. The Morning Herald says that the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England, is to be betrothed to Prince Christian, of Augustenburg. Spanish advices regarding the Chilian question say that the British remonstrance was most promptly and satisfactorily met at Madrid, an
Arrival of the steamer Java. New York, December 13. --The steamship Java, from Liverpool 2d instant, has arrived. The papers publish a dispatch from Mr. Seward, acknowledging the many addresses of condolence from Great Britain to President Johnson on the assassination of President Lincoln. The document shows a cordial appreciation of the good feeling manifested. Luby, proprietor of the Irish People, tried on the charge of treason, was found guilty and sentenced to twenty years penal servitude. In the Court of Queen's Bench, the trial of Captain Corbett on the charge of selling the Shenandoah to the Confederacy, and enlisting men for her, resulted in his acquittal. Mr. Bright made a strong reform speech recently, in which he denounced, in unmeasured terms, the massacre in Jamaica. A company has been organized in Spain to lay a telegraph cable between Cuba and the United States. Liverpool, December 2--P. M. The sales of cotton aggregate 20,000 ba
The Jersey city Bounty Brands. Washington, December 13. --At the examination of parties connected with the Jersey City Bounty frauds yesterday testimony was solicited knowing that one hundred and twenty thousand dollars were divided between the firmly bounty brokers and one Marcus Cloors Stanley, a subordinate of Detective Baker.
From Kentucky. Louisville, December 13. --The House of Delegates has adopted a bill restoring to all persons their constitutional and legal rights, whereof they were deprived by the act passed March 11, 1862.
New York Markets. New York.--December 13. --Flour has advanced 10@ 15 Wheat and corn have also advanced. Beef dull. Pork heavy. Lard steady. Whiskey dull. Cotton advancing; sales 4,000 bales at 49@50 Sugar and coffee firm. Naval stores firm. Gold, 149½.
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington. (search)
Southern Representatives--General Grant--negro suffrage — Mexico. Washington, December 13. --Inasmuch as the Tennessee delegation have been admitted to seats on the floor of the House of Representatives, the Representatives from Virginia and Louisiana are now urging that they, too, should be granted the same privilege. There are certainly four, perhaps five, of the Virginia delegation who can subscribe to the test oath. Congress is, however, by no means pleased with the temper and spirit now being displayed by the State Legislature of Virginia. General Grant expresses himself pleased with his Southern tour, but regretted to find the people in some quarters sullen and inclined to be morose. The bill granting suffrage to the colored people of this District is now being prepared in the Senate committee. Rumor says that further advices have been received from Mexico favorable to the Liberals. Jaurez is securely established at Chihuahua. A general uprising of t
From Washington. Washington, December 13. --The select committee of one member from each State to consider what token of respect and affection Congress may adopt to express the deep sensibility of the nation at the decease of Abraham Lincoln, decided to-day to set apart the 12th day of February (Mr. Lincoln's birth-day) for Mr. Stanton to pronounce an eulogy upon his life and character in the presence of both Houses. Congress came to no determination as to the amount to appropriate to the family of the deceased. It is probable that one hundred thousand dollars will be appropriated. The House Committee on Elections to day took up the case of Cofroth and Koontz, but came to no determination. General Butler has arrived here, and is preparing his reply to General Grant. It is said to be very severe.
Congressional. Washington, December 13. --In the Senate, to-day, Anthony and Fessenden denounced the Associated Press reports of Senatorial proceedings as incorrect and meagre. The House has, by a large majority, requested the President to suspend the order mustering out officers of the veteran reserve corps. The Senate reconstruction resolution passed the House to-day. Doolittle, Dixon and Cowan are the only Senators who voted for it, and it is expected that they will hereafter vote with the opposition. The House Committee of Foreign Relations will take bold ground on the Mexican question. The New Jersey Republicans are confident that Mr. Stockton will be unseated in the Senate. Mr. Stevens's resolution, as amended by the Senate, came up in the House to-day. He said he had objection to it, as amended, but would move for its adoption by the House at the proper time. The resolution is binding on the House only — containing the part stricken out
Further by the steamer Java. New York, December 13. --The jailor who connived at the escape of Stevens, the Fenian Head Centre, has been committed for trial. The London Times, noticing the acquittal of Captain Corbett on the Shenandoah case, says it cannot affect to be disappointed; and adds that the evasion of the neutrality laws have been so executed as almost to defy legal restitution. The Paris Bourse closed quiet yesterday at 68f. 72 for the rentes. Correspondence from Madrid denies that the Spanish Government has sent Admiral Panija orders to suspend hostilities against Chili. The Government is not even disposed to accept of the mediation of neutral powers. Orders have been given to the Spanish naval arsenals to push forward the preparation of war vessels for sea. The New York Evening Express of this date says the European steamer Scotia, which sailed to-day for Liverpool, took important Government dispatches to Mr. Bigelow, our Minister in Paris.
European Advices — further by the city of Boston. New York, December 13. --Two war steamers left Queenstown on the 26th November with a constabulary force on board. Their object was unknown, but it was assumed to be connected with the search for Stevens. An influential public meeting was held in Manchester, at which resolutions were passed strongly denouncing the severe proceedings in Jamaica, and a deputation was sent to Earl Russell, who admitted the urgent necessity for an inquiry, and evinced an anxious desire for the vindication of justice. Earl Russell had also received a deputation from Bradford relative to parliamentary reform. He admitted the necessity for the further admission of the working classes to the franchise, but the Government could not bring forward a bill unless fully matured and well grounded. The Morning Herald says the feeling in the city relative to American affairs is not altogether satisfactory. The Princess Helena, of England