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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 7 7 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 2 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 41-50 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Demosthenes, Speeches 51-61 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Demosthenes, Against Timotheus, section 3 (search)
But for all that, men of the jury, my father did not count the holding of large sums of money as important a matter as to supply Timotheus with what he needed in the time of his distress. No, my father thought, men of the jury, that, if Timotheus then got safely out of those dangers and returned home from the service of the king,After being deposed from his command of the Athenian fleet in 373 B.C., Timotheus entered the service of the king of Persia. when the defendant was in better circumstances than at the time, he would not only recover his money, but would be in a position to obtain whatever else he might wish from Timotheus.
Demosthenes, Against Neaera, section 33 (search)
r without decency or restraint, taking her everywhere with him to dinners where there was drinking and making her a partner in his revels; and he had intercourse with her openly whenever and wherever he wished, making his privilege a display to the onlookers. He took her to many houses to gay parties and among them to that of Chabrias of Aexonê, when, in the archonship of Socratidas,That is, in 373 B.C. he was victor at the Pythian gamesThe Pythian games were celebrated at Delphi (Pytho) every four years. with the four-horse chariot which he had bought from the sons of Mitys, the Argive, and returning from Delphi he gave a feast at Colias,The temple of Athena Colias was situated on a point on the Bay of Phalerum. to celebrate his victory, and in that place many had
Isaeus, Philoctemon, section 27 (search)
It was after this, then, that Philoctemon died by the enemy's hands while commanding a trireme off Chios.Probably about 376 B.C. Some time later Euctemon informed his sons-in-law that he wished to make a written record of his arrangement with his son and place it in safe place. Phanostratus was on the point of setting out with TimotheusThis expedition under Timotheus probably took place in 375 or 373 B.C. in command of a trireme, and his ship lying at anchor at Munychia,A small harbor on the east of the Peiraic peninsula in which part of the Athenian navy was docked. and his brother-in-law Chaereas was there bidding him farewell. Euctemon, taking certain persons with him, came to where the ship was anchored, and having drawn up a document detailing the conditions under which he introduced the child, deposited it in the presence of those men with his relative Pythodorus of Cephisia.
Isocrates, Plataicus (ed. George Norlin), section 26 (search)
But one thing the Thebans will not be able to say—that they remain loyal to their associates, though there is reason to fear that we, having recovered our country, will desert to the Lacedaemonians; for you will find, Athenians, that we have twice been besiegedBy the Thebans in 427 (Thucydides iii. 52) and again in 373 B.C. and forced to surrender because of our friendship for you, while the Thebans often have wronged this
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Achaia, chapter 25 (search)
lon and his supporters had seized the Acropolis. So the slayers themselves and also their descendants were regarded as accursed to the goddess. The Lacedaemonians too put to death men who had taken refuge in the sanctuary of Poseidon at Taenarum. Presently their city was shaken by an earthquake so continuous and violent that no house in Lacedaemon could resist it. The destruction of Helice occurred while Asteius was still archon at Athens, in the fourth year of the hundred and first Olympiad373 B.C., whereat Damon of Thurii was victorious for the first time. As none of the people of Helice were left alive, the land is occupied by the people of Aegium. After Helice you will turn from the sea to the right and you will come to the town of Ceryneia. It is built on a mountain above the high road, and its name was given to it either by a native potentate or by the river Cerynites, which, flowing from Arcadia and Mount Ceryneia, passes through this part of Achaia. To this part came as settler
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Boeotia, chapter 1 (search)
ithin the city the Thebans came to terms, allowing them to depart before sundown, the men with one garment each, the women with two. What happened to the Plataeans on this occasion was the reverse of what happened to them formerly when they were taken by the Lacedaemonians under Archidamus. For the Lacedaemonians reduced them by preventing them from getting out of the city, building a double line of circumvallation; the Thebans on this occasion by preventing them from getting within their walls. The second capture of Plataea occurred two years before the battle of Leuctra,373 B.C when Asteius was Archon at Athens. The Thebans destroyed all the city except the sanctuaries, but the method of its capture saved the lives of all the Plataeans alike, and on their expulsion they were again received by the Athenians. When Philip after his victory at Chaeroneia introduced a garrison into Thebes, one of the means he employed to bring the Thebans low was to restore the Plataeans to their homes.
Plato, Letters, Letter 7 (search)
the matter many times over. And what was his policy and his aim I will tell you, and that, as I may say, not from mere conjecture but from certain knowledge. For when I originally arrived at Syracuse, being about forty years old, Dion was of the age which Hipparinus has now reached,Dion was about twenty in 388-387 B.C., the date of Plato's first visit to Syracuse; so if this letter was written in 353 B.C. the birth of Hipparinus (probably Dion's son, not his nephew) should be put at about 373 B.C. cf. Plat. L. 8. Prefatory Note and Plat. L. 8.355e. and the views which he had then come to hold he continued to hold unchanged; for he believed that the Syracusans ought to be free and dwell under the best laws. Consequently, it is no matter of surprise if some Deity has made Hipparinus also come to share his views about government and be of the same mind. Now the manner in which these views originated is a story well worth hearing for young and old alike, and I shall endeavor to na
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 6, chapter 2 (search)
ommander of them. But he was unable to man his ships at Athens, and373 B.C. therefore set sail for the islands and endeavoured to complete hiserting none the less, at last he even tried to drive them back with373 B.C. the scourge. Those in the city, however, would not admit the slavestones threw spears and javelins upon the Lacedaemonians; meanwhile373 B.C. others sallied out by the other gates and in mass formation attackanning ships. Then Hypermenes, who chanced to be vice-admiral under373 B.C. Mnasippus, manned fully the entire fleet which he had there, and aeat penalty in that they came off worse in all these points, and in373 B.C. the fact that they had to put to sea again at the same time as theaconia. Then, after reaching Elis and sailing past the mouth of the373 B.C. Alpheus, he anchored beneath the promontory called Ichthys. From tve his orders to twenty of the captains, whose duty it should be to373 B.C. follow him when the herald gave the word; and in case anyone faile
ranged in regular succession on its coast, it formerly had the name of ÆgialosFrom the Greek word ai)gialo\s, "the sea-shore.". The first place there is Lecheæ, already mentioned, a port of the Corinthians; next to which is OlyrosSituate on the coast, about five miles from the present Vostitza., a fortress of the people of PelleneIn the interior. The modern Trikala stands on its site.; then the former towns of Helice and BuraHelice was the place of meeting of the Achæan league; when, in B.C. 373, together with Bura, it was swallowed up by an earthquake, and their sites were covered by the sea. Such of the people as escaped fled to the places mentioned above by Pliny. Pouqueville says that some remains of these places may still be seen emerging from the sea., and the places in which their inhabitants took refuge after their towns had been swallowed up by the sea, SicyonThe modern Basilico or Vasilika stands on its site. namely, ÆgiraThe places called Paleo-Kastro and Vostitza are supp
A'coris (*)/Akoris), king of Egypt, entered into alliance with Evagoras, king of Cyprus, against their common enemy Artaxerxes, king of Persia, about B. C. 385, and assisted Evagoras with ships and money. On the conclusion of the war with Evagoras, B. C. 376, the Persians directed their forces against Egypt. Acoris collected a large army to oppose them, and engaged many Greek mercenaries, of whom he appointed Chabrias general. Chabrias, however, was recalled by the Athenians on the complaint of Pharnabazus, who was appointed by Artaxerxes to conduct the war. When the Persian army entered Egypt, which was not till B. C. 373, Acoris was already dead. (Diod. 15.2-4, 8, 9, 29, 41, 42; Theopom. apud Phot. cod. 176.) Syncellus (p. 76a. p. 257a.) assigns thirteen years to his reig
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