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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 21-22 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 223 BC or search for 223 BC in all documents.

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aeus himself married Laodice, the daughter of Mithridates, king of Pontus. (Plb. 4.51.4, 8.22.11.) He accompanied Seleucus Ceraunus, the son of Callinicus, in his expedition across mount Taurus against Attalus, and after the assassination of Seleucus revenged his death; and though he might easily have assumed the royal power, he remained faithful to the family of Seleucus. Antiochus the Great, the successor of Seleucus, appointed him to the command of all Asia on this side of mount Taurus, B. C. 223. Achaeus recovered for the Syrian empire all the districts which Attalus had gained; but having been falsely accused by Hermeias, the minister of Antiochus, of intending to revolt, he did so in self-defence, assumed the title of king, and ruled over the whole of Asia on this side of the Taurus. As long as Antiochus was engaged in the war with Ptolemy, he could not march against Achaeus; but after a peace had been concluded with Ptolemy, he crossed the Taurus, united his forces with Attalus
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Anti'ochus Iii. (*)Anti/oxos), king of SYRIA, surnamed the GREAT (*Me/gas), was the son of Seleucus Callinicus, and succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Seleucus Ceraunus, B. C. 223, when he was only in his fifteenth year. His first cousin Achaeus, who might easily have assumed the royal power, was of great use to Antiochus at the commencement of his reign, and recovered for the Syrian monarchy all the provinces in Asia Minor, which Attalus, king of Pergamus, had appropriated to himself. But Antiochus was not so fortunate in his eastern dominions. Molo and Alexander, two brothers, who had been appointed to the government of Media and Persis respectively, revolted and defeated the armies sent against them. They were, however, put down in a second campaign, conducted by Antiochus in person, who also added to his dominions the province of Media Atropatene. (B. C. 220.) On his return from his eastern provinces, Antiochus commenced war against Ptolemy Philopator, king of
Apollo'phanes (*)Apollofa/nhs), a native of Seleuceia, and physician to Antiochus the Great, king of Syria, B. C. 223-187, with whom, as appears from Polybius (5.56, 58), he possessed considerable influence. Mead, in his Dissert. de Nummis quibusdam a Smyrnaeis in Medicorum Honorem percussis, Lond. 1724, 4to., thinks that two bronze coins, struck in honour of a person named Apollophanes, refer to the physician of this name; but this is now generally considered to be a mistake. (See Dict. of Ant. s. v. Medicus.) A physician of the same name is mentioned by several ancient medical writers. (Fabricius, Bibl. Gr. vol. xiii. p. 76, ed. vet.; C. G. Kühn, Additam. ad Elenchum Medicorum Veterum a Jo. A. Fabricio, &c, exhibitum, Lips. 4to., 1826. Fascic. iii. p. 8.) [W.A
Eucleides 5. The brother of Cleomenes III. king of Sparta. He commanded a division of the forces of the latter at the battle of Seliasia, B. C. 223, and by his unskilful tactics in a great degree brought about the defeat of the Lacedaemonians. He fell with the whole of the wing which he commanded. (Plb. 2.65, 67, 68; Plut. Philop. p. 358, Arat. p. 1046, Cleom. pp. 809, 818.) [C.P.M]
er, when his son was curule aedile, the Sicilians attested their gratitude towards him by sending an ample supply of corn to Rome. (Liv. 33.42.) In B. C. 225, the war with the Cisalpine Gauls broke out, of which, in the opinion of Polybius (l.c.), the agrarian law of Flaminius was the cause and origin; for the Gauls in the north of Italy, he says, had become convinced that it was the object of the Romans to expel them from their scats, or to annihilate them. In the third year of ths war, B. C. 223, C. Flaminius was consul with P. Furius Philus, and both consuls marched to the north of Italy. No sooner had they set out than the aristocratic party at Rome devised a means for depriving Flaminius of his office: they declared that the consular election was not valid on account of some fault in the auspices; and a letter was forthwith sent to the camp of the consuls, with orders to return to Rome. But as all preparations had been made for a great battle against the Insubrians on the Addua
Hermeias 2. A Carian by birth, who had raised himself to be the favourite and chief minister of Seleucus Ceraunus, and was left at the head of affairs in Syria by that monarch when he set out on the expedition across the Taurus, in the course of which he met with his death, B. C. 223. That event placed Hermeias in the possession of almost undisputed power, the young king, Antiochus III., being then only in his 15th year; and his jealous and grasping disposition led him to remove as far as possible all competitors for power. The formidable revolt of Molon and Alexander in the eastern provinces of the kingdom seemed to demand all the attention of Antiochus, but Hermeias persuaded him to confide the conduct of the army sent against the insurgents to his generals, Xenon and Theodotus, while he advanced in person to attack Coele-Syria. Here, however, the king met with a complete repulse, while the army sent against Molon was totally defeated by that general, who made himself master in con
of securing him to her son's party; and we find him accordingly entering readily into the plans of Cleomenes for the reformation of the state. In B. C. 226 he was taken prisoner by Aratus in a battle near Orchomenus in Arcadia; but he must have been soon released, for he appears again not long after at Sparta, co-operating with Cleomenes in the measures which he proposed after the murder of the Ephori, and setting an example to his countrymen by the voluntary surrender of his property. In B. C. 223, when Cleomenes took Argos, Megistonous induced him to adopt no steps against those citizens who were suspected of an attachment to the Achaean party, beyond the requisition of twenty hostages. In the same year Cleomenes, having taken possession of Corinth, and besieged the citadel, sent Megistonons and Triplus, or Tritymallus, to Aratus, then at Sicyon, with an offer of terms, which, however, were rejected. Not long after this, the Achaean party in Argos excited an insurrection against th
Molon (*Mo/lwn), a general of Antiochus the Great, who held the satrapy of Media at the accession of that monarch (B. C. 223); in addition to which, Antiochus conferred upon him and his brother Alexander the government of all the upper provinces of his empire. But their hatred to Hermeias, the chief minister of Antiochus, soon led them both to revolt: the two generals at first sent against them by the king were unable to oppose their progress, and Molon found himself at the head of a large army, and master of the whole country to the east of the Tigris. He was, however, foiled in his attempts to pass that river; but Xenoetas, the general of Antiochus, who was now sent against him with a large force, having ventured to cross it in his turn, was surprised by Molon, and his whole army cut to pieces. The rebel satrap now crossed the Tigris, and made himself master of the city of Seleuceia together with the whole of Babylonia and Mesopotamia. But the formidable character which the insurre
Philus 1. P. Furius Sp. F. M. N. PHILUS, was consul B. C. 223 with C. Flaminius, and accompanied his colleague in his campaign against the Gauls in the north of Italy. [FLAMINIUS, No. 1.] He was elected praetor in the third year of the second Punic war, B. C. 216, when he obtained the jurisdictio inter cices Romcanos et peregrinos ; and after the fatal battle of Cannae in this year, he and his colleague M. Pomponius Matho summoned the senate to take measures for the defence of the city. Shortly afterwards he received the fleet from M. Claudiius Marcellus, with which he proceeded to Africa, but having been severely wounded in an engagement off the coast he returned to Lilybaeum. In B. C. 214 he was censor with M. Atilius Regulus, but he died at the beginning of the following year, before the solemn purification (lustrumn) of the people had been performed; and Regulus accordingly, as was usual in such cases, resigned his office. These censors visited with severity all persons who had f
Theo'dotus 5. An Aetolian, who at the accession of Antiochus the Great (B. C. 223) held the command of the important province of Coele Syria for Ptolemy Philopator king of Egypt. He was an able general, and repulsed with ease the first attack made by the king of Syria upon his government, but instead of being rewarded by Ptolemy for his services, he was recalled to Alexandria, where he nearly fell a victim to the intrigues of some of the courtiers and favourites of the king. Disgusted with this treatment, and despising the vices and luxury of Ptolemy, when he was again suffered to resume the command in Coele Syria (B. C. 219) he conceived the design of betraying that province into the hands of Antiochus. His overtures were readily welcomed, and lie surrendered the two important fortresses of Tyre and Ptolemais to the Syrian monarch, whom lie immediately joined with the forces under his command. Nicolaus however prevented his design from taking full effect, and retained a part of the
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