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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 6 6 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 28-30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
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Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 30 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 26 (search)
this to the populace by precincts at four assesI.e. one sesterce. Cf. XXXI. 1. 1 (grain even cheaper). a peck. In the same year Quintus Fabius Maximus died at a very advanced age, if indeed it is true that he had been an augur for sixty-two years, as some authorities say. He certainly was a man who deserved such a surname, even if it had been first applied to him. He surpassed the number of magistracies held by his fatherQuintus Fabius Maximus Gurges, three times consul, last in 265 B.C. and equalled those of his grandfather.Quintus Fabius Maximus Rull(ian)us, five times, last in 295 B.C. Plutarch Fab. 1. makes him great-grandfather of Delayer. A larger number of victories and greater battles made the fame of his grandfather Rullus; but all of them can be balanced by a single enemy, Hannibal. Nevertheless Fabius has been accounted a man of caution rather than of action. And while one may question whether he was the Delayer by nature, or because that was especially sui
Acro'tatus 2. The grandson of the preceding, and the son of Areus I. king of Sparta. He had unlawful intercourse with Chelidonis, the young wife of Cleonymus, who was the uncle of his father Areus; and it was this, together with the disappointment of not obtaining the throne, which led Cleonymus to invite Pyrrhus to Sparta, B. C. 272. Areus was then absent in Crete, and the safety of Sparta was mainly owing to the valour of Acrotatts. He succeeded his father in B. C. 265, but was killed in the same year in battle against Aristodemus, the tyrant of Megalopolis. Pausanias, in speaking of his death, calls him the son of Cleonymus. but he has mistaken him for his grandfather, spoken of above. (Plut. Pyrrh. 26-28; Agis, 3; Paus. 3.6.3, 8.27.8, 30.3.) Areus and Acrotatus are accused by Phylarchus (apud Athen. iv. p. 142b.) of having corrupted the simplicity of Spartan manners.
Censori'nus *khnswri=nos, the name of a plebeian family of the Marcia gens. The name of this family was originally Rutilus, and the first member of it who acquired the name of Censorinus, was C. Marcius Rutilus [No. 1, below], who is said in the Capitoline Fasti to have received this surname in his second censorship, B. C. 265. Niebuhr, however, remarks (Hist. of Rome, iii. p. 556), that this statement is doubtful, as he might have derived it from the circumstance of his father having first gained for the plebs a share in this dignity.
rce. (Liv. 1.49; Dionys. A. R. 4.45 ; Festus, p. 130, ed. Müller.) In B. C. 458 the Roman citizenship was given to L. Mamilius on account of his marching unsummoned two years before to the assistance of the city when it was at tacked by Herdonius. (Liv. 3.18, 29.) But although the Mamilii had obtained the Roman franchise, it was some time before any of the members of the house obtained any of the higher offices of the state: the first who received the consulship was L. Mamilius Vitulus, in B. C. 265, the year before the commencement of the first Punic war. The gens was divided into three families, LISIETANUS, TURRINUS, and VITULUS, of which the two latter were the most ancient and the most important. Limetanus, however, is the only surname which occurs on coins. The mythical origin of the Mamilia gens, which has been mentioned above, is evidently referred to in the annexed coin. The obverse represents the head of Mercury or Hermes, who was the ancestor of Ulysses, and the reverse Ul
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ma'ximus, Fa'bius 3. Q. FABIUS (Q. F. Q. N. MAXIMUS ?). From the date alone of the only recorded fact of his life (V. Max. 6.6.5), it is probable that he was a son of the preceding, and father of Fabius the Great Dictator in the second Punic war. Fabius was aedile in B. C. 265, and, for an assault on its ambassadors, was sent in custody of a quaestor to Apollonia in Epeirus to be dealt with at pleasure. The Apolloniates, however, dismissed him unpunished. (Liv. Epit. xv.; Dio Cass. Fr. 43 ; Zonar. 8.8.)
ctory for the Romans. The last statement is certainly false, and it appears that Pyrrhus was superior in the contest, though the victory was not a very decisive one. (Zonar. 8.5; Plut. Pyrrh. 21; Eutrop. 2.13; Oros. 4.1; Flor. 1.18.9; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. iii. pp. 502-505.) At a later time Decius, according to the account in Aurelius Victor (de Vir. Ill. 36), was sent against Volsinii, where the manumitted slaves had acquired the supreme power, and were treating their former masters with severity. He killed a great number of them, and reduced the others to slavery again. Other accounts, however, ascribe the expedition against the slaves of Volsinii to Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges, in his third consulship, B. C. 265 (Flor. 1.21; Zonar. 8.7); but as Zonaras states that Fabius died of a wound during the siege of the town, it has been conjectured by Freinsheim that Decius may have commanded the army after the death of the consul, and may thus have obtained the credit of the victory.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Vi'tulus, Mami'lius 1. L. Mamilius Vitulus, Q. F. M. N., consul B. C. 265 with Q. Fabius Maximus Gurges, the year before the breaking out of the first Punic war. (Zonar. 8.7.)