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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 37 37 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 6 6 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 4 4 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 35-37 (ed. Evan T. Sage, PhD professor of latin and head of the department of classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER V (search)
intending to lay siege to some town there. On the approach of Scipio he retreated to Bætica and encamped before that city.There was a province, but no city of the name of Bætica in Spain. Schweighäuser has a very long note on this passage, which need not be recapitulated, since it leaves us as much in the dark as before. On the following day he was defeated by Scipio, who captured his camp and Bætica also. Y.R. 547 Now this Hasdrubal ordered all the remaining Carthaginian B.C. 207 forces in Spain to be collected at the city of Carmone to fight Scipio with their united strength. Hither came a great number of Spaniards under the lead of Mago, and of Numidians under Masinissa. Hasdrubal had the infantry in a fortified camp, Masinissa and Mago, who commanded the cavalry, bivouacking in front of it. Scipio divided his own horse so that Lælius should attack Mago while he himself should be opposed to Masinissa. This fight was for some time doubtful and severe to Scipio, since
Appian, Hannibalic War (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER VIII (search)
, they drew up the portcullis as though they were gladly welcoming Marcellus. When they had admitted as many as they thought they could easily master, they dropped the portcullis and slew all those who had gained entrance. Upon those who were still standing around outside the walls they hurled missiles from above and covered them with wounds. Hannibal, having failed in his second attempt against the city, now withdrew. Y.R. 547 In the meantime his brother Hasdrubal, with the B.C. 207 army he had enlisted in Celtiberia, marched to Italy. Being received in a friendly way by the Gauls he had passed over the Alps by the road that Hannibal had opened, accomplishing in two months the journey which had previously taken Hannibal six. He debouched in Etruria with 48,000 foot, 8000 horse, and fifteen elephants. He sent letters to his brother announcing his arrival. These letters were intercepted by the Romans so that the consuls, Salinator and Nero, learned the number of his forces
Polybius, Histories, book 11, Death of Hasdrubal (search)
t six books I wrote prefaces, because I thought a mere table of contents less suitable. . . . After the battle at Baecula, Hasdrubal made good his passage over the Western Pyrenees, and thence through the Cevennes, B.C. 208. In the spring of B.C. 207 he crossed the Alps and descended into Italy, crossed the Po, and besieged Placentia. Thence he sent a letter to his brother Hannibal announcing that he would march southward by Ariminum and meet him in Umbria. The letter fell into the hands of thinto Italy. . . .See Livy, 27, 39. Never at any other time had Rome been in a greater state of excitement and terrified expectation of the result. . . .Livy, 27, 44. None of these arrangements satisfied Hasdrubal. ButBattle of the Metaurus. B. C. 207. Coss, C. Claudius Nero, M. Livius Salinator II. circumstances no longer admitted of delay. He saw the enemy drawn out in battle array and advancing; and he was obliged to get the Iberians and the Gauls who were serving with him into line. He ther
Polybius, Histories, book 11, A Plea For Union In Greece (search)
A Plea For Union In Greece A speech of the legate from RhodesThere is nothing to show positively that a Rhodian is the speaker: but Livy mentions envoys from Rhodes and Ptolemy this year. For the special attempts of the Rhodians to bring about a peace between Philip and the Aetolians, see 5, 24, 100. before an assembly of Aetolians at Heraclea in the autumn of B.C. 207 (see Livy, 28, 7), at the end of the summer campaign. "Facts I imagine, Aetolians, have made it clear to you that neither King Ptolemy nor the community of Rhodes, Byzantium, Chios, or Mitylene, regard a composition with you as unimportant. For this is not the first or the second time that we have introduced the subject of peace to your assembly; but ever since you entered upon the war we have beset you with entreaties, and have never desisted from warning you on this subject; because we saw that its immediate result would be the destruction of yourselves and of Macedonia, and because we foresaw in the future danger t
Polybius, Histories, book 11, Philip Vandalizes Thermus (search)
Philip Vandalizes Thermus Philip loudly lamented his ill-fortune in having so Attalus eludes Philip. Livy, 28, 7, 8, B. C. 207. narrowly missed getting Attalus into his hands. . . . On his way to the lake Trichonis Philip arrivedPhilip at Thermus See 5, 6-18. at Thermus, where there was a temple of Apollo; and there he once more defaced all the sacred buildings which he had spared on his former occupation of the town. In both instances it was an ill-advised indulgence of temper: for it is a mark of utter unreasonableness to commit an act of impiety against heaven in order to gratify one's wrath against man. . . .
Polybius, Histories, book 11, Philopoemen in the Peloponnese, B. C. 207 (search)
Philopoemen in the Peloponnese, B. C. 207 "Brightness in the armour," he said," contributes much Speech of Philopoemen urging reform. to inspire dismay in the enemy; and care bestowed on having it made to fit properly is of great service in actual use. This will best be secured if you give to your arms the attention which you now bestow on your dress, and transfer to your dress the neglect which you now show of your arms. By thus acting, you will at once save your money, and be undoubtedly able to maintain the interests of your country. Therefore the man who is going to take part in manœuvres or a campaign ought, when putting on his greaves, to see that they are bright and well-fitting, much more than that his shoes and boots are; and when he takes up his shield and helmet, to take care that they are cleaner and more costly than his cloak and shirt: for when men take greater care of what is for show, than of what is for use, there can be no doubt of what will happen to them on the fi
Polybius, Histories, book 11, Philopoemen and Machanidas (search)
s he could point to his own life as an example, they wanted little more to convince them. Thus it happened on several occasions, that the confidence he inspired, and the consciousness of his achievements, enabled him in a few words to overthrow long and, as his opponents thought, skilfully argued speeches. So on this occasion, as soon as the council of the league separated, all returned to their cities deeply impressed both by the words and the man himself, and convinced that no harm could happen to them with him at their head. Immediately afterwards Philopoemen set out on a visitation of the cities, which he performed with great energy and speed. He then summoned a levy of citizens and began forming them into companies and drilling them; and at last, after eight months of this preparation and training, he mustered his forces at Mantinea, prepared to fight the tyrant Machanidas in behalf of the freedom of all the Peloponnesians. War against Machanidas, tyrant of Sparta. B. C. 208-207.
iovanni pro Fiamma mark its site. The site of Forum Julii appears to be unknown, as also that of Forum Brentani., the Forojulienses surnamed Concupienses, the Forobrentani, the ForosemproniensesThe people of Forum Sempronii, the only town in the valley of the Metaurus. The modern city of Fossombrone, two miles distant, has thence taken its name. Considerable vestiges of the ancient town are still to be seen. The battle in which Hasdrubal was defeated by the Roman consuls Livius and Nero, B.C. 207, was probably fought in its vicinity., the IguviniThe people of Iguvium, an ancient and important town of Umbria. Its site is occupied by the modern city of Gubbio. Interamna on the Nar has been previously mentioned., the Interamnates surnamed Nartes, the MevanatesThe people of the town of Mevania, now called Bevagna, in the duchy of Spoleto. The Mevanionenses were the people of Mevanio, or Mevaniolæ, in the vicinity of Mevania, and thought by Cluver to be the modern Galeata., the Mevanionens
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 35 (search)
ul together with Marcus Livius, and the condemnation of his colleague —from which he had not himself escaped unscathed —had embittered him against the plebs.L. Aemilius Paulus and M. Livius Salinator were consuls in 219 B.C. On the expiration of their term of office, Livius was tried and convicted by the people (XXVII. xxxiv. 3) for peculation in connexion with the war against Demetrius of Pharus (De viris illustr. 50), or unfair division of the spoil (Frontinus, Strategemata,iv. i. 45). In 207 B.C. he and his colleague in the consulship, Gaius Nero, defeated Hasdrubal near Sena Gallica, at the river Metaurus (XXVII. xl.-xlix.). On the next election day all those who had been Varro's rivals withdrew theirB.C. 217 names, the consul was given Paulus, rather as a competent opponent than as a colleague. The election of praetors then took place, and Marcus Pomponius Matho and Publius Furius Philus were chosen. To Philus the lot assigned the urban praetorship, for administering j
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 24 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 17 (search)
s ruined. Marcellus,B.C. 214 not venturing to pursue the retreating, gave his men, victorious though they were, the signal to retire. More than two thousand of the enemy, however, are said to have been slain that day, of the Romans less than four hundred. About sunset Nero, returning with his horses and men exhausted to no purpose by their efforts for a day and a night, without even seeing the enemy, was sternly rebuked by the consul, who went so far as to say that it was his fault that the disaster suffered at Cannae was not paid back to the enemy.Cannae was avenged by this Nero and his colleague Livius at the Metaurus, 207 B.C.; XXVII. xlviii f.; xlix. 5. On the next day the Roman went into line of battle, while the Carthaginian, beaten, as he tacitly admitted also, remained in camp. The third day, giving up hope of capturing Nola, an undertaking which had never prospered, he set out in the dead of night for Tarentum, led by a surer hope of its betrayal.
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