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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Philippus V. (search)
he jealousy of his elder brother. He believed himself to be haunted by the avenging spirit of Demetrius, and was meditating the punishment of Perseus for his perfidy, by excluding him from the throne in favour of his cousin Antigonus, the son of Echecrates, when he himself fell sick at Amphipolis, more from the effects of grief and remorse than any bodily ailment, and died shortly after, imprecating curses in his last moments upon the head of Perseus. His death took place before the end of B. C. 179, in the 59th year of his age, after a reign of nearly 42 years (Liv. 40.6, 16, 21-24, 54-56; Plb. 24.7, 8; Euseb Arm. p. 158; Dexippus ap. Syncell. p. 508; Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 243). The character of Philip may be summed up in the remark of the impartial Polybius (10.26) that there are few monarchs of whom more good or more evil could justly be said. His naturally good qualities were gradually eclipsed and overgrown by evil tendencies, and he is a striking, though by no means a sol
d Apelles were joined by Philip with his son Demetrius in an embassy to Rome, to plead his cause before the senate, and avert their anger. In B. C. 181 Philocles and Apelles were again sent to Rome, to inquire into the truth of an accusation brought by Perseus against Demetrius, of having formed a design for changing the succession to the throne in his own favour, and of having communicated it to T. Quintius Flamininus and other Romans. The envoys had been chosen by Philip because he thought that they were impartial between his sons. They were however suborned by Perseus, and brought back with them a forged letter, professing to be from Flamininus to Philip, and confirming the charge. [DEMETRIUS]. On the discovery of the fraud, Philip caused Philocles to be arrested and put to death, B. C. 179. According to one account, no confession could be wrung from him even by torture. (Plb. 16.24, 23.14, 24.1, 3; Liv. 31.16, 26, 32.16, 23, 25, 39.35, 46, 40.20, 23, 54, 55; Just. 32.2, 3.) [E.E]
the Carthaginian general only escaped falling into the hands of his enemies by a voluntary death. (Plb. 23.18, 24.1; Liv. 39.51; Justin, 32.4; Plut. Flam. 20 ; Corn. Nep. Hann. 10-12; App. Syr. 11; Eutrop. 4.5; Oros. 4.20; Strab. xii. p.563.) This is the last circumstance which can be referred with certainty to the elder Prusias: the period of his death, and of the accession of his son, is not mentioned by any ancient writer, but Mr. Clinton regards the Prusias mentioned in the treaty of B. C. 179, between Eumenes and Pharnaces, as the second king of this name: and this supposition, though not admitting of proof, appears at least a very probable one. (Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 417.) In this case we must place his death between 183 and 179 B. C. It was apparently during the latter part of his reign that Prusias, who had already made himself master of Cierus, Tieios, and other dependencies of Heracleia, laid siege to that city itself; but while pressing the attack with vigour, he him
Pru'sias Ii. (*Prousi/as), king of Bithynia, was the son and successor of the preceding. No mention is found in any extant author of the period of his accession, and we only know that it must have been subsequent to B. C. 183, as Strabo distinctly tells us (xii. p. 563), that the Prusias who received Hannibal at his court, was the son of Zielas. In B. C. 179, we find the name of Prusias associated with Eumenes in the treaty concluded by that monarch with Pharnaces, king of Pontus (Plb. 26.6), and this is supposed by Clinton to be the younger Prusias. It is certain, at least, that he was already on the throne before the breaking out of the war between the Romans and Perseus, B. C. 171. Prusias had previously sued for and obtained in marriage a sister of the Macedonian king, but notwithstanding this alliance he determined to keep aloof from the impending contest, and await the result with a view to make his peace with whichever party should prove victorious. (Liv. 42.12, 29; Appian, Ap
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Scae'vola, Mu'cius 3. Q. Mucius Scaevola, probably the son of No. 2, was praetor in B. C. 179, and had Sicily for his province (Liv. 40.44). He was consul in B. C. 174, with Sp. Postumius Albinus for his colleague. Scaevola accompanied the consul P. Licinius Crassus, as tribunus militum, in B. C. 171, when the consul went against Perseus, king of Macedonia. (Liv. 42.49, and 67.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Scae'vola, Mu'cius 4. P. Mucius Scaevola, the son of Quintus, was elected a praetor, with his brother Quintus, B. C. 179. (Liv. 40.44). Publius had the urbana provincia, and the quaestio de veneficiis in the city, and within ten miles of the city. He was consul in B. C. 175, with Aemilius Lepidus H, Publius had the Ligures for his province (Liv. 41.19). He fought a battle with some tribes which had ravaged Luna and Pisae, gained a victory, and was honoured with a triumph, which is recorded in a fragment of the Capitoline marbles, where he is named [P. Mu] Q. F. P. N. (Clinton, Fasti, B. C. 175.)
Sci'pio 27. Cn. Cornelius Scipio Hispallus, a son of L. Scipio [No. 11], who was a brother of the two Scipios who fell in Spain. Hispallus was praetor B. C. 179, and consul B. C. 171, with Q. Petillius Spurinus. He was struck with paralysis during his consulship, and died at Cumae in the course of the year. (Liv. 40.44, 41.14, 16.)
Turrus or THURRUS, one of the most powerful of the Celtiberian chiefs conquered by Gracchus in B. C. 179, became a faithful ally of the Romans. (Liv. 40.49.)
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